Food for Thought by The Hillier's Most modern ovens will heat up in eight to ten minutes. No matter what the recipe says, don't pre- heat until dish is almost ready to bake or roast. (Saves on fuel, too.) Glaze carrots slowly with a dash of Grand Marnier just before serving. o | Expert's trick in making pate brise (a rich, cookie- like pie dough): roll into a rectangle, then "'turn" as puff pastry, folding the dough in thirds and in half like a book; then roll to the desired shape. Special little salad - com- @ | bine petit pois and snow pea pods, mix gently with sour cream seasoned with dill and curry powder, and serve cold in Boston lettuce cups. Woman in Louisiana spe- cializes in "portrait cakes". Working in spe- cial fondant icing and with food colouring, she creates a likeness of the honoree for the top of the special-occasion cake. We specialize in friendly service at ... the Dairy Bar ON THE WATERFRONT Port Perry 985-8611 Come in soon for a deli- cious meal, and make any occasion special. OPEN EVENINGS TO 10 P.M. Learn to Drive LUKE'S in the Business: 985-8382 Berhad ules orange marmalade. Add [~ DRIVING SCHOOL |= PORT PERRY AREA for appointments phone LE ETAT Pattersons .of Port 197 Queen St. aaa SIE EE REE RE ONT (EN ETI. 73 ' Mobile home occupants to be notified of by-law Scugog council has inst- ructed by-law enforcement officer Bob Kenny to notify all occupants of trailers and mobile homes in the Town- ship that they are only all- owed 60 days occupancy per year. The inspection will be car- ried out over the next couple of months, and the occupants of the trailers and (or) the property owner on which the trailer is located will be notified in writing of the 60-day occupancy limit in the municipal by-law. The issue came under dis- cussion at a special meeting of council Monday afternoon, as it was learned that the province of Ontario will ex- pect all municipalities to govern the use of mobiles by zoning by-laws as of January 1, 1979. Scugog at present does not restrict mobiles in the Township other than through the provision that they can only be occupied for 60 days in any 12-month period. The motion asking the by- law officer to notify all trail- er occupants of the 60-day provision does not specify whether the Township will undertake to have trailer occupants thrown' out after 60 days, but councillor Reg Rose said the -eccupants should be aware that "they could be liable to prosec- * ution." Nobody on council seemed to know just how many trail- ers are being used in Scugog as permanent dwellings, but councillor Don Crosier did say that he knows of several in Ward 1. A couple of weeks ago, councillor Crosier spoke out strongly in favour of 7 ¥ - NW ° Residence: 705-357-3409 I= - 985-8332 ® "CROSS" Pens * FATHERS DAY ® Special Mugs for Dad & Grandpa ® Bar Accessories GIFS JUNE 18th "Shop in Air- Conditioned Comfort' Sinmun anna nanan COMING SOON .. PRE-INVENTORY SALE Savings Galore! . OUR FIRST LTTE EOE TOE E ASERRESRAR ERY FRNA Sed ALE CRO NGS allowing mobiles as perman- ent dwelling under certain circumstances. s He re-stated his position Monday afternoon, espec- ially in the case of farm families who may have a married son working the farm but unable to build a home at this time. He sugg- ested that if the Township started forcing people in these circumstances out of their mebiles, it could lead to hardship and friction among family members. Ward 2 councillor Richard Drew was also lukewarm about the motion to notify occupants of the 60-day prov- ision, saying it would be a waste of the by-law enforce- ment officer's time making a survey of the Township. He suggested it would Le better for the Township to pass a new by-law governing the use of trailers by spelling out 'clearly where they can be located and under what cir- cumstances. This essentially is what Scugog is going to have to do some time between now and January 1 in order to meet the changes in the provincial legislation. And council took an initial step Monday afternoon to- wards zoning restrictions to govern the use and occup- ancy of mobiles by asking the province for assistance and guidelines in setting up such a by-law. That will not be an easy move, however, for Scugog, as there are indications that some members want mob- iles in the Township, and others want them banned completely. GO WITH EXPERIENCE - LEARN WITH ... FUTURA DRIVING SCHOOL * Over 10 Years of success teaching both young and older students. * Participant in High School and Commun- ity College Driver Educator Programs. CALL COLLECT ANYTIME: (705) 277-2251 For Free Home Pick-up in the Port Perry Area. OR REC ot tiles usinianbideintsisinn sobwcr seid " FOR KITCHENS ott i Kin-gratulations Lorn Scanlon, a member of the Port Perry Kinsmen Club since its Charter in 1971 was elected to the post of Vice Governor of District 8 on Saturday, June 3 in Freeport, Bahamas. A delegation of Port Perry Kinsmen members including Jim Lawrence, Doug Gouin, Al Shelly and Brian Callery were on hand to congratulate Lorn on his most worthy election. Kin Lorn has in the past been awarded with the Maple Leaf Award, Outstanding Presidents Award and has been the Port Perry Kinsmen of the Year. Congratulations Kin Lorn! ROOMS " 12" Width Rubber back MIRABEL RUST CARPET *9.95 5q.yd. Light Teak Malager CARPET 12 Width $6. 15 sq. hard surface 15 mils. vinyl 5.25 $q.yd. [IN STOCK] Rubber back Carpet Glue $7.35... Carpet Tape $1.29. ron a %, & any \W LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER ST. - 985-7391 - INSTALLATION AVAILABLE -CARPET TAPE & ADHESIVES STOCK PORT PERRY