oY ras aN TATA - Tag WRAY SINE " Ves Xe Eid Jen pn AS LETRA 2 SESE CRE SR LA EE af LX. 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1979 Saf NAR VERT kL SOY bg AEA 0 Dad SRDS STS OPA NAYS LS SA SS Se Tae hr d > LAA 3 A A > Se! » CoN - - TN BEE FRAT NES ARTO FN FERRE TF COSOIR Peat SEN LL 24 LR ER REE A HAAR TRI Vaart RIN Cae ac Wh IS EOAS ENR RRR ASel IANA WEE SAR Re RAIS Rach Ay a 5 a Tat ERE Bog ELA Rit Be 4 Yoel BREST EELS ALI £3 COL EO000800000000000080000000800000600000000000008000000000000000000000000084 Ch i ES | arges laid Ww) '(From page 1) Wellington St., Oshawa. A . In all, police have laid 21 warrant has been issued for charges of break and enter, the arrest of Daniel six charges of mischiel Michaud, 21, of Omeméé; resulting in damage, Ontario. ; * _ narcotics charge, and ther Also charged are Kelvin related charges of theft Keays, 27, of R.R.2, Bow- and possession of stolen manville; George McKin- property. non, 30, of 286 Saguenay St., Charged by police in Oshawa; Kenneth Morrison, connection with the incidents 17, of 1285 Simcoe St., 2 are Thomas Paterkowski, 19, Oshawa, and Michael Wood, of 107 Wellington St. Oshawa, 18, of R.R.2, Bowmanville. and Donald Davey, 19, of 98 Court dates have been set -_ « for January 29 and February Did You Know....that crab Community Care has. 89 The investigation and Volunteers from villages arrests were made by detec- 1 across the Township of tives Dolewerd, R. Clark and ' Scugog, to assist Senior Citi- >: Hawrychuk. The Durham zens? Would you like to police were assisted by P.C. Help? Call 985-8461. Bruce Markle of the OPP. ~ £2 40 $ "Craft Cl | Craf asses | . < : i : 3 b 4 bd CREATIVE STOP § $ DECOUPAGE: 3 1 Tuesday evenings 7to 9 p.m. 1 e 3 Begins January 9 & January 16 - 8 weeks 3 INSTRUCTOR: Suzanne Davies 3 oc, 3 INTEREST COURSE: 3 Police Office Officially Open 3 Floral Design, Basic Macrame 3 > : . . 3 Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor helped mark the Chief Jon Jenkins, Bill Low and Tom Jermyn of the 4 Crafts to do with your Kids 3 st : Wednesday evenings 7 to 9 p.m bd opening last week of Durham Region's new police Police Commission and Durham Regional Chairman : : 3 office in Port Perry. Wi . Begins January 10 & in $47 8 weeks ; e in Port Perry. With Mayor Taylor are Durham Walter Beath. > ary Ann Suppelsa 3 . | ADVANCED WACRANE, 105 { | Hospital Auxilia Mouse | fi Monday afternoons 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 3 P 2 ry UN ouse | INSTRUCTOR: Linda Skefratt $ Hospital Auxiliary met in notes and reported a gift sent Reading the papers these days, there's articl a 3 CRE ATIVE CRAFTS - YOUTH: $ the hospital on Monday to a sick member. after article about the foods we eat. Now you' Begins Jan 68 13-16 weeks § afternoon of December 11 Treasurer Mrs. Gerrow concerned and ready to get into a diet that, wil 3 gins January anuary weaks $- with 21 members present. reported on General give you better health and more energy/- but Saturday mornings 9:30 to/10:30 a.m. $ President Mrs. Cannon Pines, Bigspy Pom the how do you start? At Mill Hollow we are gffering . . tended a warm welcome to Bake Sale were $169.89. k course beginnin January 30th on All Classes run by Durham Region Family YMCA $1 or m : 3 Bio week © ginning Further Tun Dy Lust Ee OE $ everyone and is Auxiliary pions Thank you oy Tuesday mornings and Thursday evgnings that 3 Reh . $ prayer repeated in unison. . exten e to everyone' who we call, "Fun with Food - Naturally e 3 egister for all Y Classes at . ) Minutes of the October helped in any way to make We can help you decipher all #hose strange - CREATIVE STOP, 68 WATER ST., PORT PERRY § meeting were read by the the bake sale so successful. h Ii dient ' / h . \ . $ secretary and adopted. Also Thank you to those chemical ingredients on packa att e grocery PEOLELLP LLL E0000 0000000000000 000 000080000000 808008 Corresponding Secretary friends and organizations store and help you make yoyf meals more in- -- who sent donations to help in ceresting. Registration hes feady begun so call the work of the auxiliary. J us today. ~ Mrs. Chute reported for . i ; the Tuck Shop. November Special this Week: pIGY olas - 20% OFF. e | sales amounted to $790.00. - Suzanne & Danielle Eleven babies were born in V4 hospital during past month. Open 7 Days a Week - Weekdays 11 to 5:30 Mrs. Cannon gave an "Saturdays 9:74 to 5:30 Sundays2to5 interesting report on the } Ontario Hospital Convention ! which she and Mrs. Boagey pg MILL . attended in November. HOLLOW OR Al E Date of the annual Spring F U RESIDENTS OF Fair set for April 28 in R.R.4 - Port Perry Latcham Centre. A commit- (Between Manchester & Utica) tee was appointed to plan 985-8321 this project. Benediction closed the ee meeting and a dainty lunch (CHARC » 8 FRUIT GREENS ROOT CUES| Fi : ! . Aird. FANCY MACS pa my al PEL. R00L CRs LB. - &. LETTUC 5:18-.65¢ 2018B-4.75 MAAANAANAAAAANAAANAY 1018 -1.20 " " « Sa go CUCUMBER 201-2125 10 1B- 3.25 MAAAAAANAAAAAN 501s -4. 75 ; ' SONKIST SRGES RADISH 204 CABBAG D I AB E ! IC ny | 8 For4l.00 TOMATO 75% FD » . TANGELOS ~~ AL ONREOMS | Cn | 10 FORALL 00 Nn 1s COOKING ONION Up to $50,000. Permanent HITE CRARTROIT ents mp. 101241,00 Life Insurance © ror 1.00 CELERY TOF OAKES ChRRSTS * No Medicals BOSS PEARY N 518 €0¢ * Issued at all ages " 5 1B FoRi2.25 SPANISHONION * Excellent Cash & Loan Value CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LB. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION BANANAS 334.8 5 DELIVERIES Call: McGel i | Siepers ThE ; EES Call: McGe brec Insurance Counselling | QUALITY PRODUE FAIR PRICES " - '