') Nes TC DEAN NX a ZS Bel 29 TTR EE No SI a, ¥ Ar 2 ASA 1 4 Ba o Bude bh di Nad . hy b) ' AY wu Yael Ne fie 4, aa Ne 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 11, 1979 "2 TREE } WARS N, , 4 Lon pEartiaerini ta dais di ba NN bdniveidis da "w vy Bod AR ' " LARY 4 HANAN IR fo ns A he Rl Fedo bully Ao Rg yrinl WENT CRE RIS SIRE FS 8 FURIE FRAN SVIVY ANSE LS TAN SATURDAY, APRIL 21 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. LIVESTOCK & IMPLEMENTS The property of MURRAY BELL lot 14, con. 3, Darlington Twp., in the Regional Town of Newcastle on road 57, 1 mile north of Bowmanville. 1974 Case 2470 diesel tractor 1200 hr. with 4 wheel drive (duals) air condi- tioning, remote control, 3 pt. hitch and Artsway loader 9. 40) Elberharat silo presse like new, 1972 Allis Chalmers gas tractor 180, 1971 AC tractor 170 with ozeon loader, AC Gleaner Ell combine with 10° grain and 3 row 30" corn header, 1973 New Holland bale wagon self unload- ing No. 1010, 1973 N.H. manure spreader, 165 bush. 1971 J.D. plateless corn planter, 6 row; 1969 A.C. 3 furrow plough, A.C. seed drill 15, single disc on rubber, N.H. baler 668, 1970 A.C. haybine 904, 9 ft. c1** A.C. 6 ton wagon with or... pox, 165 bush. ; 1 Normé.. wagon 7 ton with rack, 5 ton Martin float with tandem axle, Krause 640 disc 12'2 ft. an rubber, Vicon side rake, 32 ft. Mayrath elevator, M.F. pony tractor with plough, cultivator and snow blade, Fordson Major tractor, Farm Hand mix mill, 2-1 ton grain feeders, 2 Shell oilers, Dole grain moisture tester, 1968 Chev. V2ton truck as is, A.C. 3 pt. hitch blade é ft. 2-8 ft. spring loaded snow blades, 300 Ib. hog scale with platform and rack, Calsa sprayer 200 gal. 22 ft. boom 20 Holstein stockers. Terms cash. Noreserve. Sale time 1:00 p.m. Arnot Wotten, Auctioneer 416-263-2583, Hampton, Ontario. Al8 DIRECTORY SEAGRAVE - ONTARIO Goodchild & Vanbeek AUTO BODY Complete Collision & Rust Repairs 416-985-3889 Auction Sales SATURDAY, APRIL 2) TIME: 12 NOON FARM MACHINERY FURNITURE & ANTIQUES CAR Auction sale at the Wilson Auction yard, 1%2 mi. north of Uxbridge on con. 7, then 2 mile east on Beaver Rd. to 1st farm. 1956 Monarch Lucrene V-8 4-dr. sedan. This car is in excellent condition inside & out. A-C D4 tractor (good), A-C 10' disc, A-C 3 furrow 14°' plow, A-C cultiva- tor, J & B sprayer - 3 pt. hitch, M-F Forage wagon - self unload- ing, Jamesway silo unloader - 12', N-H 67 baler (good), Allied automatic stooker with gas engine, 2 rubber tired wagons with racks, chain saw (addition- al machinery may be consigned to this sale). 9 pc. oak dining room suite (excellent condition), antique hanging lamp, cherry cabinet, book case, dough box, spinning wheel, corner cup- board, pine sideboard, mahog- any side board with bevelled mirror, chesterfield, numerous chairs, copper kettle, copper dipper, 4 trunks, Victorian table,: 2 dressers, antique dishes, picture frames, sewing machine, press back chair, TV, freezer, vacuum cleaner, lawn chairs, aluminum extension ladder, plus many many other articles and items. The property of MR. AND MRS. ROBB who have sold their home, plus added consignments. Sale at 12 noon. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. AB "GEE" Electric Motor Service REWINDING - SALES & REPAIRS ALL MOTORS AND PUMPS "Shirley Road - Port Perry - 985-8049 RON'S ROOFING & EAVESTROUGHING Asphalt & Steel Roofs Aluminum & Galvanized Eavestroughing Pole Barn Raising FREE ESTIMATES - PHONE 985-2824 Rick Larocque Electric Contractor Residential - Commercial - Farm R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 CUSTOM BUILT Additions or Renovations For Free Estimates Call J & D CARPENTRY Evenings: 985-8618 or 705-786-2040 HOMES Rec Rooms - Framing Days: 579-4191 SATURDAY, APRIL 21 SALE TIME: 12:30 p.m. ORVAL McLEANS AUCTION CENTRE Lindsay on the Little Britain