he pn Cro » fs » \) x id ae Ke oh in Z- er 4 N a oe dae en CN oc 5 ew nA pe es 32 " Bi BRA et ") - 2 » 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., March 28, 1979 | Council Bits and Pieces Nestleton Bleachers A request by the Nestleton area Recreation Club for a second set of bleachers for the baseball diamond in that community was deferred until the 1979 budget discus- sions. A letter from the club. suggested they have been $ PN X- . ater f, Yes we are... SVN 8 OPEN FOR BUSINESS See Our Great Selection of FRESH PRODUCE! waiting three years for the bleachers, however, some members of council Monday night seemed to think that the money was available last year. Council made it clear that if the funds are approved in the 1979 budget, it will be up to the Recreation Club to rt r 10 1b. Bag FANCY T-74 COOKING ONIONS "21h. 29° MUSHROOMS Ib. 99° a POTATOES -- Ontario No. 1 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. All items Subject to Stock. Macintosh Apples BUY ONE GET ONE FREE ne=FREE DRAW; FOR SPECIAL FRUIT BASKET VALUED AT $25.00 19° 3 LBS. i Ju Ja 4 NAME $3 ADDRESS Jiu PHONE NO. ; e. DEPOSIT COUPON AT THE STORE. HOURS: 9to0 6-Mon., Tues. & Wed; 9to9- Thurs. &Fri.; 9to 7 - Saturdays Closed Sundays .. class indicated, and the appli- purchase, the bleachers. The Township council will begin to wrestle with the 1979 operating budget this week, as the Finance Committee has scheduled a meeting for this Friday morning. Assessment Changes Scugog council will start to et its teeth into the thorny iSsue of equalized assess- ment at the next regular meeting slated for April 9. Officials from the provin- cial assessment office will be at the afternoon session of that meeting to explain exactly what equalized assessment entails. It is a complicated and potentially controversial issue, as Uxbridge Township found out this year when the assessment on certain older properties in that municipal- ity jumped considerably, - while other assessments actually went down. Contribution Council agreed to make a $200 contribution from the Township to the Harper family fund, set up in the wake of a tragic fire earlier this year in Caesarea. The decision to do so was. based on the fact the Mrs. Harper is an employee of the Township, and according to councillor Reg Rose who made the motion, "any responsible employer would do the same thing when an employee experiences this kind of hardship." Consultants Totten, Sims, Hubicki, the engineering and planning firm that acts as consultants for the Township, received a vote of confidence from members of council at a meeting with Mr. Ted Sims and Ron Patchell of the company's subdivision branch. Members of council a the consultants agreed cism on the part of develop- ers over delays in getting final approvals for sub- divisions, but council felt that this criticism was not substantiated. In hey to prevent mis- understandings, council has asked the company to provide the Township with a monthly status report of "each development underway in the municipality. Mr. Sims noted that there are currently 23 active sub- division developments in Scugog, a very high number for a municipality this size, and with this "amount of activity, he said it would be unrealistic not to expect a' few complaints. Councillor Reg. Rose told Mr. Sims that he has no complaints about the service the Township is getting from the company. Following the discussion with company officials, council agreed that it would ask developers to post a 100 per cent letter of credit, and not demand a partial cash bond to guarantee that the terms of any development in the municipality are met. New administrator (From Pagel) the: Committee came to the conclusion it is time to bring in a senior municipal execu- tive. He said he expected that the salary range for this position would be in excess of $20,000 per year. Commenting on the cramped working conditions for the municipal employees, NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LE- GION HALL, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, on THURSDAY, + APRIL 19th, 1979, at the hour of 10:00 o'clockin the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear applications for new licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regu- lations thereunder. The following establishment . has applied for a licence of the cation will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time. urray House Restaurant ugog