SN jo £3 5 Y APL FEA 4 Pee Ih od EF AAA EE ETT 5 rg 8 SI, 3} E38 NEC 1 . $ - . . A HN ' (EET FIRE SRT ASN PONS RR ISS Rey wknd inital ndedusaroic fo a shat sek Sel URE Mayoralty candidates ®awrence Malcolm and Jerry Taylor both indicated that the takeover of police duties by Durham Region on January 1 could have an effect on the rate of vandal- ism as the present OPP is stationed in Newcastle, about 15 miles away. Dur- ham already patrols New- castle Town up to the Scugog trouble because they have too much idle time on their hands. During his address, Mr. Wolters said that young people should be encouraged to form organizations and to use the facilities available in the community. In a brief address to the audience, Mr. McLaughlin, 24, said his first two years on council was a learning ex- Cruising down the...... You would not want to water ski behind this boat. settle at the bottom of the lagoon before the treated 50 : v PY PY PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 8, 1978 -- 7 7 Vandalism issue at ¢ . A A ' 'a . * Vay 70) Blackstock meeting 8 G9. About 60 people turned up diction is extended into Kh + last Thursday night at the Scugog January 1, both i Recreation Centre in Black- Taylor and Malcolm sugges- a stock for the first of a series ted that this could make a 1 of all candidates meetings in difference. xs Scugog Township. Ward 4 candidates Neil hia 5 ; an y TN Da 5 ih The meeting was very low McLaughlin also suggested HE wr me a HAY TEES eh {a key with each of the candi- that the change in police . Mk ; i ik Ra dates addressing the aud- duties from the OPP to bY ience and then answering Durham Region forces py, written questions from the might be helpful, while John of feoor. Wolters, his opponent in the i The first questions asked race laid part of the blame any ¢ were on vandalism and for vandalism on the light wh: reflected a growing concern sentences in the courts. He 1 in Blackstock and other said parents should be forced ly parts of Scugog for this tocome up with payment for 5s serious social problem which damages, and also suggested 5 seems to be on the increase. that youngsters get into 5% 5 " : It was being used by the Durham Works Department sewage is released from the lagoons. If the border and when the juris- - eres Aw iy iy aid last week to spray the Port Perry sewage lagoons with phosphorous was released it could be harmful to the a review of all costs in an liquid alum. The alum combines with phosphorous to Nonquon River and eventually Lake Scugog. creases to a minimum. Mayoralty candidates Taylor and Malcolm both cited their records and * | Food for T h 0 ugh i experience in municipal politics over the past several . by the Hillier's | Years. The candidates for area council present at the meet- ing were Vern Asselstine, J YOUR HOME NOW Buffet sculptures at one hotel in Bermuda are For most delicious vegetables vinaigrette, j season the vegetables i while they're still hot £ (you can re-use the R28 .....37 STORM |] ie DOORS | INVEST STYROFOAM INSULATION i dressing). | OW! bi | For delicious ANYTHING m SAB). "1.75 ie LL) | COME me. Dai B | St @X8). 32.85 oe Sto ho e Dairy Bar i 5 ! : ON THE WATERFRONT 1 (4 x8 ) ENE. 3.80 sheet Now 12" (4x8)... 35.70 en 2 (4'x8) PI $7.60 sheel Port Perry 985-8611 There's a menu-ful of your favourites. You'll like the friendly service, too. Open Monday to Friday at 7:00 a.m. Open Saturdays & Sundays at 8 a.m. 2, $ 744 made not of ice but of but- | Jerry Jackman and Neil $ sg ter! Large figures can Hunter. Mr. Asselstine told : pr + | last six months - if no one the audience that a council- $ P | - - P A JAY prt A & | tries to spread them on | lor must at some time be $ Sy bread! prepared to make unpopular ¢ decisions. Mr. Hunter said if $ IN SULATION To keep pie shell from elected he has the time to p 2 bubbling up or collapsing, serve as a full-time council- $ line pricked pastry with lor. Mr. Jackman cited his § © foil and fill with beans record as a former council- $ before you bake. Bake 8 lor and on one specific issue, $ to 10 minutes with beans, the proposed expansion of 3 6.6 CuFt Bs BAG : then lift them out and | the Scugog Library, said he § --- 3 return pastry to oven to would be in favour of the $ : w bake some more. (Beans Powis) paying up to half ¢ oy ANS can be re-used in- € Costs. ) 2 2 definitely.) The second all-candidates $ A ; Phy + y meeting sponsored by the $ LUMINUM IR Dips and appetizers made | Scugog Ratepayers wastobe $ : andricher if you drain the | day night, and the final § } excess moisture first. meeting is scheduled for this $ . 9 Place yogurt in strainer | Wednesday, November 8 at $ i. Classic Double Hung ¢: lined with double cheese- R.H. Cornish School in Port $ 50 p J . . . cloth and set over a bowl; Perry. Ed INSULA TION . Mill Finish leave two hours or over | EEE---------------------------- 3 from night. $ i STERLING R12 161° peat Filberts and hazelnuts RISHNG HUST CORPORaN., "Eom 2 sq.ft SLE YR --1 are the same thing - simply 3 | 1 en Ss « [Super in torts. They go | { | R20 ...27Y>¢.q ARISTOCRAT 1% ; ol their name because they So $ LL ES q. -- iS ar 3 ripen around St. Philbert's rR D $ eS ---- 1% Day. "rE 2 ; bd 2 3 bd b 3 b J b4 b J b 4 b 3 b J bd bd bd bd p p p > p 4 4 p > 4 p p re " '> LAKE SCUGOG LUMB Insurance Agency 1d. Ce 24 WATER STREET, 235 WATER ST. - 985-7391 - PORT PERRY } ; PORT PERRY fh Phone: 985-8471 Ua INTEREST 4 PAID ANNUALLY ¢ FOR 5 YEARS DON FORDER - " Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK | 131.54 moi, DH TR oa, 0 wr DG a A