Zz RY More Holsteins for beef says specialist Feedlot operators and packers treat Holstein steers as second-class citizens, says Dennis McKnight, Kemptville College of Agri- cultural Technology. In' many cases, this discrimination 'is valid because management of the calf, from birth to feedlot weight, is handled poorly, he says. However, research con- ducted at Kemptville College shows that Holstein steers will perform as well as beef steers in the feedlot, if they are managed properly. Tests, sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, demonstrated that most Holstein steers can achieve a grad Al, when marketed at 450 to 500 kg liveweight, at 14 to 15 months of age. "To achieve these results, producers must start with healthy cattle that are castrated and dehorned as calves. The steers should be fed a minimum of 25 to 30 per cent grain, and corn silage." Several American studies support the Kemptville data. Tests prove that dairy steers can grow faster than British beef breeds, but they have less fat cover, a lower dressing percent, and lower degrees of marbling, when fed the same diet. "However, in all studies, 'Holstein steers yielded a higher percentage of carcass weight in boneless, trimmed retail cuts," says Mr. McKnight. '"This is the most important fact for the packer to consider." "A Holstein steer that will grad Al and yield as much as or more meat than, a British type, should sell for the same price." The key to success with Holstein steers seems to be in the diet. Studies suggest that Holsteins should be fed more grain than British-type steers. The Challenge of Century. Well, no, not quite, but all for a good cause just the same. A group of teachers challenged members of the Scugog council [or was it the other way around?] in the annual Big Brothers of Scugog Bowl for Millions and the pins were flying Saturday afternoon at Centennial Lanes. At front are Dr. John Stewart of Big Brothers and Mayor Jerry Taylor, and standing are councillor Don Crosier, Glen Scugog Island news by Mrs. Earl Reader Many Island High School students were saddened last week by the death of their friend Elaine Harper and the injuries to her brother Brian in the fire that also claimed their father. The Soccer Club had its meetihg last Thursday and reached one interested boy from the Island. But it will likely be that he will contact others. - All the people reported ailing for some time are seemingly showing improve- ment. OUr thoughts and hopes are frequently with the John Sweetman family, Reta and Angus Wilkinson, Clarence Carter, Mary Sweetman and Linda Suther- land. Don't forget the Family Games night on Fri. evening at the Community Hall, 7:30 to 11 p.m. with only $2.50 each family. Refer to last week's paper for the planned program. If anyone would like to subscribe to the United 'Church "Observer" please call Mrs. Marvin Appleton before the end of February. On Sunday morning the Island Church welcomed about 46 cubs, Brownies and Beavers along with 10 of their leaders. The leaders are to be congratulated in setting such a fine example and encouraging 70 per cent of the children in the three gourps to be present. Mrs. Linda Le Roy is leader of the 22 Beavers, with the several assistants: John Ross, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Beth Heayn and Cheryl Cah Chandler. 23 Brownies are led by Mrs. Roberta Hamil- ton with Joy Holtby and Betty Steinmueller assisting. 20 or 21 Cubs have Mrs. Charlotte Miller as their leader, assisted by Charlene MLL RAY ITT T Hing nue bite size with BEEF Shur-Gain puppy food Its made to Shur-Gain's special puppy growing formula, and with the famous beef taste that all dogs like. That's Shur-Gain Puppy Food. A complete, balanced nutritionally correct diet. Nothing else is needed. Get it at your Shur-Gain outlet. A puppy food * Shur-Gain...value for disceming feeders. WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 Oram, and Terry Silverman. Rev. Chas Clarke takes a special interest in all because he is their Chaplain. We enjoyed hearing the Beavers and Brownies repeat their promises. Another specialty in the Service was the installation of Elders, Stewards and heads of U.C.W. and S.S. When names were called it was noted that many were absent. Many had good reasons on account of illness, vacationing in the south, or they happen to own cars that refuse' to operate in low temperatures. There will be a baptismal service in early March. Please contact your minister if you are interested. The Freemans are really in the news this week. First, Ethel and Geo. were delight- ed to welcome their first grandchild, a little daughter for Shelly and her husband. Then brother Don Free- ~ man got public attention on wedding invitations And Accessories PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 985-8000 Mark H. Lockyer reminds you that February: 28th is the last day re: deposits for 1978 Registered Retirement Savings. Start your own plan now. Mark also sells Fire, Auto, Mortgage & Liability Insurance. Rideout, Larry Doble, John Addison, Ray Wright, Noreen Crosier, Councillor John Wolters, Bobbie Drew and councillor Richard Drew. For those who were counting, the teachers racked up a one-game total of 1,033 pins to 833 for the councillors. The Big Brothers Association is pleased with the results of the Annual Bowl for Millions, and in Scugog about 100 bowlers took part last week in this fund-raising effort. Ziebart T.V. and 1n the paper when his large building from Philp's garage was pain- stakingly moved across the lake to its new destination on Scugog Island. Everyone wondered if the ice could carry such a concentrated weight. Thus, it was proved that the extreme tempera- HAVE YOUR ZIEBART DONE LOCALLY FOR CONVENIENT CHECKUPS! Port Perry Auto-Truck Genuine Ziebart Process tures had served some people well. Helen Redman's mother, Mrs. Eastwood has been ailing for some time, result- ing from flu, but we are pleased she is improving now. RUSTPROOFING Hwy. 12 & 7A - Port Perry - Ontario 985-8631 Why not make your car sparkle? Try our exclusive 'Shine Guard' Treatment. LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE GRATITUDE SALE Whep/we gratefully acknowledge our customers by offering most of our stock at fantastic savings of ... 0% Don't miss this annual one day sale! Friday, February 23rd 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM RA Ae) TA EAT Ae ea <x, Lee a yas nd