AOR es [ENN SR w fg 4 Ay RN RIE 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 5, 1978 Court hears pleas, sets remand dates Continued from page 1 the Newcastle OPP early in May. Also charged at that time were eight juveniles. A third youth, Lloyd Oosterman, of RR5, Sunder- land pleaded guilty June 20 to a charge of possession of stolen property and received a two year suspended sen- tence with probation. Thomas Bartley of RR1, Basement Floors Patios - Concrete Steps DON'S CUSTOM CONCRETE FINISHING Quality Workmanship & , a Garage Floors - Sidewalks 7 Blackstock was convicted on a charge of possession of stolen property and fined $200. GUILTY PLEAS The following also made appearances in Bowmanville provincial court June 20 and entered pleas of guilty. Their cases have been put over until later this summer A Free Estimates PHONE 985-2588 pending completion of pre- sentence reports. Robert Clement of RR1, Nestleton, guilty plea to one charge of possession stolen property, sentencing August 15; Ray Cochrane, RR1, Blackstock, guilty plea to a charge of break, enter and theft, sen- tencing August 8; James Gardner, Blackstock, guilty plea to five charges break and enter, sentencing August 8; Todd McKee, guilty plea to six charges break and enter, sentencing August 8; Robert Parker, Oshawa, one charge break and enter, sen- tencing August 8. REMANDS Eight other youths entered no pleas when they appeared in court June 20 and their cases were remanded to various dates later this sum- mer. Mark Clark, Black- stock, remanded until July 11 on four charges of break 1 g¢ OFF Southern Jewel Pure Lemon Juice Mr. Dealer: Upon presentation of this coupon by your STORE COUPON customer against the purchase of any size bottle of SOUTHERN JEWEL PURE LEMON JUICE, H & W Foods Ltd. will pay you 15c. plus 5c. handling. Application for redemption on any. other basis constitutes fraud. Invoices showing your purchase of sufficient stock (in previous 90 days) to cover all coupons presented for redemption must be shown on request. Coupons will not be honoured and will be void if presented through outside agencies, brokers, or others who are not retail distributors of our merchandise, unless specifically authorized by us to present coupons for redemp- tion. kor redemption, mail to: H & W Foods Ltd., P.O. Box 783, Port Perry, Ont. [Coupon Offer Expires November 30, 1978] and enter and one of willful damage; Brian Dalton, Blackstock, remanded to July 11 on five charges of break and enter; Leonard Fudge, RR1, Nestleton, remand until July 11 on one charge of theft under $200; Daniel Felstead, Blackstock, remand until July 11 on 12 charges of break and enter, one of willful damage and one of assault; Donald Fee, RR1, Blackstock, remand until July 25 on five charges of break and enter, and one of possession narcotics; Robert Grieve, RR1, Black- stock, remand until July 25 on nine charges break and enter, two charges posses- sion stolen property, and three charges theft under $200; Kenneth Taylor, RR1, Blackstock, remand until July 11 on two charges break and enter and one possession stolen property; Chris- topher Vine, RR1, Nestleton, remand to July 11 on two charges of possession stolen property and one charge possession of a restricted weapon. Utica Continued and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe en- joyed a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sut- cliffe at Janetville and later joined with the family at another picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bray at Raglan. Miss Sandra Bray of Texas visited with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and family on Mon- "day. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beare and girls visited with Mr. Remember When Continued 35 YEARS AGO Thursday, July Ist, 1943 Miss Phyllis Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson, graduated from Mothercraft School of Nursing last Tuesday. . Co Mr. Phillip Orde sailed his boat, the "Spray" to Orillia via Scugog River, the Trent Valley Canal, and Lake Simcoe arriving two days later. Mr. Bruce Gerrow, who accompanied him, reported a' very pleasant trip. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 2nd, 1953 Miss Bowers, who has taught for the past year at Union School, Seagrave, has joined the staff of the Port Perry Public School. A Beaverton family of five, jumped to safety from their car a minute before it was smashed by a passenger train in Myrtle. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 3rd, 1958 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Keith Heron following their marriage in the Greenbank United Church. The bride, Evelyn May Ianson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ianson. Congratulations to Manchester students - Lois Cawker, Robert Donnelly, David Hobbs and Walter Stevens who passed Grade 8 exams and to Miss Barbara Masters who obtained her last year at High School. Miss Joyce Graham, Blackstock, is joining others from Oshawa-on a carvaning trip though Northern B.C. from July 1st. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 4th, 1963 Congratulations to Mr. Danny Reesor, who suc- cessfully graduated from Toronto Teachers' College on his years work. He has been appointed to the Staff of the Regent Height's Public School teaching Grade VI. Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis, Blackstock, are leaving today for two months holidays in Guernsey and the Continent. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 4th, 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Tripp of R.R. 2, Port Perry, have financially '"'adopted" Suh Yung Hi, a 10 year old Korean girl, through Foster Parents Plan. Rev. Mr. Ingleby preached his farewell sermon at Epsom last Sunday. The new minister will be Rev. Mr. Vincent Thorim. Congratulations to Miss Linda Hunter and Mr. Neil Holtby, Prince Albert, who both placed honour stud- ents in theory (piano) following examinations by Royal if A arr i Every drop HE Lp x Whur and Conservatory of Music. 3) ' Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Port Perry cele- brated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, vo) A wa rd June 8th at the home of their son Walter in Cartwright HL Township. ie g At a recent annual meeting of the Ontario County " Tech Be as KINSMEN and KINETTE BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Immaculate Conception Church Hall 460 Scugog Street - Port Perry WEDNESDAY, JULY 5 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. & 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. FREE BABYSITTING FACILITIES. FREE TRANSPORTATION CALL 985.7071 - During Clinic Hours. A Kin Project Serving the Communities Greatest Needs. "ee blood donor Verve Richard Drew has just returned from a series of Seminars in Toronto where he has received an award for his knowledge in hair and skin technology. He learned new techniques in hair cut- ting and styling and further- ing his education in the health and treatment of hair and skin. Twa, STERLING STERLING TRUST CORPORATION INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY FOR 5 YEARS DON FORDER Insurance Agency 14d. 24 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY Phone: 985-8471 TB and Health Association the following from Port Perry were elected to the Executive Council: Mrs. M.B. Dymond, Mrs. D.L. Crozier and Mr. N.P. Aldred. Final Shipments of 1978 G.M.C. PICKUPS Arriving Shortly! GAS & DIESEL MODELS NOW IN STOCK, AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. PONTIAC - BUICK PHILP unio 150 Water Street - Port Perry 985-7309