". J] \_ . ) » ) A ' v hb = 4 H $a . ! 4 A dads 4 " ad 2 4 : . EY TN ED Ly I ae, a EE a PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 4, 1979 -- 27 Classified For Sale For Sale For Sale Ads | For Sale For Sale BABY CARRIAGE - swingo- | 8 CURVED CUSTOM MADE matic, playpen with canopy top, 2 car beds, car seat and baby swing seat. All in excellent condition 986-4358. marble front $300. Days 985-7021. CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at Coming Events at 985-7383 T.F. Port Perry ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa. We sell Snowmobile Club chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473 TF BANQUET & DANCE QUANTITY HAY AND STRAW. Call 985-2836 AN Saturday, April 21 TRUCK CAMPER, with jacks, sleeps four, in good condition. LATCHAM CENTRE Phone 985-7457. inser 19 i . ance Ip.m. 1 MASSEY - 50 - in good condition 315.00 percouple live P.T.O., and 3 point hitch. For tickets phone 985-3015, Also has single remote outlet and 985-2834 or 705-357-3467. control valve, sell with, or with- out. Call 985-3910 after 5 p.m. Scugog Choral Socie on presents Music! Music! Music! '79 AT TOWN HALL 1873 - PORT PERRY Friday & Saturday, April 20th & 21st Admission $3.00 Children $2.00 - Tickets available from Society Members, The Port Perry Star, or Irwin Smith Music Ltd. bar, copper top, imitation brown 1000 BALES YEAR OLD HAY, 75¢c bale. 986-4818. CUTE LOVEABLE PUPPJES. 7 weeks old, mother registered, purebred Siberian Husky. Sell- ing for $25. each. Call 986-5325. BOYS BLUE PLAID dress suit, size 10-12, $18.00. Judy . Lee 985-8221 or 985-7219. CUSTOM MADE STAIN GLASS windows. Phone 985-7057 or 579-1018. All THOUSANDS of used paper- backs. Buy or trade. The Bookworm, 175 Perry St. 985-8645 Lo i UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, i vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, | 204 Bond Street East., Oshawa. | 579-5666 AN Conway Gardens RESTAURANT Hwy. 7A - Port Perry - Ontario THIS FRIDAY NIGHT -5to 9 P.M. ritsoe 3.50 i COMMUNITY WEEKLY news.- | paper business, expanding: central Alberta town of 2,800. Ideal for two people and big growth possibilities. Owners re- ducing involvements. Contact- Advertisier, Box 380, Rimbey, Alberta. URINE-ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors, from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A., Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. 20° HOUSE TRAILER, fridge, 3 burner stove with oven, toilet, sleeps 5 to 6, $2,000 or best offer; also 15° house trailer. Call 985-2016. AN MALE BEAGLE DOG, excellent for kids pet $20.; parlour stove used 3 mos. only $75.; single garage door with all hardware, 1978 XL 100 HONDA in excellent condition $700. firm. Less than 100 miles. 985-2720. COSBURN HAULAGE - crushed white limestone for driyeways. Phone 985-7440 after 2p.m. A2S 1977 STARCRAFT, hardtop trailer, stove, refrigerator, furnace, canopy, 2/20 Ib. gas bottles, sleeps 8. Used one summer, excellent condition. 985-3311 or 655-3535. KENMORE ZIG ZAG sewing machine, in cabinet, good condffion. 985-7804. SWIMMING POOL Manufactur- er has new 1978 Pools, regular price $2,190.00 now at our off season special of $1,355.00 Pools come with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and information call 1-416-746- 3340. ces BOAT HOIST - capacity of 1500 Ibs. 84' beam, used only two seasons. Call Toronto 292-2058. HAMMOND STUDIO ORGAN - 1 only, reg. $1595, 2 keyboard, bass-pedals, auvto-rhythm with drums, full warranty, $1375. delivered. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. 985-2635. ANTIQUE condition. 985-2935. BUFFET, good Call after 6 p.m. BEDLINGTON TERRIER pups, female, vet prepared, non allergenic, irresistible. 985-8340. . AN DAVIS 18" 986-4283. Reel mower $195. COUCH AND CHAIR in good condition. "985-2640. FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR, 25 horse power, A-1 condition. 