a can ANU TIN TATRA RAAT PACT AA STURT SNES eth SOS ANA SE Sl i Sd VIS tT ing fa Oi vids 3% LAY Lo 7 iat 3 y reid ALT SA R¢ FAIA SECA SRST EA SX Fa a ANTS of HUAN Sat Tis A . Ra PA OR AN HE Rr CR A an NR a a MO A A EE SS a er en i 2 NY 1 14-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 15, 1978 : i 3 ol Port Perry A a wl ° i % f CNooOlI NCWS AR] By Debbie Menzies remained very close until & Debbie Ireland the final two minutes when Friday was a very busy day for many students at Jennifer Simmonds neatly placed two baskets to win the P.P.H.S. game. The senior game was § hn ba re ¥ 5 [ 'AA 4 In the morning, we held just as exciting ending in a pit our third assembly of the close 43-41 win for them. Wh school year. It featured a Good work! 2h slide show from the year- The next dance will be our NY book committee, musical Christmas dance featuring 4 selections from the concert Zon. It will be semi-formal EN band, as well as a very well- attire. 8 presented Remembrance The Port Perry High NI School Wind Ensemble is busy getting prepared for Day ceremony outlined to us by various teachers. Also at or Ti this time, a cheque for $550. two future concerts. The fir- id was presented to Mrs. Lang st will be on November 29 UE (and friend) on behalf of the with guest artist Tom Millar, 2 humane society. 2 and the second will be our i During the afternoon, the Christmas concert with the 8 grade 13's (especially Scugog Choral Society. q Vey Laura) enjoyed a very in- Yearbooks will go on sale AR teresting lunch. Our thanks for this week until the 17th. ins Ci ! ai to "Mother" for a delicious Prices range from $5.75 with P Al The pooch in the picture is Charlie, mascot of the High School who raised the money through a recent meal. an activity card to $6.25 Ontario Humane Society's Whitby shelter. Charlie may not look too happy, but the Whitby Shelter is $540 richer thanks to the efforts of these students at Port Perry 24-hour basketball marathon. Kathy Smith presented Humane Society supervisor Carole Lang [left front] with a cheque at the school last Friday. Monday saw exciting girls' basketball action in our gyms. The first game featured our junior team in a very tight game against G.L. without. Be sure to get yours! Finally, 'Is that you behind those Foster Gran- ts?" Find out on sunglasses - - ed Neo 2 ee 25 - 4 Seagrave and i ; 5 by Mrs. Donna Wanamaker ceremony with the cub pack ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wana- Tove on Dec. seh D - {Hy On Sunday, Don and and the scout troop and maker travelled to Toronto J0C3, ANYON0 , AoW "Wore a Marilyn Beacock offered parents, at which Robert on Sunday to visit Mr. and the extension cords are from 1 DENTURE TH ERAPIST DR ir i the church? These cords are [ E, CTs their infant son, Craig Dobson, Todd Willerton, Mrs. Emmerson Rennick. [ . 3 Vickery, to be baptized. Don Willy King and Chris Mr. Rennick had been essed ash the Cue is 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St.S., GV, and Marilyn entertained Saulnier came up from Cubs hospitalized and we wish you Ing cleaned. you may xbri 2-5291 hawa 579-8752 58 three great-grandparents, to Scouts. Darren Desautels the best Emmerson. After have seen them or put them ; U dge 852-529 Osha a3 875 grandparents and relatives at their home following the church service. Our best wishes are extended to Joan Lee and Luella Short. They were our birthday ladies this week. Many Seagrave Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and families attended a Memorial Service in Port Perry on Sunday. The boys took part in the parade and also placed a wreath to honour our men who lost their lives in the past wars. i A Selling Price at Down Current Rate Monthly Eight Seagrave Scouts Achievement Day on Dec. Sisters Supper. The supper grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Market Value Payment Mortgage Payment attended a successful 2nd at 9:00 a.m. is at 6:30 p.m. at the Port Ray Abraham of Seagrave. 