RD PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 25, 1979 -- 9 J) Come in now and take your pick of this great assortment of Spring & Summer Clothing and Furnishings. 15% + 0% orr SUITS (Reg. $150. to $330.) now $75. to $264. SPORT COATS (Reg. $79.95 to $230.) Now $63.96 to $184. SLACKS (Reg. $30. to $49.50) now $24.10 $39.60 DRESS SHIRTS Balance of Long Sleeve Inventory 2 for 1 Plus $1.00 Other Items in Store, SPORT SHIRTS (Reg. $16. to $26.) Greatly Reduced now $13.60 to $22.10 for Clearance. TIES... Y2 PRICE SALE ENDS MAY 12th, 1979 SWEATERS . 1 PRICE ALTERATIONS EXTRA Gregory s Men sear Std. LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY - 985-8160 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TO 9:00 P.M.