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All ladies are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Magee held a family birthday party at their home for Mrs. B. Magee of Lindsay. She is 80 years young. Birthday parties seem to be the order of this past week as Mrs. D. McKean's family entertained for her party on Sunday. We are glad to report that Glen McKean is home from Oshawa hospital and hope he continues to improve quick- ly. Mrs. C. Richards, Miss I. Richards of Agincourt and Miss M. Newell of Barrie visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Empringham on Friday. ~ Miss Jean Watson of Toronto spent last week with . Mrs. Muriel Gibson. Winners at a recent euchre party held in Greenbank Hall were: Ladies - Mrs. Eva Stentiford, Minnie Durie, Rosetta Evans and Betha Stiver. Gents - Irwin Kydd, Dorothy McDiarmid, Yeo- man Luke and Jim Evans. The next euchre party will be Greenbank Cubs Since our opening night we have been moving ahead. September 25, fifty cubs, beavers and friends travel to our akela home for a camp: fire, outside fun and wiener roast. Scouter Jim Rodley and his wife were our guests and they ran a great pro- Akela Saunier and Boloo Wilcox assisted our guest. October 14 is our apple drive and October 16: swim up for our beavers friends. October 7 our group committee is holding a dance at Latcham Centre for our support. Have a safe Thank- sgiving Day. Manchester News by Mrs. Ruby Fielding Church on Sunday, October 8 at 11:15 a.m. Rev. E. Linstead in charge. The Manchester U.C.W. will meet at the church on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamb attended the Knowles- Durante wedding at Fort Erie on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davey of Keswick, Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Wilson of Oshawa recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Toms of Sarnia and Mr. Rueben Hancel of Oshawa Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mitchell. Mrs. Jewell and Mrs. Doris Cawker Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Art Field- ing. Miss Ann, Janet and Kenny Lamb supper guests with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb, Satur- day evening. held this Friday evening October 6th. Congratulations to Miss Kim De Haas of Seagrave who was honoured at a fly-up at the Brownie meeting Tuesday at Greenbank Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goddard, Mr. Fred Christie, and Mrs. Rose Winget visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Latta. ~ A confirmation class is to be started for young people and others interested in join- ing the United Church. The first class is to be at the church this Thursday eve- ning at 7 p.m. Rev. and Mrs. J. Roundell were guests for Sunday supper and the evening at Mr. and Mrs. Molenar of Pinedale. Phone news to 985-7812. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innes visited their sister-in-law Mrs. P.C. Stainton in Wing- ham for a few days. While there they spent awhile at the plowing match. Another local winner at the Provincial Plowing Match was Mr. Ron Thomson for a straight furrow. A number of local people enjoyed a day or so at the match. Miss Denise Dusty and Miss Janice Till were home from Sir Sanford Fleming College at Peterborough for the weekend. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Roger Blair who were mar- ried in Little Britain on Saturday. Roger lived with his family in Greenbank at one time. A number of village people attended. We welcome Kathy and Brad Parker who recently moved to the village. We are happy to report that Mrs. Myrtle Thomas. is home from Port Perry Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton How- sam of Port Perry visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Florence Hill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Budd spent three days tra- velling in the north and taking the train to Agawa Canyon. They had perfect weather and the colours were beautiful. A lot of other people enjoyed it too as the train had 21 cars for passen- gers, 2 diners and 5 engines. Mr. Tom Hunter enter- tained Mark McKean at a stag party in the hall to celebrate the forth coming marriage of Mark later this month, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee visited Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee at Trout Creek a couple of days this week. Mr. Lloyd Spencer and Mrs. Ivan Spencer visited a day in Bracebridge. After being a winner of the regional tractor rodeo at Blackstock, Mr. Bob Stone was the first prize winner at the Provincial plowing match last week. This is sponsored by the Junior farmers safety programme and the John Deere Co. Congratulations Bob. Remember to support the Ventures, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Brownies Thanksgiving Day Dance to be held at the Latcham Centre October 7 at 8:30 p.m. Music by D'HYS' . Cost is $8.00 per couple. CHROMACOLOR - gt - Ld = UXBRIDGE ELECTRONICS 75 Brock Street W Uxbridge Ontario Phone 852-3481 a EE eS I 2 IE NE EN BR) = KfyourCanada Savings Bonds mature thisyear 'Now's the time to = reinvestin new Canada Savings Bonds Here are three easy steps to keep your money working for you. your bonds Two Series of Canada Savings Bonds mature this Fall: 1969/70 Series (S24) maturing November 1, 1978, 1968 Special Replacement Series (SR) maturing October 1, 1978. Look for "S24" or "SR" preceding the serial number on the corner of your maturing bonds. Find out the cash value of your bonds At maturity, every holder of "S24" or "SR" bonds will receive the face value shown on the bond, plus a special cash bonus payment and any interest payable on the bonds. If you have any questions about the value of your bonds, just ask the people where you bank or invest. Locate and identify 3 "SR" Series Canada Savings Bonds to your bank or other authorized redemption agent. All the paperwork Special arrangements make It easy to reinvest Simply present your "S24" and November 1. working for you! Act now in connection with the redemption of your bonds will be done for you at that time. For "S24" bonds the transfer of funds will take place automatically on In the same transaction, you can. sign up for the new 1978/79 Series Canada Savings Bonds. You may reinvest all proceeds from your maturing bonds in the new Series. Also, you may buy an additional | ally, amount up to $30,000, the ». §& -- purchase limit of the 1978/79 Series. = It's a great way to keep your money There are more than 900,000 Canadians who own maturing bonds. If you are one of them, go to your bank, investment dealer, trust company or credit union and make arra ements to reinvest in the new Canada Savings Bonds. Do it now and avoid the rush! new bonds. Or, you can receive your interest by cheque through the mail. The Compound Interest Bond If you seek savings growth, or an investment for the future, or a retirement fund, you'll choose the Compound Interest Bond which earns New Canada Savings Bonds offer you a great choice With the new Series, you have a choice of bonds. There's a Regular Interest: Bond that pays interest each year. And a Compound Interest Bond that reinvests your interest automatically, earning interest on your interest. The Regular Interest Bond Agoodretumn New Canada Savings Bonds are dated November 1, 1978 and yield an average annual interest of 8.90% when held to maturity in 1985. Each new bond earns interest of 8.50% the first year and 9% for each of the remaining 6 years. Buying Canada Savings Bonds has been a great Canadian tradition for over 30 years. They're the proven choice. If you want a regular annual income from your investment, you'll like the Regular Interest Bond which pays interest automatically interest on your interest, after the first year, at the guaranteed annual rate of 8.90%. For example, a $100 bond will grow to $181.74 at maturity in just your interest is deposited directly into choose, you will own a safe, secure each November L bondhold 7 years. you're like many bondholders, ou'll Ppitadialy the direct deposit Security and instant cash eature. With this convenient option, Whichever type of bond you y : \ . > : Average your chequing or savings account. investment which can be turned into Annual Interest Simply ask for it when you buy your instant cash whenever you need it. to Maturity The proven choice J S & yy a Te