road, just south of Hwy. 7. Furniture, antiques, 1949 Ford tractor, double plow, harrows, cultivator, trailer , estate of CORAM WHITE, Cannington plus financed re-possession, 3 steel office desks, filing cabinets, 10"* radial arm saw and stand, 9* table saw, Dewalt panel saw & frame, 6' sander and stand, Zenith 20" colour TV, console stereo, modern chesterfield and love seat, chrome table and four chairs (all like new), Ashley auto, wood heater, crib, oil space heater, 200 gal. oil tank, traps, stretchers, two Quebec heaters, cook stove, glass window sash, platform scales, copper boilers, dressers, vanity, chests, treadle sewing machine, wash stands, pine bureaus, tables, older bed- room suite, coffee and end tables, Gerard Heinzman piano and stool, press back chairs, antique cradle, crocks, white enamel cook stove, oak library table, five oak diningroom chairs, beds, continental beds, chesterfield lamps, dishes, cooking utensils, mahogany drop leaf table and 4 chairs, other items. No reserve. Note time. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights. Al18 SATURDAY, APRIL 2) SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of household furni- ture, some antiques, truck, boat, etc. the property of RAY BOUMANS (Gilson's Point Rd.). Ist road south of Sonya or approx. 2 mile north of Seagrave. turn east on paved Rd. (County Rd. 28( go 2 miles, turn south at school approx. 2miles (watch for signs). Antique dining room table, 5 press back chairs, press back rocker, Viking double door frig (brown), McClary electric 4 burner stove, chrome set, qu. of dishes, coffee and end tables, 2 pc. chesterfield suite, 2 recliner chairs (1 vibrator chair), antique dressing table, 2 antique wash stands, black -- white TV, chest of drawers, 3 pc. modern bed- room suite (new box spring and mattress), 5 pc. modern bedroom suite, 2 large table lamps (good), small cupboard counter top, Kenmore washer and dryer (white), frig, deep freeze 21 cu. ft, qu. of other furniture, Craftsman radial arm saw {good 10°") Dado for saw, cement mixer, scaffolding, rubber tired wheel barrow, construction propane heater, Olympic Skidoo, 1968 Chev V2 ton truck (as is), 16 ft. fibre glass boat with 35 h.p. gale motor. Many other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Owners are moving to Florida. Reg. and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. Al8 B. McDONNELL Newcastle (416) 987-5242 B & H CARPENTRY Custom Building & Trim H. PEETERS Oshawa (416) 576-0733 Nonquon Construction gn 710] CTOR HOURLY OR BY CONTRACT EXCAVATION 91 Country Furnishings PRICE PATRICIA ANTIQUES R.R. 4, Port Perry, Ontario (416) 985-7644 Hours: Monday & Tuesday - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Other Days by chance or appointment. : Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture by Howard Pain $49.95 Folk Art RELIABLE Plumbing & Heating Ltd. New Installations - Repairs Alterations - Power Drain Cleaning BERT FABER PHONE 985-3734 "Service is Our Business!" St Clair the paint & paper people. Midtown Mall 200 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario 576-2431 1150 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario 576-997 SATURDAY, APRIL 14 SALE TIME: 10:30 SHARP Auction sale of antique furniture, china glassware, and miscellan- eous articles, the property of JOHN CAVANAGH, 1 mile east of the stop lights on hwy. 12 and 48 (south of Beaverton) on the townline. Walnut marble top serving table, antique writing desk, arm chair with dog heads on arms and claw fee, Morris chair with lion heads and claw * feet, cylinder type gramaphone, Edison, with round records (good), 2 cabinet model gramaphones, one is extra good with the thick records, (Edison), antique butternut side board with ornate top (good), oak table and hutch, captain chair, several antique rocking