TEA ERs ee NS SIA od J aoe 4 a = a a a FC kai pa a Ra Pt £4, hy wh Te -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 27, 1978 000000000000000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 _---------------------- & ® i] & @ = ® @- & K J o BR 44 Qo 1.4 ® = 4 @® ® 0= ® ® & 0 ---- & @ p2 @ o : é = 0 & e = * eo ® & & i® @ ® o: ® s Canada nl Deas 4 regul 8 Sorange flavour cysts So 'Bye the Sea - flaked 4 8 on teams § SCOttowels § tea bags $Rise °N Shine light tuna $ S 12-141. 0z. tin e 2 Pho. @ Pkg.of 72. ou x3 1/4 oz. pkg. S 60 tin A : : ¥ 1 : : ® bY bd 4 4 8 4 @ iP ® ® H | ° ml ° PW ° Wm 3 ® & ® ® - a o Sn oF cut from Canada grade A beef S [Canadano. 1 creamed - 4 8 lice & » full slice $| Beemaid &. ¢ juice Qo e Tz o | honey 89 4 1911. oz. tin @ = @®| 2p. Noy H # # - e wy Neilson $ i i und 98 s concentrated laundry S 4 0 s @ All ® ® chocolate 189 steak ® detergent 49 3 : : Sb "249 ® 500 gram cont. 3 a e = b. 4 3 litre box S S Chase & Sanborn ground out from Canada grade A beef boneless Pride of Canada - boneless cryovac | Maple Leaf sweet pickled, cryovac s liquid ® e trend e under dinner cottage o| Sunlight |$ $ coffee Hil pork rolls 8 detergent ¢ @ 1b. tin oulders : @ | 32f. oz. rae "RR © ® 18 29 i - harv est : --_-- Ib. 1 @ b b. El 3 tame CTR 4 ® PH ® Sposa © ® crunch 169 ® cut from Canada grade A beef | tasty Pamp ers 49 ® ® | 550 gram pkg Bm | © inside round steaks 17 78 = hocks b. 983 pg. dvd S & @ Devon Brand: | aple Leaf fully cooked _ | ® ® ® | condensed tomato or vegetable S rindless bacon ne. 1. 4 smoked PICNICS Ib. 1.24% Canada fancy frozen & s ayer, |. @ test. boneless | Schneiders red hots, dutch treet or all beef © @ | McCain julienne ® ® sou | @ stewing heef » 1. 38 skinless wieners kg. 1.18 ® french [@~ e soup 4 @ ceo uso or rer de oa oc po, 8 fries 0 r pickle & pimento o 101i. oz. tin : medium ground beef 1.38 'cooked meats Cor 65 e 188 bag MM o | damn ELLA crust mix o . . | == arth tones Scottie s pumpkin 3:1. 00 : Crisp Iceberg No.1 | RUT) Waxed, No.1 : QS fatal tissue of 200 .65 s 3 tn ABAGAS ® Litt 101b E.D. Smith blueberry or cher | litter a 1 .25 ® 4 pie filling BRACES I 09¢ s LETTUCE .12¢ 8 $ phi i. 99 ® S cheese spread IX 59¢@ ® , 4 C Golden Yellow, No.1 s $ Loci 100 4.09 4 assqrteq Nestle | 0 asie ub . 2 mini puddings °°: 1599 Each BANANAS 49C e 8 wn sa]. 59 x ® cooked hams "* 3. 508 | . nitary napkins " s a Crosby's - pure Barbados 675 aram ©00000000000000000000000000000000000000000% Modess nl. 09 $ @® molasses Stan 69e Values effective until Saturday Sept. 30, 1978. We reserve the right to limit Mrs. Smith f ® @ rire sot o 698 ght to limit quantities. Supplied and Serviced by National Grocers Co. Ltd. e pumpkin pie 24 oq 19 ® margarine A ' unspun org coneentiated wey @ o i pnp "098 DOWSON'S RED & WHITE FOODMASTER ® orange juice ".t. 79 @ k rect line available to Yichinas tinash cai cow 2998 rm °. PORTPERRYPLAZA | occwours =~ @coiinbater '1.499 8 (aie oes: 098, ous" g convenience. SCUGOG STREET "Thurs. & Fri. 9109 p.m. > © delle pizza 110 io 2. 29 o. 0000000000000000000000000000000ccnct rr Zl i C00 et a 00000000000 = g ih iH | | i Il I I ll I ¥ i i Ww