Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Apr 1979, p. 31

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RE [RS ETT JAS ica bmstaiscd Va \ ! ' os Sh ns ~-n. 3 x i. 9 : PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 25, 1979 -- 31 ig Classified Ads | w i i ¢ ¢ = ! : eo Ww ed | wor wered_|| J JECTION CICS | AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS and | SPRING CLEANING? Wonder- " = 3 light welding, 24 hours a day. ing about your rugs? Will steam : : 705-357-3234 AZS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of mowers, tillers and outboards. Call Bassetts-Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ont." 705-357- 3526 T.F. clean, very reasonable rates. For information call 985-2087. A25 LAWN_ SERVICES, .industrial, commercial and private. Amaunt cut per hour 22 acres, no hand trimming required. Call' 263-8031. T.F. GRAIN Cleaning & Treating MASTER FEEDS Port Perry 985-2131 SPRING CLEANING For New & Used Cars 985-3311 CHIMNEY SWEEP KLEAN SWEEP" _ FRANK'S CHIMNEY SERVICE Cleaning & Repairs 985-3111 Miscellaneous "T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.'s and Hi-Fi's. We carry: factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET TV UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 Management Phone 576-3430 DUNWOODY & ASSOCIATES LTD. 57 Simcoe St. Oshawa, L1H 7L9. Consultants S., Suite 1A, P.O. Box 516 OSHAWA 2nd ANNUAL AUCTION CAR SHOW FLEAMARKET Buying or selling an antique, classic, convertible, Corvette, sports or graffiti cars. Don't miss it!!. May 11, 12and 13, T.O. Auto Auction, 401 at Courtice. For information, consigment or space 725-6011. M9 BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, APRIL 28 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Large sale of furniture, Including 80 chairs and sets and single, 120 lots of glassware, 115 lots of coins. Plan to attend this choice sale. Terms cash. Earl Davis Auctioneer - 728-4455. SATURDAY, APRIL 28th SALE TIME: 10A.M. Warehouse clearance of LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER, old home on 235 Water St., Port Perry. Assorted lumber, plywood, metal roofing, cement blocks, house bricks, aluminum siding, wall panelling, ceiling tile, windows, patio doors, floor tiles, vanities, counter tops, store shelving, office desks and chairs, cupboards, light fixtures, parlour stoves, intercom system, barbecue, paint and many more items that must be cleared out. John Pearce Auction Service 985-7492. No Resefve. A25 SATURDAY, APRIL 28 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE -- LINDSAY On little Britain road just south of hwy. 7 estate of late AGNES BROWN, Cameron. Good furni- ture, appliances, some antiques, Royal York cook stove, square dining table and leaves, 5 chicken coop chairs, old cabinet radio, studio couch, Frigidaire refrigerator, -Frigidaire green apt.. size, automatic electric range, exceptional oak high boy chest with mirror, good oak dresser, chests, box top sewing machine, beds, cedar chest, mirrors, floor lamps, exception- al chesterfield, wing chdir and foot stool (newly re bullt), wooden coffee and end tables, smokers stand, console TV, 2 pr. beige drapes, wringer washer, Electrolux polisher, carpet Auctioneers MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER Furniture - Antiques Livestock - Machinery Real Estate | _PORT PERRY 985-2459 RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types PHONE PORT PERRY 985-2643 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER Real Estate, my Estates Appraisals & Liquidations CONSIGNMENTS AT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Estate of the LATE MURRAY MCLAREN, lot 8, con. 9 on Scugog Island. Content of house and farm buildings. Turnip cutter, 30' hay elevator, manure spreader, roto tiller, lawn mower, wheel barrow, scuffler, i buggy wrenches, row boat and oars, traps, neck yokes, Moffat range, hall bench, 9 pc. dining room suite, mantle clocks, 3 pc. bedroom suite, flat back cup- board, washstand, 10' x 8' grey carpet, b & w tv, lamps, drapes, 400 day clock, rocking chairs, plus many more items