hy Wry i aa A ol y £) ZFS £5 Si a x PINT WEE nity ; PEI II0 SOAP FRUIT SH Classified Ad Work Wanted CUSTOM PLOWING and discing and silo filling. Gord Masters, 705-786-2173, 04 PART TIME house painting. Call Bob 579-8189. S13 SUNROOF INSTALLATION, { cars, vans or trucks, $30. and up. Labour only 985-8327. T.F. WILL SIT CHILDREN in my own home, Monday to Friday. Call 985-3045. A30 LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN Consultants, free estimates, reasonable rates. Call 576-6243. A30 "RE-UPHOLSTERING LOFAS and chairs. Wide assortment of first clasy-fabrics. All workman- - ship guaranteed. Reasonable prices. For free estimates, call Austin Bartley, Blackstock | Upholstery, at 986-4731, R.R.#2,. Blackstock, Ontario. T.F. CRACKNELL ROOFING - new and old roofing, plus all types of renovations and additions. Call Kevin (705) 432-2913 Cannington. A30 FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS Service, 725-1044 or 985-7758 after six. Bob Goodman of this firm has recent- ly moved to this area and would be pleased to serve you. T.F. free estimates, call } Goodman Plumbing, Oshawa' Work Wanted E Work Wanted Legal Notice WILL DO day care in my home, Fralicks Beach 985-7830. GENERAL HOME REPAIRS at a price you can afford. Call 985-2933. Sé WILL BABYSIT in my home, Caesarea area, by the hour, day or week. Call 986-5256. PIANO LESSONS available in my home in Port Perry. Beginners welcome. Call Paula Jeffrey 985-2343. CUSTOM POULTRY KILLING, health approved at Gordon's Custom Poultry, RR 3, Uxbridge. Phone 852-7698. Alé WILL LOOK AFTER one child in my home $35.00 per week. 985-7142 Sé6 PIANO LESSONS Associate student will teach '%eginner to grade six 985-7608 days. 985-3004 evenings. ' sé PAINTING - interior, exterior. Free esimates. 985-3490. A30 ELECTRIC FENCER SERVICE factory approved, service centre for Shur Shock fencers, repairs to all approved makes - battery, Aydro and solid state. Walter Wright, Blackstock. Phone 416-986-4818. T.F. { .- FREE ESTIMATES Fertilizing - Tree Removal - Hedge Trimming Aerating - Weedspraying Driveway Sealing & Patching WEED CONTROL Complete Lawn Care PHONE 985-8597 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns 'Norm's General Contracting - Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit NORM TRIPP 985-3563 OFFICE 985-8216 P.O. BOX 608, PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. en ee i es nm ® mn 4. Vr Sn * ---- Phone 576-3430 DUNWOODY LIMITED TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 57 Simcoe St. S., Suite 1A, Oshawa, LIH7L9 P.0.Box 516 - "COTTAGE RAISINGS, footings, foundations, alterations and add- itions. Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705- 745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F.! 'REPAIRS to all makes mowers, tillers, outboards and snow- mobiles. Call Bassett"s Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ont. 705-357-3526. T.F. MASONARY WORK, block, brick, stone chimneys and fire- places. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Phone 705-295-6987 or 705-745-6170 T.F. ROOFING Sealamatic Shingles Chimney Flashing Roof Air Vents Installed ALL WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Call: ' GEORGE WILSON ROOFING 579.8897 DEAD STOCK Free Removal Of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. Please dial direct: MARGWILL 'FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 CUSTOM COMBINING GRAIN & CORN Trucks Available ALSO Custom Corn Drying CALL 985-3035 WANTED 'Furniture - Appliances - Antiques - just about anything to be sold on consignment by auction. Sales to be held in" PRINCE ALBERT HALL p or on your property ' ESTATES-FARMS -REAL ESTATE - § For local pickup call: JOHN PEARCE Auctioneer 985-7492 Miscellaneous | DRIVEWAY SEALING & PATCHING Soil Sterilant FREE ESTIMATES All Work Guaranteed . JOHN R. LAWRENCE 985-8597 HORSES BOARDED $85.00 per month includes box stall, hay, grain and daily turn out. Trail rides $6.00 per hour, hay rides by appointment only. Call 985-865). S27 Give Away FREE TO GOOD HOME, 6 month old part Siberian Husky, male, good temperment, needs room. 985-8375 weekends and evenings. Lost THREE YEAR OLD Australian Shepherd, gray white and black, with a short tail. Reward. 