- hn ¥y OA Ee be k S44 NN 7 A . \y oy YY . & \ $A N 1 N.Y a na A APTS EAT A AL SL LEY Ay ALE twat © wit" gd Stl ERAT LY 7 A $a & Dates gr ~ # rah Ld of eh ly NEAR 2 RELY * WAN hh op is LA RRA OAE . 213 \ iN PR oF os EH A A t z e, Xe 3 HN eu 3 Ch ? «4 Da) Seats (4 ARE x od £ 1% Fed x ETE ¥ J fos KX Pi Yoke a aS a ryt TLL eS SE ' \ Ye fiir " \ X . Atal s A'S 2 . - £ 20-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 30, 1978 News from Seagrave and area Next weeks correspon- : . Barbara C a Yooics lans to retire. ing on September 13 at 8:00 by Marilyn Beacock fer, Mrs. Barbara Connolley, Mr. Fred Cookson who has P } . . g P ; ¢ dent will be Donna Wana- It's a pleasure to be writ- Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock heen mail carrier to R.R.2 Ladies please keep " pi p.m. Please bring an item of maker. Her number is ing the news again for the and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan families for several years the Silent Auction i. oy baking, pickles, crafts, etc. 985-8350. Seagrave folks. Many Beacock and Philip. has recently announced his at the Genera Lew. me for the auction. thanks to Diane Puckrin for writing it for me last month. po | Having a new baby in our ; house certainly creates a bit of disorganization at first and her gracious offer to help with the news was most sincerely appreciated. Sorry to report that little Sherry Harris had the mis- fortune to fracture her arm one day this past week. Hope you won't have to sport that 110)" LJ " . cast for too long Honey! Congratulations to all the i ---------- local boys who participated | HANCES in the soccer tournament at Uxbridge on Saturday. Some of the boys ewere :\} RE , fortunate enough to bring 1 -~home a trophy while others $ N % were not quite so lucky but 0)\ THE-SPOT 'y BETTERTHAN 2 win or lose all of the kids » od worked hard all season and played a real good game and with no small amount of appreciation going to the various coaches and mana- gers of the teams. Without you none of it would have been possible. As well as the rules of soccer you taught them what good sportsman- ship is all about and to me that's just as important as winning or losing. Also a thank you to the executive of the Soccer Association for all their behind-the-scene efforts. A hearty welcome to our newest neighbours George and Janice Donsberger and daughter Georgette who have recently moved into their lovely new home. Sure hope you'll enjoy our country hospitality. Labour Day week-end is tradionally Port Perry Fair week-end as well and this "year it promises to be bigger and better than ever. It's . the one last blast for the kids that will signal the end of the summer vacation and them back to the routine of school once again. Many have taken in the 100th anniversary celebra- tions of the C.N.E. in Toronto this past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and boys enjoyed a family get-together on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Devitt at their cottage at Bolsover. Also visiting with the Devitts were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Devitt, Michael and Jenni- Cedar Creek News by George Kilpatrick Victor Larocque has been a patient in Port Perry Hospital for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Kit Klaw- CASH 1CHANCEINS PRIZES. ER STEAD It's a whole new Provincial : i th a whole lot more for you in 1it- hitter had a party last Sa¥iir- with a : day evening for her parents and 1ts all still just 55.00. before they returned to their . You get 10 chances at a "home in Newfoundland. million for $5.00. Plus $10,000 and George Kilpatrick visited S1,000 prizes. Thousands of other his * cousin, Miss Clara tax-free prizes. Levin, in Toronto on Wed- You get a chance to win on nesday. , the spot cash prizes. Just Mr. and Mrs. John Farrow scratch the spot marked of South River were visitors " a last weekend with Mr. and scratch here; and you Mrs. Rick Larocque and could win 5100, 520 or 510 Sons. in cash. Or a free ticket. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Trepanier and Mr. Leo x4 Trepanier all of Toronto a) were Saturday visitors with j Mrs. Victor Larocque. They ' | visited Vic in Hospital, too. : » 76 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare y oF "of Oshawa were Sunday : 7 afternoon visitors with : 1% George Kilpatrick. " J You get the best odds of any government lottery: better thaltdhe chance in 5 you'll be a winner. A lot more lottery for just $5.00. Get your ticket now. oy A fi 7) } * J 34 WITH AN EXTRA SIMILLION BONUS DRAW SEPTEMBER 24. ACURA odin NE Lr gt TCM Parr] Coptic 4 0 RVR A : ~ A REARS ER SS ATR 1 ry ¥. ot ih ye A 4 ; 4 3 3 ot. Fe x = i 2) L4 } ny 8 yas AL > gM 3 * i