including garage and farm tools. No reserve. John Pearce Auction Service. SATURDAY, APRIL 28th SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of household furni- ture, tools etc. for MR. ALFRED WESTWOOD, 87 Pond St., Ux- bridge. Mr. Westwood's health has forced him to give up his home - all contents must be sold. | Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auction, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, APRIL 27th MORLEY BYRNELL. SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain . or 7 miles west of Lindsay on Lindsay/Little Britain road. Pine chest of drawers, oak , buffet, pine cradle, wicker chairs, hall table, Hoover i kitchen cabinet, oak book case, colour T.V., antique dressers, parlour tables, organ stool, chesterfield and chairs, pine blanket box, cement mixer, lawn mowers, quantity of wooden chairs, coal oil lamps, qu. of crocks, quantity of china and glass, 14' aluminum boat, trailer, 12 h.p. Elto motor, 1973 Datsun, auto (certified), plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. per, wash stand, trunk, magazine rack, parlour table, pair pressback chairs, antique dresser, lawn furniture, blue rug, Maytag spin washer, 18 cu. ft. freezer, like new; blue sofa and love seat, desk bookcase, pictures, sealers, dishes, cooking utensils, some tools also excell- ent ¢ pc. dining room suite. No reserve. Orval McLean Auction- eer, 324-2791 days, 324-2783 nights. SATURDAY, APRIL 28th SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain and- furniture, the property of the late Lot 17 con. 5 Fenelon Twp. approx. 1 mile N.E. of Cameron on Hwy. 35, 1 mile west and 2 miles north. 20 hereford cows fresh calves by side (up to 2 mos. old), 11 here- ford cows due around sale time, 8 yearling heifers, P.B. hereford bull. Note: This herd is brucel- losis free. 5 sows re-bred. 1 hog, 27 weaned pigs, 3 chunks, approx. 1800 bales of hay, apprex. 300 bu. of mixed grain. 1968 Parisienne Pontiac car (sold as is), Allis Chalmers gas tractor D-15 with loader and snow bucket (good condition). M.H. colt tractor. M.F. manure spreader P.T.0., M.F. baler, on rubber, M.F. cultivator, M.F. grain and fertilizer seed drill on rubber 15 disc. Bale buncher, fork and stooker, elevator, M.H. binder 7 ft. seed drill (10 hoe), 2 and 3 furrow plows, rubber tired wagon and rack, qu. of other machinery, antique pump organ (Thomas) ornate mirror top, organ stool, flat back kitchen cupboard, spool type couch, coal oil lamps, antique McClary cast iron cook stove, butter bowl print and ladle, box stove, wooden churn, wooden washing machine, crocks, lanterns, other articles too numerous to mention. Sale called to settle the estate. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 11 a.m. furniture sells first. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. (op New Idea , mower, M.F. side delivery rake | SATURDAY, APRIL 28 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The property of the late CHARLES W. WAYE, lot 9 con. 6, Clarke Twp. Regional Town of. Newcastle, 2 mile south of Kendal or 5 miles north of Newtonville on Kendal-Newton-, ville road. Massey Fergusson 35 gas tractor, M.F. baler ¥9, M.F. 7 ft. mower 3pt.; AC hay condi- tioner, George White 6 ton wagon 16 ft. rack like new, Int. plow 3 furrow, trip beam 3pt.; 8 ft. fertilizer spreader, (nt. seed drill; M.F. disc 8 ft. 3 pt.; McKee cultivator 21 tooth 3pt. like new; bale buncher, snow bucket; load- ing chute; 200 gal gas tank; single scufffler, chain harrows, fencing supplies, 100 new steel posts, lumber, fence stretchers; submergible pumps; Jamesway hog feeders, pile of wood, 150 cedar posts, 2 portable electric heaters, 2 sofas, 3 occasional chairs, Cherrywood end tables, Finlay refrigerator, Brentwood stove, floor polisher, desk, cutlery, 2 registered Hereford cows with calves by side, 5 reg. Hereford cows due sale time, 3 reg. Hereford heifers open, 6 black/white face yearling steers, 4 black/white face yearl- ing heifers, cows bred to unit bull Lovaaa Defiance 170. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Imple- ments property of Stirling Swerdfiger, Arnot Wotten, Auctioneer, Hampton, Ont. 263-2583 A28 SATURDAY, APRIL 28th SALE TIME: 11 P.M. 89? ABERDEEN ANGUS AND HEREFORD CROSS CATTLE The property of HARVEY MALCOLM, lot 1 & 2, con. 7, Manvers Twp. 3 miles west of North Junction of Hwys. 35 and 7A (Port Perry) to 4 corners of Yelverton and 12 miles south on Angle Road. MACHINERY John Deere 530 tractor - power steering, 3 pt.; John Deere 14T baler; John Deere 7 ft. power mower 3 pt.; John Deere 3 pt. cultivator; 1966 GMC truck - 192 cc motor; John Deere cultivator - pull type ° hydraulic cylinder lift; John Deere 3 furrow 11-12 plough 3 pt.; John Deere 3 furrow plough - pull type - power lift; 40' hay and grain elevator; 16' grain auger; Int. manure spreader - ground drive; M.F. manure spreader for parts; 3 drum land .roller; snow blower 3 pt.; Int. 13 disc seed drill; 5 H.P. lawn mower; John Deere side rake 3 pt.; 2 Case tillers 5° - one steel, one on rubber; 2 Int. double discs.; wagon; 2 wheeled trailer: antique hay tedder; antique rac- ing cutter - excellent condition; 20 sections of drag harrows with eveners; 2 sets chain harrows; Syrup evaporator pan; sap pails; spiles; hand press drill; taps and dies; Burdizos; large quantity of scrap iron; car batteries; antique farm tools; wood drills; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES - DelLaval 16 cu.' freezer excellent condition, McClary gold coloured washing machine (good), chesterfield, coffee tables, odd tables, antique dishes, desk and matching chair, oil lamps, knick knacks, pint and quart jars, pots and pans, pole lamps, dishes, rugs, blankets, cushions, ashtray stand, antique bottles, medicine chest - old, antique calenders, antique white porcelain bathtub, stool and sink games, skates, hundreds of antique books, tree lights, foot stools, antique wooden filing cabinet, wall mirrors, floor coverings, Aladdin lamp - gas, antique phonograph, 2 antique radio speakers, antique wool spinning equipment, Green sink, many other items. SHEEP - 40 Ewes and 2 Rams - Purebred - not reg., big strong commer- cial Suffolk Ewes - 5 sets of triplets last year. Ewes due time of sale. CATTLE - Brucellosis tested prior to sale - 39 Aberdeen Angus cows - some with calves by side, all due around sale time, 4 Aberdeen Angus & Hereford crossbred cows, cows pasture bred after July 1, 1978 to Pure- bred Polled Hereford perfor- mance tested bull from Cross Creeks Farm. 38 Hereford & Poll Angus Stockers, 1 yr. old - half steers and half heifers suitable for breeding - excellent condi- tion. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 11:00 a.m. Machinery sale at 12 noon. Livestock sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 A25 . Leaskdale. SATURDAY, APRIL 28 SALE TIME 10 A.M. FARM BY AUCTION MACHINERY -- ANTIQUES Auction sale for the estate of the late WM. GRAY, R.R. 2, Ux- bridge, lot 23, con. 5, Uxbridge (former Scott). Farm on con. 6 - 1 mi. west and 1 mi. north of 100 acre farm, river crosses back of property. Frame house - 2 storey, 4 bedrooms upstairs, house in original condi- tion, exterior wood shingles - woodwork with original finish - no hydro, bank barn, driving shed. Farm must to be sold to settle estate. Terms $5,000 down in certified cheque or cash day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 30 days. Allan Gray - adminis- trator. Property will be open for inspection on Saturday, April 2) from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Property will be sold at 11 a.m. Also selling A-C B tractor, Int. 2 furrow plow, Dion threshing machine, M-H seed drill, potato digger, M-H binder, steel wheel wagon, single plow, old harness, scales, scufflers, buzz saw frame, Ramble car (as is), pine chest of drawers, chairs, num- erous other articles. Contents sell at 10 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lidyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. A25 SATURDAY, MAY 5th SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. FARM MACHINERY The property of ROBERT DARRACK, lot 12, con. 4 Emily Twp., 2 miles east of Omemee on Hwy. 7 fo Emily Park Road and Y2 mile north. M.F. 65 diesel tractor power steering, multi- power with M.F. manure loader, gravel bucket, snow bucket, tractor chains, belt pulley. George White drag cultivator. 