579-9255 or 985-3032. A23 MALE PUPPY about 6 months NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the estate of Stanley Randall, deceased. All persons have claims against the Estate of STANLEY RANDALL, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the éth., day of August, 1978, are hereby notified. to send to the undersigned on or before the 16th.; day of Sep- tember, full particulars of their. claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claim of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 10th., day of August, 1978. "KELLY, JERMYN, ZULY AND MATTHEWS, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 131, Queen Street, PORT PERRY, Ontario LOB INO Solicitors for the above Estate. A30 Auctioneers "old, no collar. 985-7633. JOHN T. PEARCE AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household - Farm _ Consignment Sales For local pickup call' Port Perry 985-7492. Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. PRINCE ALBERT HALL Two miles south of Port Perry. Good furniture consignments, tools, dishes etc. Colonial couch and chair, oval pine table with 2 leaves, wagon wheel lamp, wash stand, captain chair, wooden chairs, queen size bed, good end tables -- coffee table, dropleaf table, church desk, 24' Kenmore stove, buffet, oil furnace for mobile home, colour TV (works), tin canner, new waffle iron, wool blankets, good quilts, picture frames, humidifier, hard back books, 6'x10' grey rug, roof racks, body sander, breast drills, 3 elec. motors, step ladder, forge, garden tools, wheel- barrow, bikes, dishes, 82" x 34' alum. door, lawn sprinkler and many more items. No reserve. Lunch. John 'Pearce Auction .Service 416-985-7492. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES The property of MRS. IRENE CROWHURST, Ballantrae; 3 miles north of Stouffville Road on Hwy. 48, including dining suite, refrigerator-freezer (new), washing machine, 2 bed- room suites, rocking chair, ice box antique, toilet set, crocks, 52 piece dinner set, pictures, chairs, vacuum, lamps, utensils, garden tools, chicken heater, lawn mowers, many more articles. Terms cash. Norm Faulkner and Ear) Gauslin, Auctioneers. MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER Furniture - Antiques Livestock - Machinery Real Estate PORT PERRY 985-2459 RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types. ~~ Phone Port Perry 985-2643 le -- ORVAL McLEAN Auctioneer household, farm, equipment, real estate, antiques, estates' Appraisals & Liquidations consignments at McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 KAHN AUCTION SERVICES Antiques - Estates Real Estate - etc. For Fast "Auction" Service 1 mile south of Whitevale. Every Wednesday at7 p.m. Auction Sales MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 [Labour Day] SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. - Auction sale of farm machinery, household furniture and antiques. Property of Bert Lewis, 3 miles east of Stouffville. Watch for signs. Details next week. Norm Faulkner and Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. " Quebec heater, Livestock - Furniture; Call: GAYLE KAHN 985-8161 HENRY KAHN 985-8161 Prop. of "HERONGATE COUNTRY AUCTIONS" .CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Auction sale at Corneils Auction Barn. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lind- say on Lindsay, Little Britain Road. The estate of the late CATHLEEN SHACKLETON of Kirkfield plus other consignors. Round pedestal table, china, cabinet-buffet combination, oak chairs, press back rocker, chrome set, picture frames, antique dressers, Moffat refrig- erator, platform rocker, coal oil lamps, partial toilet sets, wash stand, flat top trunk, chesterfield and chair/ radial arm saw, Ken- more wringer washing machine, wicker table, coffee and end tables, qu. of sockets and wrenches, qu. of china and glassware plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Open for show- ing Thursday, August 31 7 - 9 p.m. Don Corneil Auctioneer, ~ R.R. 1 Little Britain 705-786-2183. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Brooklin Community Centre, Brooklin, Ontario. Large sale of furniture, antiques and 19th century European paintings. Earl Davis auctioneer: . Oshawa 728-4455. ' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. LIVESTOCK AND MILKING EQUIPMENT Giving up dairy farming, the property of MARTIN JOHNSON, lot 6, con. 7 Verulam Twp., 17 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 or 5 miles north of Dunsford and 5 miles south-west of Bob- caygeon. 