chairs, antique walnut corner what-not (good), antique couch (makes into a bed, green upholstering, good), slip- per chair, brass bed (double), satin ribbon pattern (good), chest of drawers (antique), organ stools (2), book case, 4 antique wooden telephones (good), antique wooden invalid wheel chair, flat back cupboard, coal oil lamps, (2 with wall brackets, 2 with iron hanging frames), sewing machine, 4 poster pineapple bed, platform rocker and small settee, no. of ceramic lamps, 3 antique toilet sets, chesterfield, 13 pc. toilet set, several sets of antique scales, antique bottle collection, tobacco cutter, wooden washing machine, harness sewing horse, harness spreaders, Fleury walk- ing plow, other antique imple- ments, 6 milk cans, 2 boring machines, grain cradle, wooden rake, large qu. of insulators, ice cream freezer, iron kettle, large qu. of other interesting articles, plan to attend this large sale. Hundreds of articles, something good for everyone. Antiques and furniture are in good condition. Farm sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10:30 sharp. Lunch available. Reg. & Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-3270. AN SATURDAY, APRIL 2) SALE TIME: 12 NOON FARM MACHINERY Property of JIM GRAVES EQUIPMENT, Y2 mile east of Orillia on Hwy. 12 or 23 miles north of Beaverton, across from Allen Byers (John Deere Dealer- ship(. Tractors - Massey Fergu- son 135 Multipower loader and snow bucket (diesel) and Inter-: national model H with loader, Cockshutt 550 PTO (gas) and Massey Harris 101 gas. 550 Oliver hydraulic loader and A.C. D5 series 246 h.p., power steer- ing, 1900 hrs and A.C. all crop forage harvester, 3 heads and Dion harvester, 1 row corn head, 1 silage blower, P.T.O., John Deere 10 10 loader (hydraulic bucket), 311 Ford 4 row corn planter, triple K hydraulic wing, 2V cultivator 3 pt., 6' cultivator, M.F. 10° cultivator 21 tooth, Cockshutt vibra shank 10° 19 tooth, M.F. 9' 16 tooth cultivator, MF. scuffler, M.H. (Undersiung Pony), Ford front mount, John Deere underslung drag cultiva- tor (rubber tire), John Deere 3 pt. 7 mower also 6 mower, & Fergus mower, 3 pt. 6' rotary mower, 3 blade 8° drag rotary mower. Discs 4 sets of double drag discs, 5°, 7°, 8" 10' sets. I.H. manure spreader P.T.O., [.H. ground drive spreader, 3 pt. 1 way disc. plow, 2 furrow Fergu- son, 3 pt. plow, 3 Yurrow Ford 3 pt.. 3Furrow M.F. 3 pt., 3 furrow Case trip, 3 furrow A.C. 3 pt, 4 furrow 1.H. trip 3 pt., 2 furrow I.H. drag, 2 hay wagons (1 new), 8' chain harrows, scraper blades, 6' A.C. 3 pt. hitch, 6' M.F. 3 pt. hitch, 8° M.F. 3 pt. hitch, 7 Jawn (new) 3 pt. snow blower, 6' Makee auger, new 7° Incore auger, 2 V snow blowers, trail- ers, 1978 4 horse clark trailer (like new), 1 box trailer, 16' float trailer, 8 x 12 flat deck trailer, 3 p.t. wood splitter, tools, wagon laod of miscellaneous, recreation equipment, 24' fibreglass boat fully equipped, 165 h.p. O.M.C. inboard/outboard motor and 20' Mahogony Mason CW/IO Mercury motor. Calvin Mabee, Auctioneer, Lindsay 705-324-4567. Terms cash. Lunch available. Sale at 12 noon. SATURDAY, APRIL 21 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Clearing auction of farm machinery, tools, quantity of furniture, and misc. items. The property of MR. FRED WEST, located a mile south of Epsom; or 14 miles north of Utica General Store. Sale includes: Case "'S' tractor (motor over hauled), MH "35" self propelled combine, J D rotary mower (like new). fertilizer spreader; cultivator: plow; Sedora snow blower. manure loader; bale elevator: Int. manure spreader; Auction Sales N-1 hay conditioner; sprayer (200 gal.); grain auger; roller; Butler grain bin; grain box; seed drill; stone boat; cable stable cleaner; exhaust fan "'24" (new); cattle oiler; riding mower; scrap; railings; water trough; nuts; bolts; misc. small quantity of furniture; etc. Terms cash. 