SO w 1 Qed yd $7 43 Rt 1 A v t . LEY 3% Fis th & AAT NG Nr 2 ¥ FE EE TARTS Baa 1H a AR AR FORE CRRA SRE Hy RTT po lt Ta ROH EP RR |} 4 * Nursery school 5 & program expands This November the Dur- ham YMCA is expanding its co-operative nursery school program in Port Perry. The new program is being geared to meet the need of four year olds. The children will enjoy an enriched pro- Goreski may run Ward 1 The Star learned just prior to press time Monday night that Phil Goreski is "ser- iously considering' running for the Ward 1 seat on Scugog Township council. #Mr. Goreski, who lives in Ashburn, said he has the &,0mination papers and will gram of creative art, crafts and music, while leaning to socialize in a group atmos- phere. The "Program for Fours" will be held at the Old Town Hall, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to. Thursday, from Novem- ber until the end of May, Your child may attend four days a week, for which the" ~ fee will be $34.00 per month, plus mom working as sup- port staff two days each month. Or your child may attend two days each week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday) for which the fee will be $17.00 per month, plus mom work- ing as support staff one day each month. If the parent is unable to help out an addi- tional fee of $5.00 per month (for a child attending twice a week) or $10.00 per month a ? -- onc HH hal pful demonstration Being young, is being inquisitive, and fireman Al Jannine, Sherrie Lee and Graham how "Resusci- "# "very likely" fill them out (for a child attending four before this Monday. days a week) can be paid. Mr. Goreski ran for coun- Please call now for more cil once before, in the old information and registration Scugog Island Township, - Mrs. Lois Robertson - 985- where he operates a marina 7464 or Mrs. Linda Skeratt - and campsite. 985-3280. < ! 5 203 WATER STREET 985-3281 invites you to an evening of Saturday, October 21st & Try our delicious SMORGASBORD SERVED FROM 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 985-3281 featuring music by "Bill Johnson" (CHOO Radio) 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Annie' works. This was just one of the many displays and demonstrations the firemen had for the public. Armour found out just how curious children can be last weekend at the fire departments Open House. Here fireman Armour demonstrates to [from left] News from Seagrave and area by Jackie Boyle Is there anyone out there who cares to be reminded that as of today there are 57 shopping days left until Saint Nicholas arrives with Elaine's new dishwasher and chairman, Roy Puckrin as secretary and Bert Hutcheon as treasurer. The. Board of Directors include Hans Buscher, Peter Jones, Law- rence Carr, Keith Puckrin and Ray Abraham. Lets all group by attending the next meeting when it is called. A good turnout from- the Seagrave community was reported at both Epsom ana Greenbank Schools for their respective 'Meet the Teach- Miserable weather didn't stop the Cubs, Scouts and Beavers from participating in Apple Day on Saturday. Hot dogs and hot chocolate were enjoyed by all at the end of the drive. my new car. Ho! Ho! Ho!. lend our support to this er Night" last week'. (Turn to page 13) Pinedale Church Anniver- sary was celebrated Sunday with Rev. Roundell as speak- er. Special music was pro- vided by the Pinedale Choir and the Junior Farmer's Quartet. Because of this special occasion, Seagrave held Sunday School only. Next week Church and Sun- day School will resume at 10 a.m. Greenbank Church Anni- versary will take "place on November 5 at 11 a.m. with Rev. S. McEntyre as speak- S h ° er portshirts j It was election night at the ; Seagrave Parks Association meeting on Tuesday. Our capable new executive in- cludes Frank Branton as IRWIN SMITH MUSIC LTD. Silky smooth and luxurious ... shirts that feel as fabulous as they look. In soft tex- tured polyester. rr, Handsomely printed in 4 striking patterns. 4 Drop in and see our selection of HAMMOND ORGANS - the ideal Christmas gift for the family. Machine washable. ; Styled and made in Canada. S.M.L.XL. from $23.00 (merchandise not exactly as illustrated) FREE LAYAWAY FREE DELIVERY Gregory's Men's Wear Ph. 128 191 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-2635 LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY 985-8160 Se---- °C N FREEMAN OPEN THURS. & FRI. T0 9:00 P.M. Co FORMAL u RENTALS A -- (A a a -- ".. - TN a no PS a a on Rt rv, oy x & RA A a A 05 "El SI TRAE AY, NT SN Un ey aa fo a - cv ", -C cn Vrs gr AR TR