2 drum land roller; Allied bale forks; Allied bale stooker; Cockshutt side rake; Kewanee 32° hay-grain elevator with electric motor - on wheels; New Holland manure spreader P.T.O. McCormick seed drill; Cockshutt 550 gas tractor - 3 pt. - power steering - hydraulic system for remote cylinder; M.F. disc 3 pt.; M.F. 4 furrow trip beam plough - 3 pt.; M.F. #12 baler PTO; M.F. 7' power mower 3 pt.; 2 hay wagons with platforms; 3 pt. hitch cultivator; 4 sections harrows; New Holland hay conditioner; Snow blower 3 pt.; 3 pt. hitch blade; 500 gal. water tank on wheels; Allied hay elevator with motor; manual hay stooker; 12' grain auger; assort- ment of tools and small items; forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Approx. 400 bales of green oats. Viking automatic electric clothes dryer; Wingham Clipper cook stove; other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. M2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. SPRING STOCKER SALE Peterborough County Cattle- men's Association Spring Stocker sale at Lindsay Community Sales Barn, R.R. #2, Lindsay, Ontario. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots. Singles accepted but will be sold at the end of their category. Brucellosis tested Beef breeding cows will be accepted in this sale. Must be pregnacy checked or have small calf by side. This is always a large, top quality sale of Farmers cattle. For copsign- ments contact Ferg. Condon, R.R. #4, Lakefield, Ont. 705-652-7615. Cart Hickson, Proprietor and Auctioneer, 705-324-2774 or 705-324-9959. Al8 FRIDAY, MAY 4th SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, real estate etc. the property of the late MR. AND MRS. MAC COUPERTHWAITE will be held in the village of Cannington (Cameron Street West). Moffat double door réfrig {good}, Simplicity washing machine (good), G.E. dryer, chrome set, leatherette space saver couch, qu. of dishes, some antique, coal oil lamp, antique rocking chair, leatherette lazy boy chair, chesterfield, swivel rocker (good), walnut antique what-not, parlour table (glass ball feet), antique dining room table, 6 press back chairs, antique china cabinet, 5 antique chairs, antique gas lamp with coloured shade, antique oak china cabinet and writing desk combined {curved glass in door), excellent condition, green swivel rocker (nearly new), electric heater, record player, gas lantern, antique lamp (bottom of a Gone-with-the-wind lamp), antique writing desk, gun cabinet, violin and case, antique treadle sewing machine, Singer portable electric machine, oval picture frame, 3 pc. modern bedroom suite, G.E. portable TV, cabinet TV, antique dresser, steel bed, antique dresser set, cedar chest, pine cupboard, wooden smokers stand, antique trolling reel (wooden allcock), qu. of tools, saws, wrenches, large blacksmith anvil (good), deer head, deer horns (hat Pack) many other articles, also offered for sale a 6 room frame house, (2 storey), 3 pc. bath upstairs, toilet downstairs, good home for a retired couple, sold subject to a low reserve bid to settle estate. 10% day of sale balance in thirty days. Terms on furniture cash or good cheque. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357%3270. M2 miscellaneous items. TERMS: Cash Durham Regional Police Force POLICE A Durham Regiona 77 Centre Street North, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1979 Sale Starts at 10:00 a.m. - By Public Auction Whereas no claims have been made by the own- er of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Police Force, by reason of having been stolen from its owner, or by reason of having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for auction are as follows: Bicycles and Sale to be held on the ramp on the south side of the Durham Regional Police Headquarters. UCTION Police Force shawa, Ontario John M. Jenkins, Chief of Police a rr Rey EL iy al - 15 XY J A = ? EPA ~I\ SY ) v SET ere iW Er Leer LAR Cn OR

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