a -- Durham Region to host Industrial Affairs Day industrial development the planning department, and all matters, relating to development are reported to council by Re- < «< # ' @ More than 200 industrial- ists, developers and bankers are expected to visit Durham October 18 for the second annual Industrial Affairs Day hosted by Durham Region. ' % RSA 4 a I... The visiting delegates, some of whom may be from overseas, will take part in a guided bus tour of industrial projects in Durham, and will have the opportunity to view potential development sites. The bus tour is to include all areas of Durham, including Scugog Township. The industrial affairs day is designed to bring together potential investors and developers, give them the Work commences on Central 7 workshop » Actual construction got underway Tuesday morning on the Central Seven Work- shop for mentally handicap- ped adults. According to a spokesman for the Central Seven organi- zation, the permission to finally get the project start- ®ed came late Friday after- noon. from the provincial 'ministry of community and social services. The new building, which will be used as a workshop for up to 25 mentally handi- capped adults from Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge Town- ships will be located on the northeast corner of Regional Road 8 and Simcoe Street, just north of Port Perry. The workshop will be known as Central Seven Industries and an opening some time in the spring of 1979 is anticipated. The Association is acting as general contractor of the project in order to make use of local tradesmen in the three townships. While it wasn't possible' in every trade, 60 percent are from the three townships and 99 - percent are in the Region of Durham. Central Seven has a fund- raising goal of $60,000., which will cover its committ- ment of 20 percent of the total Capital costs of the building and furnishings plus the first three months opera-: ting costs. Revenue gene- rated by the sale of goods and services from the 25 people working at Central Seven Industries will be used to meet the required 20 per cent of annual operating costs. The Association still needs $10,000. to meet that goal and Youth pleads guilty Mrs. Joan Heintzman and Mr. Joe Baxter, Co-chair- men of the fund-raising committee are confident that now construction has started further funds will be donated and outstanding pledges ful- filled. Donations to Central Seven Association for the Mentally Retarded may be sent to Box 964, Port Perry, Ontario. Official income tax receipts will be issued. to forgery charges 'A 17-year old Scugog Township youth has been remanded in custody after pleading guilty in Whitby provincial court last week to 15 charges of forgery and one of breaching probation. Sentencing on all charges will be handed down October 20 after the preparation of community assessment and pre-sentence reports. A request by the lawyer for Michael J. Rice of RR 3, Port Perry, that the young man remain out of custody until sentencing was turned down 'by Judge D.B. Dodds. Rice admitted forging and cashing the cheques at retail outlets in the Port Perry and Oshawa areas. The charges were laid between August 9 and October 2 and the cheques ranged in amount from $15 to $85. Restitution has been made for all but three of the cheques. The breach of probation charge was laid September 22 for violation of a previous order made in April of this year. Vandals strike school (From page 1) gyprock wall to get into the room. Also stolen were several boxes of choco- late bars that the school was stocking for a fund raising campaign. Some of the bars were smeared on the walls in the school. The damage was discovered by a care- taker on Saturday morning and an OPP fingerprint and identification unit was called in to help in the investigation. A police spokesman told the Star Tuesday morning that the investigation so far leads police to believe that juveniles or young teen-agers may be responsible. Police and school officials are asking anybody with information concerning this incident to get in touch with the OPP detachment in Whitby. FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 13 - 14 Friday: 7 &9 Saturday: 8 p.m. Work crews were busy at the school over the weekend trying to clear up enough of the mess to allow classes to open on Tuesday morning. ' Police are also investigating a second incident of vandalism in Port Perry at the public washrooms at Fowler Memorial Park on Water Street. About $200 damage is reported and a similar amount in the theft of towel dispensers and other facilities. Police also report that two homes on Balsalm Avenue in Port Perry were ran- sacked some time early Saturday morning in an apparent search for money. Entry into both homes was gained by smashing rear doors and a small amount of cash is reported missing. About $100 damage was done to the houses. ~ SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY OCTOBER 15-16 - 17 One Show Only at 8:00 p.m. Jerry Reed and Peter Fonda have found something more Fun than Truckin' J] , IT'S THE WORLD'S GREATEST GAME (AND IT SURE AIN'T FOOTBALL.) verry DAVID MERRICK ; vsovs 4 MICHAL RITCHIE (om BURT REYNOLBES ' KRIS KRISTOYTERSSN JILL CLAYDURGR "SEMI-TOUGH" ROBERT PRESTON... conv scovons WALTER BERNSTEIN Brunt 0 neve sy BARJENRINS Auscorsy DAVID MERRICK 0 ocoer, MICHAEL RITCHIR 7 Zin PETER FONDA JERRY REED "HIGH-BALLIN' Color prints try MOVIELAB + An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Release CLOSED WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY mini CINEMA Queen & Perry 985-8535 opportunity to view Durham and question members of the Region's development de- partment. The bus tour will get un- derway at 9:30 a.m. in Whit- by, and later in the afternoon members of council and Regional staff will review the industrial and marketing programs in the Consumer's Gas building in Whitby. In making the announce- ment last week, Regional chairman Walter Beath wet JR L Te » » ' of FL 2s FF WY. 0 ve - amr » FY EY ' ' LA vr. 3 50 3% Lah CR RSS OE a a a a a eS 3 s ' y. s 4 7s, "laa PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 11, 1978 -- 3 stressed that Durham *'must sell hard to focus the atten- tion of developers and indus- trialists" on the municipal- ity. office from It is expected that the gional chairman Walter hiring of a new development Beath. director for the Region will - take place in the next couple PORT PERRY STAR of weeks as interviews with applicants for the top post are being conducted this week. Last month the Regional council voted to split the foot-loose and % dn fancy-iree Castel OCS Oxfords $39.95 Hush Puppy Oxfords $21.95 North Star Joggers $17.95 - $19.95 ADVERTISING DEADLINES Display- Monday 12 noon Classified - Monday 3 p.m. Wallabees Wrangler Oxfords $49.95 $24.95 SNOW SUITS Men's $59.95 Boys' $49.95 Wallpaper Large Stock $150 - $900 - $99 Single Roll Wallpa Special Order Books New Books - Fast Service VINYL EASE $4.95 sq.yd. FLOOR COVERINGS Rubber Back Rugs $7.95 sq.yd. 36" Wide (Merchandise not as illustrated) 2 Bas Se eg x WINDOW SHADES $3.25 - $3.95 - $4.95 - $5.95 J] A.W. 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