1973 Del.aval 44 can bulk milk tank, 1975 Delaval glass pipe line for 40 cows, com- plete with 4 units, 3 Del aval milk meters, 1 Delaval pail unit. 2 purebred cows, 1 purebred bull, 34 mature holstein cows in all " stages of lactation, 12 fresh June to Sept., 5 due time of sale, 2 due in Oct., 8 bed Holstein heifers - due December, 8 Holstein heifer calves 1 mos. to 5 mos. Herd Pregnancy checked. This herd has proven negative to recent blood test August 1978. Male - born 12 Apri. 1977, Sire - Agro Acres Marquis Ned 290516, Dam - Tyby Bessie 2235015. Garvue Alert Martha 2770858. Female born Sept. 2, 1973. Sire - High Point Del . Alert 319970. Dam - Garvue Janeen 2545953. Freshened Feb. 11, re-bred May 3. Denislea Winnie 2798159. Female born March 31, 1973. Sire - Way Brook Sir Winston 293299. Dam - Denislea Lois Rewayne 1927136 freshened July 19. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auction- eer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 705-324-2774, Sé Auction Sales SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 " SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Estate of the late MRS. KAY BLONGE, Pleasant View St. Caesarea. Turn east at G.M.C. Market in Caesarea, take 2nd street on left. Property sold. Completé household contents including leather rocker and foot stool, 6 sided coffee table, dark bedroom suite, good chesterfield set, 4' coffee table, chrome set -- 4 chairs, Orcana organ, Elgin tape deck, Electrohome radio- PY record player, captain chair and dining chair, day bed, Inglis washer, Hoover spin wash, Douglas dryer, Kenmore sewing machine, TV, dressers, ladders, skill saw, grease gun, castration clamps, Bradford apt. freezer, vice on stand, garden hoses and tools, qut. of tires, hockey equip., scales, dishes, glasses, pots and pans,-weights with bar, portab{y fish hut. All in good condition. No reserve. Lunch. John Pearce Auction Service 416-985-7492. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale of furntiture and antiques, the property of the LATE MARTIN BOWLES, will be held in the town of Port Perry (Lila St.) just south of the nurs- ing home. Cook stove,-parlour box stove, 2 Quebec heaters, extension table, qu. of dishes (some antique) 2 bennington bowls, pickle cruet frame, etc. pots, pans, 2 copper bollersa, butter bowl ladle and print, buffet, hump back trunk, large cuboard with glass door top, library table, brass and iron bed, 2 pc. chesterfield, parlour table, chest of drawers, dresser, picture frames, qu. of bedding, many other articles of furniture, also a qu. of lumber, approx. 3 ton hard coal, garden tools, and a 1959 Pontiac car (low mileage) sold as is. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12:00 noon. Reg. and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Ph (705) 357-3270. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS SOME ANTIQUES The property of' MRS. CORRINE PARKS*{and the late Clem Parks) 23 Kawartha Drive, Lindsay, Ont. 5 room white frame bungalow, 23 Kawartha Drive, Lindsay, Ont. (off Hwy. 36). 2 bedrooms with closets, bathroom, large living room, good sized kitchen, roomy front entrance with closet. Inside back porch. Small tool shed - cement patio. Garage - floor cemented. Wide paved black'® topped drive. Situated on lot approx. 110 x 50. Attic well insulated, high basement, '"cool" room, taxes under $400. Drapes, curtains & blinds go with the house. A property well worth your attention. Household furni- ture - twin beds, hand made headboards, swivel chair, 9 heavy blankets, 3 piece bedroom suite - dresser, 3 drawers and large mirror, 4drawer chest, bed 54", 8 place setting 6f Commun- ity Silver "Lady Hamilton", dining room table 36" x 72' wi* 11" extra board, 6 chairs - excellent condition, Findlay 30' electric range, G.E. toaster, Admiral 13 cu. ft. frost free refrigerator, 30' square 36' high freezer, 3 galvanized tubs assorted sizes, 2 wash boards - 1 large, 1 small with glass, 2 galvanized clothes closets with shelf and rod, 4 drawer writing desk, large shag rug, 2 - 2 speed heaters, floor sweeper, 2 piece chesterfield suit, Electric recliner - green leather, shovel, 2 crow bars, 2 burner table model '% hot plate with oven, hand made wooden chest, hand made table with 1 drawer, paint -- paint accessories, 8' circline lamp - Sylvania, blue baby stroller with hood, electric lawn mower - 100' cord, long handled weed cutter, sheers, wrenches, hammers, wooden clothes basket, large assortment of carpenter's tools, new 3 piece carving set, 2 saw horses, hanging wall clock,many other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Terms: 10 percent down day of sale. Vendor will resume mortgage to maximum of $15,000. Possession October 1st, 1978. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Property sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 7055242774. A NT a Sr ee aa Te rNs