Township A: 279 Queen Street .0. Box 980, Port Perry ining Room Licence and Patio (Dining Room) Licence Applicants: ' Peter Kyriakeas Kirk and Carol Ann Morrow AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, shall make their submission to the Board in writing prior tothe date of the hearing, or in person at the time and place of the hear- ing (copies of written submis- sions will be forwarded to the applicant). Executive Director, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, TORONTO, Ontario. M5E 1A4. MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THELIQUORLICENCEACT, 1975 PF) SEOE00LCE0ETIODOCERSLROREN councillor Rose said the situation is serious, and Scugog will probably have to consider expanding the size of the present offices on Perry Street some time in the next couple of years. ~ Councillor 'Rose said the Committee agree to present its report and recommenda- tions to council at a meeting March 22, and senior staff members of the Township were informed of the report before it was put in front of Local employees paid less than in other Townships A comparison of salary levels paid to senior munici- pal employees in Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock Town- ships shows that jn some departments, -Scugog lags t behind its neighbours to the - there has been some criti : west and_north. Of the three municipalities .Brock Township with a population of about 85 people had the highest payroll in 1978 for its salaried employees, amoun- ting to $142,900. Uxbridge Township, with a population of about 12,000 had a payroll last year of $119,000, while Scugog, with a similar population, had a payroll amounting to $95,000. . The widest gap in salary levels for employees of the, three Townships is for the' senior positions of clerk and treasurer. However, salaries paid by Scugog are lower in all departments except one. The treasurers for Ux- bridge, Brock and Scugog last year earned $23,000, $19,400 and $14,700 respec tively. Both Uxbridge and Scugog employ a deputy- treasurer at just over $14,000 per year, while there is no such position in Brock Township. The Township clerk's position in Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog carried a salary of $23,000, $21,928, and $14,734 in the three respec- tive municipalities. Both Uxbridge and Brock employ a clerk assistant at $10,500 and $13,000 each, and there is no such. position in Scugog. Uxbridge has a tax collec- tor and assistant at $11,500 and $8300 each. Brock has a tax accountant and junior accountant at $10,776 and $8731, while Scugog has a tax accountant at $10,282. Brock employs a senior clerk's secretary and junior secretary at $11,277 and $9,398, while similar posi- tions with Scugog pay $9222 and $8000. In the by-law department, Uxbridge's chief officer MINI CINEMA sess f Friday: 7 & 9 p.m. Sat. &Sun.: 8 p.m. Only received a salary of $15,000 last year, and the assistant was paid $5900 for two days work per week. In Brock Township, the chief officer was paid $13,783, a full-time assistant received $13,157, and an enforcement officer was paid $12,700. In Scugog, the chief officer was paid $13,043, and an assistant 3$11,625 per year.. The only municipal depart- ment where Scugog salary levels are higher than the other two Townships is in Roads where the superinten- dent and assistant received $17,914 and $16,854. The super's job in Brock paid $17,542 last year and $16,000. in Uxbridge. The salary levels cited do not take into account any fringe benefit packages for -salaried employees. HOLLOW Our next set of classes on "Fun with Food - Naturally" will be starting in mid-May. If you're interested in joining us, call soon so we can plan to include you. We will give you information and recipes on subjects rang- ing from "Baking Creatively™ to "Natural Beauty Care". If you don't have time to join our classes, we are always willing to help you with sug- gestions and food ideas a thestore. : Suzanne & Danielle MILL HOLLOW Between Utica & Manchester on Hwy. 1A 985-8321 OPEN: 9:30t0 5:30 Fridays to 9:00 p.m. Closed Sundays MARCH 30 - 31 & APRIL 1 tu oa) Tom Sent fe puget bom Pucker Books. is the word sewer» BRONTE WOODARD sama ALLAN CARR Sent te ogra mace IM JACOBS .« WARREN CASEY Pratcnto te Bate Sp wy KENNETH WAISSMAN ,« MAXINE FOX # omc ve 0m 0 ama. Oeepens - PATRICIA BIRCH roses ROBERT STIGWOOD + ALLAN CARR ween RANDAL KLEISER crxssssssser PVN ® ran © PARAROUNT PCTORE S CORPORATION