357000 $3280 $265.29 district camp at Nestleton Alfred Crapps is home at $39,000 $1.950 ied with other Scouts from 1st and 2nd Cartwright and 1st Seugog. Mont boys prepared his daughter, Doloimy MORTGAGES PURCHASED and cooked their own meals. assel, and Gloria Wallace. : There was a total of 34 boys We are sorry to report that (Co | C 3 1 oO C Calrra nk Coulsting who took part in numerous Mrs. Lillian Smith is in the ; ( ) -8343 camp activities including night games in the bush. On November 6 there was a grand "going Up" Learn to Drive PROFESSIONALLY was also welcomed as a new member to the troop. Scout meetings are now held on Monday evenings in Seagrave Church at 7:00 p.m. and new Scouts will be welcome. Greenbank Crazy Crunchers 4H Club held a party Nov. 8th as part of this Units work. Pizza was serv- ed as well as a variety of dessert and games were also a part of this enjoyable even- ing. Nov. 15 will be the last meeting in preparation for Seagrave after a stay in Oshawa Hospital. He is with hospital awaiting an operat- ion. extended to you for a fast recovery. their visit; Bert and Gertie travelled to Mrs. Elsie Browns for an enjoyable supper and-visit. On Saturday Paul Wana- maker attended a birthday party for his friend, Stephen Connors at Nestleton. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Connors, Joanne and Stephen brought Paul home and stayed for the day with Neil, Donna and family. N.B. Please give Maxinne (985-3616) a call if you are going to go to the Fellowship (From page 13) Our best wishes are---fitting that everyone should stand in a 'soup line' at the end of Remembrance Day weekend. Don Russell's parents, Gord and Barb Russell of Windsor, spent the weekend at the Russell home in area news away, please give Bill Keen or Bert Wanamaker a call. Thanking you in advance for your help. Ladies remember your Unit meetings - Unit 1 - pot luck supper - Gertie Wana- makers. Unit 11 - Xmas decorations - Elaine Willer- tons. Please give Jackie Boyle (985-3941) a call next week with your news. Mr. and Mrs. David Gemmill are proud parents of a bouncing 'boy. First November will take the chill out of the November air and you'll be helping out the United Church also. Bring another family with you and make it a party. Pancakes will be served from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Re- creational Centre. Roberts. The score day, Friday. 214 Dundas St.E., Whitby 668-7797 [ape] aw {ow [opm {pm [gm | cg [pm [a [ae [pe | > [ake [ke [ce | whe whe | wie | [ale [ae Te | 3050552525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 MORTGAGE LOANS 2nd Mortgages from 11v2% FULLY OPEN N.H.A. Graduated Payment Mortgages Monthly "Payments are just like paying Rent! EXAMPLE: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK HOMES - COTTAGES - FARMS - DEBT. CONSOLIDATION T.F. Morris Pompili Mortgage Broker INSTANT [+5252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 2 ] with Cadmus. Saturday evening Curling will soon be start- | g Gord was honoured with a =; : - . . . ing up in Blackstock for q y dinner party for his ?? birth- Ladies, Men. and Mixed : day also attending the dinner leagues Joan Groham 3s 4 2 were his brother Joe and " : as A heading a meeting on Thurs- 0 DRIVING SCHOOL Ty aa 3 day afternoon at 1:00 at the Hi . Recreationa entre to it 985- 83 82 Russell of Blackstock with gicoco plans for the season. pes Danny and Beth. If you are interested in Curl- id ancakes on the 19th of join Blackstock and have 1 2 i suggestions or views this will | 4 Gey 1 k £ 1 be your opportunity to speak | x7 A your mind. If you cannot oa receive than a beautiful chiming clock. An everlasting gift pass- Graham to get your name hi ed on from generation to gefieration down on a list or check the | wa Our Gift to You ... local stores for a sign-up | » Hy 15 to 30% DISCOUNT Bo) te wetics Rich Ara . . ok ON ALL WATCHES. nd the Bradburn of Scarborough ee Lr OW Avaliable HO © were weekend guests of Mr. | Pid p o and Mrs. Earl Bradburn and at the ; ie The largest selection of clocks fro™ Donald. Sunday guests at ; " a . the Earl Bradburn home » : OSORL D were: Mr. and Mrs. Avery Pert Perry Star Co. Ltd. 0) Wiskin of Oshawa, Mr. and 77 Celina St,, Corner of Bruce 728-2022 Mrs. Ross Whitfield and Mr. 235 Queen St. 985-7383 Downtown Oshawa - Behind Post Office and rs Soiog Demosthen- Pictures ready in 5 minutes ous all of Mississauga.