'No reserve. Farm sold. Kahn Auction Services, 985-8161. Ag WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES The property of MARIE FALLIS 36 Colborne Street West, Lind- say, Ontario. Antique oll paint- ing on silk Blue Boy, Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1723 - 1792. Antique wall mirror, gold frame mirror, love seat, iron Wyo antique settee, coffee tableghesterfield and chair, Willis upright piano and bench, small round table, 2 antique chairs, marble lamp, lamps, Tiffany lamp, pole lamp, antique drop leaf table, record player, chest of silver, 2 coal oil lamps, cruet set, antique collect- ables, Approx. 50 pieces of antique salts, glass -- china - Depression, Nippon, Limouge; butter dishes, antique buttons, porcelain top table, 2 kitchen chairs, modern hanging lamp, clock, Inglis automatic dish- washer, G.E. heavy duty electric stove, Danby Inglis refrigerator, Silver tea service - 4 piece, blender, can opener, crock pot, silverware, pots and pans, dishes, pole cabinet, sectional book case, quantity of books, 3 piece bedroom suite, antique table, cedar box, quilt box, round mirror, modern brass headboard & legs, large antique dresser, dresser, 2 hall trees, toy box, dresser with mirror, single bed, linens, bedding, book case, hang- ing planter, record rack, bar and stool, reclining chair, coffee table, platform rocker, couch, drop leaf table, Philco coloured TV, de-humidifier, antique trunk, Inglis automatic washer, Moffat electric dryer, cupboard, table, antique ox yoke, antique oak extension table with 5 boards, 20 house plants, jockey lamp holder, many other items, antiques, and collectibles. Term cash. No reserve. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959. All THURSDAY, APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 12:30 NOON HOLSTEINS 50 head of cows, heifers and calves (both purebred and grade) selling at Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario. This sale has three features - 10, 4-H calves both Jr's. and Sr's. included in an August show prospect sired by A Birch-Hollow Royalty, from a good Rosafe Citation R dame (very good) with 135 and 140 B.C.A., next dame (VG) with 160-170 B.C. A. 20 fresh or springing cows and heifers also 20 open and short bred heifers ready for pasture. Most cattle are from popular sires, such as Magic, Royal Star and Ned and from free listed herds. Late entry, 10 head from John Peters, Omemee including two springing G.P. daughters of Edgeware Wayne Achilles along with 8 bred heifers, all sired by U.B.I. sires. R.O.P. tested, and free-listed herd, 75 vials of Agro Acres Marquis Ned seman for sale. Ed McMorrow Auctioneer, Neil Malcolm Sales Manager, 416-986-4246. A8 SATURDAY, APRIL 28 SALE TIME 10 A.M. FARM BY AUCTION MACHINERY -- ANTIQUES Auction sale for the estate of the late WM. GRAY, R.R. 2, Ux- bridge, lot 23, con. 5, Uxbridge (former Scott). Farm on con. 6 - 1 mi. west and 1 mi. north of Leaskdale. 100 acre farm, river crosses back of property. Frame house - 2 storey, 4 bedrooms upstairs, house in original condi- tion, exterior wood shingles woodwork with original finish - no hydro, bank barn, driving shed. Farm must to be sold to settle estate. Terms $5,000 down in certified cheque or cash day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 30 days. Allan Gray - adminis- trator. Property will be open for inspection on Saturday, April 21 from 9 am. - 3 p.m. Property will be sold at 11 a.m. Also selling A-C B tractor, Int. 2 furrow plow, Dion threshing machine, M-H seed drill, potato digger, M-H binder, steel wheel wagon, single plow, old harness, scales, scufflers, buzz saw frame, Ramble car (as is), pine chest of drawers, chairs, num- erous other articles. Contents sell at 10 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. A25 =