14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 2, 1979 LAWRENCE Allan x PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Your National Voice Printed under the authority of the Official Agent lor Allan Lawrence, Campaign Headquarters. 105 Walton Street. Port Hope, Ontario MARIPOSA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL R.R. 2 - OAKWOOD - ONTARIO announces KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Thursday, May 3 - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, May 7 - 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, May 11 - 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon Telephone 705-953-9740 for appointment. Proof of age required. Children must be 5 years of age by December 31, 1979. Ivan C. Goodhand, Principal % Clump Birch &, EVERGREENS - SHADE TREES ? SHRUBS- FRUIT TREES FRUIT BUSHES PEAT MOSS - FERTILIZERS - ETC. FREE ESTIMATES ON LANDSCAPING ANALDA GARDEN CENTRE 5 Miles East of Port Perry - 986-4771 Hwy. 7A at West v4 Line when calling please lel phone ring continously. since we are offen in the field and canno! reach The phone within a few rings 1978 Omni Lift Back 5 door, premier interior, two- tone paint. A real gas miser. v p.s., p.b., radio, 9000 miles, balance of new car warranty, as new. NHK140. 1978 Dodge Diplomat Coupe 2 door, black with silver vinyl @ \ roof, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., 8 \ radio, sharp car, 12,000 miles. ew NSP599. ==" 1978 Aspen Custom 4 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, p.s., p.b., air conditioning, 18,000 tanks, 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl., automatic, p.s., p.b., AM/FM, vinyl roof, perfect lady's car. LTV824. CHRYSLER LEASING 1977 Volare Custom 2 door, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, vinyl roof, good runner. KOK469. KZA096. 1978 Aspen Custom Coupe 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 1975 Pinto Stationwagon 4 speed, 28,000 miles. Can't be duplicated. HPK773. 1975 Dodge D100 Pickup 6 cylinder, stick, lots of good miles left in this unit. T61567. 1977 Mastercoach House Trailer 35" x 8', two 30 gal. propane furnace, stove, sway bar, trailer hitch, furnished, excellent clean cond- pa ia compact car. ition. $9,900. 1977 Dodge Monaco 1975 Trojan Tri-Cabin 36 Cruiser - twin Chrysler, 280 h.p., power winch, low hours, immaculate condition. Asking $62,000. DEANWATSON AUTO SALESLTD by Vera Brown Church service on Sunday, May 6th will be in Epsom Church at 11:30 a.m. Sunday school at Utica at 10:00 a.m. The U.C.W. will meet in Utica Church on Tuesday, May 8th at 8 p.m. Group | will be in charge. At the annual Hall Board meeting held Sunday, the same members were voted back into office. There were 21 and one half tables of euchre played in the Hall on Friday evening, prizes going to the following lucky people: Ladies - Caralyn Parish, Doris Hill and Marion Ewen; Men - Bill Goslin, Myrtle Alsop and Everett Watson. Freeze-out winners were Rita and Art Parratt coming in first with Harold McDiarmid and Vivian Carl getting 2nd. There will be another euchre Ashburn news by Mrs. E. Heron In the absence of the president, Mr. Ken Brown of Ashburn chaired the meeting for the Brooklin Horticulture meeting last Wednesday night. The usual "fun with Flora" was enjoyed by all and Mr. Ray Halward from the Royal Botanical Gardens showed beautiful slides of shrubs and flowers suitable for the area. It was also the daffodil show and there were also some beautiful house plants and floral arrangements. The next meeting will feature "Growing, Drying and use of herbs" with Mrs. refrigerator, in two weeks. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre and family were Eric's mother Mrs. John Carre and his aunt Mrs. W.B. Blair of Van- couver on Tuesday and Mr. Bob Hinchcliffe on Sunday. The Carre's were in Bridge- north on Saturday. Visitors with Mrs. Mildred Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sloan of Spencer- ville and Mrs. Phyllis Clarke for Tuesday supper, Mrs. Jim Miller, Mrs. Audrey Hill, Mrs. Betty Kirton and Mrs. Susan Park of Mount Albert were Wednesday visi- tors and they all went to Oshawa shopping. Friday supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan of Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sut- cliffe and Donald of Janet- ville were Sunday visitors D. Ritcher on May 23rd. Several people from Ashburn enjoyed a delicious home cooked luncheon at Myrtle Church last Thursd- day. vo We are glad Mrs. William Davis has returned home safely from her vacation to London. She also visited several beautiful places in the southern part of Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynde who have recently returned from their winter home at Ocala Florida and with their two grandchildren Dawn and Heath Russell spent one day last week with Mrs. Evelyn Lynde. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley. They have a baby daughter, a sister for Saun and Chris and a granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas! Ashton and Ronald were guests last Sunday with Mrs. D. Prudy of Mono Centre. Mr. and Mrs. E Heron spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. McAndless of Don Mills when they also attended St. Church. The Jr. Choir there presented the contata "It's cool in the furnace", the Andrews . with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe. Mrs. Sharon Morton and Corrie of Ajax were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur and boys. Mrs. Jessie Holley and Mrs. Ron Jackson and child- ren from Markdale were weekend guests with Mrs. Bessie MacCannell. ~ D. THAPA DENTURE THERAPIST 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe SLS., R Uxbridge 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 B 214 Dundas St.E., Whitby 668-7797 News from Utica and area Congratulations to Miss Margaret Hofstee who was chosen Queen of the At Home Dance held at the High School on Friday evening. A retirement party was held at Utica Hall on Satur- day evening to honour" Bill Goslin for his many years with the Highways Depart- ment. 3 - it Church -- THE UNITED CHURCHOF CHURCH OF ASCENSION CANADA PORT PERRY CHARGE eR. Brawn, Minister -- SUNDAY, MAY 6 10 a.m. Anniversary & Church School 7:30 p.m. Mr. Lloyd Wilson of Uxbridge PRINCE ALBERT 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship & Church School SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. C.E. Clarke Rev. E. Linstead 9:45 a.m. Scugog 11:15 a.m. Manchester od Honas vest PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Harold Hooper Pastor 985-8335 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Hour of Praise Tues. 9:45 a.m. Ladies Coffee Hour Listen to the Sunderland Baptist Hour every Sunday morning over radio station CKLY 910 on your dial 8:10 story of Shadrach, Meshach a.m.t09:05a.m. and Abednego. It was very enjoyable. The ladies bible class enjoyed a visit to Fairview Lodge Whitby last Monday evening. The Burns Jr. and Mens Choir assisted with the program. Take time to help and enjoy friends, it's a source of happiness. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH / Rev. R. Batten = Rev. I MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service Help and Transportation We care about You 110 Lilla South - 985-2420 ANGLICAN Rev. R.C. Rose, Minister Hon. Asst. Rev. A. Woolcock SUNDAY, APRIL 29 Easter 111 11:15 a.m. Holy Communion and Church School ST. JOHNS, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, MAY 6 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA . Rev. Stuart McEntyre ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY SUNDAY, MAY 6 9:00 a.m. Church School 9:55 a.m. Morning Worship BURNS CHURCH ASHBURN SUNDAY, MAY 6 10 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship Hear Amazing Grace Sundays -9:15a.m. CKAR Oshawa, Dial 1350 HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY Divine Redemption is our only hope Services in the Presbyterian Church Rev. J. Geuzebroek Everyone Welcome CONTINUOUS FORMS Blank & Printed PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Call: (The Latest Model Typewriters from Ee TR, 3 3 OLYMPIA RENT We have an excellent Rental Program Weekly * Monthly e Quarterly Rates Also ask for our Rent-To-Purchase terms ¥ B. Jones Business Machines ~ HWY. 47 SOUTH OF UXBRIDGE - PHONE 852-3313 RULES Lo 17 Water Street - Port Perry - Phone 985-2518 . ) 9 : Ww "3 Ww LH \] = X LY