Ts 3 4 Adria it The first positive step in planning the expansion of Scugog Public Library took place last Thursday evening, hen members of the library board and other interested persons met to discuss the need for expansion. According to library chairman Chuck Preston, the existing building is in- adequate to properly service area residents. "When six peogle come to the library at the same time, it can cause &otal confusion," he told the group. When outlining some of their problems, librarian Grace Milne said that the "staff have no place to work, children's programmes cannot be expanded, and there is little room for people to use for 'work areas. Mrs. Milne went on to say that every conceivable spot in the library is being used for storage, and this includes the windowsills. The committee in charge of seeing that the library is Council supports library extension Scugog Township council Monday night unanimously approved a request for $2500 to help get the public library expansion plans off the ground. Dr. Jack Cottrell and Ron Deeth, both members of the Scugog Public Library Ex- nsion Committee told cou- will be used for the preparat- ion of architect's conceptual drawings, and the remianing $500 would be used for pub- licity and other fund-raising expenses. ncil that $2000 of 'the money . with $2500 donation Dr. Cottrell estimated that the drawings could be ready in four to six weeks, and if the financing for the planned 5000 square foot addition can be worked construction could get underway next spring. Port Perry TOPS met at the high school on Wednes- day, October 4. A silent auction was enjoyed by all. Queen for September is Betty Kerr. New members are welcome. expanded consists of library board members and private members interested in see- ing the project through. Mr. Preston introduced a set of preliminary drawings of the proposed addition to the existing library and explained that although they could probably justify a larger expansion, a two storey structure with 2500 square feet per floor would give them approximately twice as much room as they have now. Using ball-park figures he estimated the cost of the structure could range anywhere from $150,000 to $200,000, but until an archi- tect was hired and told what was needed they could not pin-point a figure. He explained that there were a number of institution- al funding programs (Win- tario, McLaughlin Founda- tion, etc.) and government grants available, but some of the cost would have to be raised through public sub- scription. "I have already had encouraging support for the project from a number of individuals, as well as some businesses and organiza- tions', Mr. Preston said. As the initial step, a dele- gation was chosen to attend council (last Monday) and ask council for a budget of $2500 to get the' project started. This money is to be used for committee expenses . ETRE EEE EEE EE Well known Ontario folk singer Merrick Jarrett entertained a crowd of kids at the Scugog Library Saturday morning with his folk songs and dancing dolls. Here, Mr. Jarrett plays the dulcimer, a traditional stringed instrument. He also played guitar and banjo. and for interviewing and hiring an architect to draw preliminary sketches of the addition from the informa- tion he receives from the librarian and committee. One of the main problems with extending the present site, as was pointed out by Mr. Ron Deeth, was that the library will be boxed in at its present location. 'On one side you have the bowling PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 25, 1978 -- 3 Library extension plans started green, at the rear a creek and to the east the road," he said. -This leaves no room for parking, other than the streets adjacent to the build- ing. But is was pointed out that the Township owns the land which the Bowling Green is now situated on and if it was needed at sonre later date it.. would possibly be available by moving the bowling green Fabrics for Fall Wool & Polyester Blend $8.95 .. ie Polyester Knit $6.95 ..... Polyester Corduroy oo $7.50 per metre Polyester & Cotton Corduroy $5.95... Velour $9.95... SEWING ACCESSORIES Lightning Zippers Coats Thread - Polyester or Sheer Flexi Lace Bindings KNITTING NEEDS Beehive Canadiana Sayelle - Astra - Baby Sayelle Knitting Pattern Books Knitting Needles Circular Needles Crochet Hooks Kayser Lingerie & Hosiery WINTER FOOTWEAR For the Family A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE Queen Street - 985-2521 (Merchandise not as illustrated) A Ko to another location. The next scheduled meet- ing of the group will be about mid-November after a sub- committee has talked and hired an architect. At this time it is hoped that they will have some concept drawings of the addition and more concrete ideas about what is needed. In the meantime, the ball is rolling! NGI SV MA, AA ww rn Th a J oh 3 nS " RAN y - > > -- Se i YT ie SRL LE oT PNR - 0) -e AI A gl NT , oe y AA Se v ani rR TRS yo OC A ATL wd a ne Sea A, Teens m2 _ v SN es 2 - Ln WA CEL RP Plc Ca wa > -n a - Re le 4 ob ae FT om ok a ~ CO way CAE ERA Sr cy a RA ei AR ys Sn Si 2 RE ~ es NW "rly. Pe Pe -- he Rl vr Pom NN BATT ERE Mong - >, wi 3 2 > 2h . a I Egy RP 7 wt tye Tn v § . ROL A Lad Tl re a 2) al Po a » "tT Y RAY \ 1} Ao I Te ks Pe ~ Ciel A et $, ay -' . v 3 .. Tat 2 aS < 0 vq " i 3 Ee Nay, rst ry 4 wv CL BOER SE Sf "rn Wetter oh al AN Te a, x Sw oe Dis, en Se aL ERT Vv RE TNA a YE ae