985-2589. CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, dining table, coffee and end tables, TV, rug and some baby articles. 985-7027. MOVING SALE - Electric lawn edger $15.; life jackets (4 adults, 2 childrens), $5. each, 1974 Dodge 318 motor, (rebuilt) $200.; auto transmission $75. Tripod pipe vise $75. Adjustable 1' to 2 dies $50. Soil pipe cutters $75. 986-5107 after 6 p.m. WURLITZER JUTE BOX, 1950 in good workirfg order. 985-2732. like new $75.; call after 6 p.m. 986-4712. Before you Buy ... TRY BOB ARCHER - HOOKER CHEV - OLDS Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin, PHONE 655-4811 FREE HOME DELIVERY Of Fruits & Vegetables 985-3293 Check with Us For Delivery Day in Your Neighbourhood! NONQUON GARDENS Serving Scugog Twp. © Fillet of Sole Salad Bar - Dessert - Coffee To Usher in Spring at the COMMUNITY NURSING HOME TEA & BAKE SALE Thursday, April 5th - 2 to 4 p.m. Easter Parade presented by the Residents at 2:30 p.m. CENTRAL SEVEN ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED SPRING FLING CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL - UXBRIDGE Saturday, April 7th - 9:00 p.m. Bar - Lunch - Prizes Music by Bill Ballinger $12.00 per couple - Call 985-8511 for tickets ROLLER SKATING 7 Days a Week OPENS THIS FRIDAY APRIL 6th - 7:30 P.M. ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM 88 King Street West - Oshawa - Ontario PHONE: 576-5522 PIONEER SEEDS FOR TOP YIELDS 3975A - 3965 3977-3901 520 and BANNER ALFALFA WE ALSO HAVE: ATTRAZINE, LASSO, EKKO, AND MOST OTHER CHEMICALS. John Baumchen Farms R.R. 1, Blackstock, Ontario PHONE: 986-4774 Early Mornings & Evenings. GARDEN TRACTOR - 1972 Allis Chalmers 310, complete with snow blower, mower, chains and tilt trailer. Excellent condition. $2,295.00. 986-5155. OLD RED BRICK, cleaned, skid- ded, banded and delivered, 20c brick. Phone collect 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. BLACK LAB - male, 8 months, big and friendly. $50. 985-3258 Ad Wac 3 Elsctronics SALES & SERVICE T.V.'s- STEREOS CB RADIOS - ANTENNAS TOWERS -ETC. Manchester (Hwy. 7A& 12) PHONE 985-8043 For the Best Priceon a ZENITH COLOURT.V. see Luke or Jenny at FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa 723-0011 For Sale ~ Wh $l nem ot a Pa Los a Gregory's Men's Wear Ld. your headquarters for FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS LAKEVIEW PLAZA Port Perry 985-8160 Open Fridays to 9:00 p.m SHAKLEE Now available in PORT PERRY - BLACKSTOCK Area Organic and completely Biodegradable. Household & Personal Products and Food Supplements. CALL: 986-4771 SEED OATS Registered or certified Elgin, Rodney, Scott, Oxford, Stor- mont and Canada No. 1 Seed Oats. SEED BARLEY Registered or certified Pe- guis, Bruce, Herta, Perth and Canada No. 1 Seed Barley. Also a complete line of hay, pasture, soybean & seed corn. SWAIN Seed Cleaners & Dealers Ltd. Blackstock - Ontario PHONE: 986-4331 GRD [LINCOLN] COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED Highway 7A West - P.O. Box 1020 PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - LOB 1NO Telephone: 985-8411 FORD TRUCKS * Sides $1.57 per |b. 705-786-2101 AA1 BABY BEEF * Cut, Wrapped, Frozen * Custom Slaughtering ANNIVERSARY SALE BACON (11b. pkg.) 3 Ib. 32.00 201b. ... . (20 Ib. limit while supply lasts) LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS LTD. After Hours: 786-2445 $12.00 Port Perry PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-8065 Pet Shop EASTER SALE SPECIAL PURCHASE: 10 Gal. Aquariums $ 9 Complete with Heaters 1 2 n 5 (60 Only - Used for Show) HARTZ MOUNTAIN PETS Baby Hamsters or Gerbels ... $2.99 Young Budgies ... $12.95 ALSO Live Easter Bunnies - Dutch Miniatures $4.95 to $6.95 CRE eT \ QE yn SPEER EA EN ~~ AT Se eT -- RA RRS Pe ee BIN h yo Ra re ~~ St PN Nn SAT ~ ig, To 2d ed ny ol Ap es