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United Church in the Chris- Lr PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, October 4, 1978 -- 23 Festival- of the World of Women held at the Queen Elizabeth Building on the Exhibition Grounds, Paula Blackstock | the Recreational Centre in Blackstock. There is also a request for used articles of Auction value to be donated Mr. and Mrs. Dunning will reside in Ottawa following a vacation in Hawaii. A Father and Son Banquet tian Education Room on Sunday, October 22, at 8:00 "p.m. All interested parents of any denomination are ster. Confirmation Class is A a 55 Te en ROLY --~ - \ RRR ngs 3 ee Crag on RE ix IL INES + 4 cr Re ARAN hy WR - ve. A Th ha vr ~ RCTS PTA oT HL A eA IRR Lishman, a resident of to the Auction Sale to be held was held at the Recreational - urged to attend. A Blackstock held a large at Malmont Sales Barn on Centre on Saturday evening Sorry to report that Earl LSP audience captive for thirty October 28th. in connection with the cubs Bradburn is a patient at the the minutes watching a unique While the evening lun- and scouts. A Beautiful Oshawa General Hospital, fa fashion presentation. Wild cheon was being served dinner of pot luck was pro- the community wishes him a se music played as trained U.C.W. members were vided by the Ladies Auxi- speedy recovery. ig; ¢ dancers portrayed the ad- reminded of the two Reglon- liary. There was an anima- The Gerald Kelly family Bh vance of fur from the chill of al Meetings taking place ted film shown on scouting spent the weekend at the SH a cavemans' cold environ- October 16 at Hampton and and several awards of equal home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- it ment to modern day through October 24 at Claremont; if value were presented. The liam Kelly in Bobcaygeon for RD the elements of fire-air- interested call Ruby Van one hundred and fifteen men the event of the Annual Fair. FRI earth-water-wind. Long Camp. and boys served at the ban- Gloria and Ross Atkinson Fh coats, short coats, sweaters, Thursday afternoon the quet would like to thank the spent the weekend with Ry c , and hats were just a nursery school class was mothers that gave freely of brother Bill and Lee Atkin- pn féw of the items presented on treated to a walk through a their time and cooking abili- son at their cottage on the Bd ~ #tage. All of them had been "pumpkin patch" at -the ties. Bay in Collingwood. RR « made using Paula Lishman's home of Mary Mackie's:: Don, JoAnne, Russell and Sunday there was a large doh new patented technique of where she also served them their children Kyle and Dana congregation gathered at the vA fur fashion. At the end of the "special tarts. moved into the village of United Church where World Ex presentation Paula, Bill and On Friday evening the: Cadmus over the weekend. Wide Communion Sunday Bo son Aaron walked onto the Recreational Centre was They received help from was observed. The Sacra- hg stage to take their bow, filled with well over a hun- many friends and relatives ment of Baptism will be PARA wearing fur and for Bill the dred guests for a "Buck and including Don's father and administered Sunday, Octo- Bal added touch of. a banner Doe" Dance held in honour mother and brother from ber 15th. Parents wishing to fy across his chest, 'Token of Cindy Van Camp and Windsor, Gord and Barb have children baptized are As Male Sex Object". Through- Dennis Werry. The replace- Russell and Ken, who enjoy- asked to contact the mini- x out the building during the ment of the old 'stag Party' ed spending the weekend - w Bop Te? rake ive day show over 100 spe- re ie Li : was organized by John and between houses. tonight (Wednesday) at 3:45 Ea ia exhibitors operated Hanns Yea oli Geode Lishman, Sieh ded ihe Karen Buckley of Lindsay =A group of Christian at the church. Hi booths of interest to the Techni wy J S other, ay a's new "who will stand up with Cindy parents of the Community May Wotten was honoured fs mature woman, and working | echnique in fur. Geordie slipped on a knitted fur hat "4 Dennis this Saturday met at the Parish Hall on on Thursday, September 28 £8 girl. to show off his favorite artist's speciality. evening. 'Doc' from Lindsay Sunday evening with the with a family dinner out on HT Crowded, but happy, the creational Centre. The diet Christian Campfire songs. provided D.J. services anda view of forming a teen group the occasion of her 85th Ero, Senior Citizen's made room cub, friends and members There was no Treasurer or special presentation of inthearea. An organization birthday. LY for 23 tables of euchre on ere given several door Secretaries report at this money and good wishes was meeting of the teens will be ~~ Bob and Marion Miller and He Tuesday night in Blackstock. prizes and individual goodie meeting due totheinterest of. made to the happy couple. held at the Anglican Parish their youngest daughter, Ed The winners were: 1-Harold pag the guest speaker. Joanne The marriage of Marion Hall on Sunday, October the Lisa of Ajax dropped in and fi Swain-93, 2-Yeoman Luke-87, A good crowd of 40 or so Lee gave a devotional mes- Bradburn to Clarence Dun- 15th from 7 to 9 p.m. all enjoyed Saturday lunch with ¥: 3-Wilfred Wilson-86, 4-Free- tended the General Meet- Sage on the Thanksgiving ning took place on Saturday interested young people are Dave and Carol Andrews and % WA) man McCulough-83, 5-Wil- ng of the U.C.W. on Wednes- theme before the meeting afternoon at the United invited to come and share family in the Smith's woods. We liam MacFarland-83, 6- day evening at the United Was turned over to Rev. 470 lewis Cain-83, and low- Church, including friends Roger Maggs. CC 5050525252525252505252525252525258 52 525052525252505252525252525252525252525252525 FIX Arthur Clark. Close to thirty enjoyed the presentation of a film of consumer interest and a talk on nutritional shopping given by Claire Gurley of Toronto from the National Diet Information Centre, on Wed- nesday evening at the Re- from the Anglican Church and the North Nestleton United Church. Ruby Van Camp opened the meeting by presenting several young people that had attended Camp Quin Mo Lac during the summer for a sing song of interesting Rev. Roger Maggs is the Chaplain of the Oshawa General Hospital. He showed a twenty-minute slide program on the Oshawa Hospital,- staff and patients followed by a question and answer period. His talk was - interesting and informative on the duties and problems faced by the chaplain of a large hospital in the modern day world. Edith McLaughlin repor- - NOW OPEN - INDOOR i jor RPT rt SEAR Sa vn An Is oF v a oz ST »3 ew rae oy . ~ en ted on the future plans of the Fi Storm Glazing Fund Com- . 28 id mittee. Help is needed, &. 2 hopefully some good strong FS VISIT T0 RO NTO men, to serve and help at the ph aS) Enjoy the Table Home of the CN Tower and the Blue Jays LORD SIMCOE'S GETAWAY SPECIAL 2NITE for two includes: * Free admission to the CN Tower * Modern guest room for 2 nights * Dinner one evening at the famous Captain's 8:30 a.m. only each day) bject to ad - $6990 i ® gy hi) $2300 stay an extra night for only See your travel agent or reserve direct. Inquiry for Blue Jay tickets can be made through our transportation desk. 150 King St. West, Toronto Tel: (416) 362-1848 double STERLING STERLING TRUST CORPORATION INVEST NOW! 7% * Continental breakfast one morning, full INTEREST American breakfast one morning. PAID * Free overnight parking (From 6:00 p.m. to ANNUALLY FOR 5 YEARS DON FORDER Insurance Agency Ld. 24d WATER STREET, PORT PERRY Phone: 985-8471 (10x11) or (10' x 22") Monthly or Yearly Convenient Location un Regional Road 8. JRI STORAGE LTD. 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