Ee a oe ASTON URES VN ER SSE NF SES SR A A ------------ a Greenbank and area news by Mrs. A. McMillan Mrs. Donald McKean has returned from an enjoyable three week vacation travel- ling by train to Nova Scotia. She visited her daughter Donna, granddaughter Suzanne, Grandson Scott and son-in-law Gordon West, who is a Corporal in the R.C.M.P. stationed in Shelbourre, N.S. where they now live. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Raines have returned from a two week holiday in England. Neil was the judge for the Holstein-Friesian show at Stafford and also visited many dairy farms while in England. Mr. Richard of the Here- ford Association from Pic- ton and Bobby Hull, Mani- toba visited with Mr. John Somerville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Empringham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Wash- ago, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Washburn, Cooksville, called on Pearl and Arthur Couves one eve- ning recently. This is your invitation to a shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone for their daughter Cathy on June 24th at 2 p.m. Ladies provide. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidson, Crystal Lake, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis, Hastings, dinner guests of Mrs. Jean Somerville last Tuesday. The regular meeting of Greenbank Women's Insti- tute will be in the hall on June 21st at 8:00 p.m. We are having Mrs. Martin show slides on the Easter Show in Sydney, Australia. Mr. Gary Lee has been released from Wester Hospi- tal and is staying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Murry Lee. We wish Gary conti- ROLLING HILLS STABLES HORSES BOARDED SUMMER PASTURE Acres and acres of riding facilities. F & G PERRY & SONS 985-8651 WEDDINGS Music Machine DANCES PARTIES PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEYS We have a large selection to suit everyones taste in Music! GERALD ROBITAILLE 668-9402 FRANCIS THERIAULT 985-8111 Member of the Wedding Council of Ontario. BANQUETS nued progress toward better health. Mrs. Robert Baird, Mrs. Fred Phoenix, Mrs. John Cook and Mrs. Bert Thomson enjoyed a five day bus trip to Williamsburg, West Virginia and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leask and John, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dusty and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix, Mr. Franklin Phoenix and Mrs. Marjory Beaton were guests at the Malcolm Sweet- man wedding in Port Perry last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter joined their Scarborough friends for a reunion in Agin- court last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Thom- son were guests at the wed- ding of their niece Barbara McCowan in St. Andrew's Church, Scarborough last Saturday. Milk shippers with Green- bank Cartage were enter- tained to a Bar-B-Que at the opening of the garage and truck depot at Manilla on Saturday evening. There will be a community party for Lorna and Don Fergusson and family in Greenbank Hall on Saturday June 17th at 8:15 p.m. Anyone overlooked may contact Ross Cookman. Ladies provide. The Greenbank Church Bar-B-Que will be held on Friday evening August 4th. We'll be expecting more of the good pies ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cook- man and Chris were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lunney in Peter- borough Sunday evening. A number of friends and relatives attended the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMillan in Sunderland church on Sun- day afternoon. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 14, 1978 -- 35 - SEE Jim Burnett or Raymond Tengesdal Beare Motors Ltd. 268 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY 985-7351 FOR THE BEST DEALS! WE NEED YOUR TRADE-INS! DIRECTORY R.R. JONES WATER HAULAGE Wells - Cisterns Swimming Pools Seagrave 985-3481 DRYWALL CEILINGS RENOVATIONS Competitive Prices Reliable Service All work Guaranteed 985-8322 PAINTING & T&T DECORATING Excavating & Grading Interior - Exterior Front end Loader - Backhoe - Wallpapering - "Stone & Sand Fill Reasonable Rates PHONE: 986-5514 or 786-2206 Septic Tank Installations Swimming Pools - Drains PORT PERRY 985-3754 MEMBER World's Largest Rug & KEN RANKIN PLUMBING 38 Caleb Street - Port Perry -NEW INSTALLATIONS - RENOVATIONS - REPAIRS Free Estimates 985-3608 For Prompt Service call: 129 Dunnington Dr. Scarborough, Ont. 698-4601 BRUNO'S CARPET' SERVICE Broadloom Specialists - Wall to Wall Carpets & Rugs Also Cushion Floor Vinyl B.CHRETIEN Residence: 985-37 CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES FIFTH WHEEL DOUG ALLEN DAVIS TRAILER SALES (Division of Holiday World) Whitby, Ontario LIN 2L6 1916 Dundas Street E., (Hwy. 2) SALES © SERVICE @® RENTALS Whitby: 728:9493 - Toronto: 683-3571 Res.: Blackstock: 986-4264 Upholstery Cleaning System Offices ies Homes Phone: 728-7842 Daily AA FORD-DURACLEAN Weekly ROM Co M PA N Y Windows R.R. 4, Sunderland, [Blackwater], Ont. LOC 1HO Floors Monthly Flower-fresh Cleaning of Carpets & Upholstery HT 3 : Call Collect: [705] 357-3573 ns , Janitorial Services ie Free Estimates Jack Ford | enera . : Cleaning Steam Cleaning Carpets INSTALLATION ALL WORK RELIABLE BY EXPERTS GUARANTEED Plumbing & Heating Ltd. BERT FABER New Installations - Repairs Alterations - Power Drain Cleaning "Service is Our Business!" 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE PHONE 985-3734 -- [Baas Nt Ata N =£ ogy I's . \y OFFICE ing and graining. FREE ESTIMATES -- Call REPAIR VINYL INVISIBLY 7 " reise "HOTEL Save money on reupholstery costs. Expert repairs done on your premises. Invisible repairs, perfect color match- CAR BOAT VINYL REPAIR SERVICE Seagrave, Ontario LOC IGO 985-8327 'YHygrade Fuels R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ontario. AGENT: ARVICE FISHER Port Perry - 985-7951 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Tie BUMPER POS) Rossy 0 0 BUMPER Won Sopp " "auto parts professionals" 985-8565 Rick Larocque Electric Contractor Residential - Commercial - Farm R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 St Clair the paint & paper people. Midtown Mall 200 John Street West, Oshawa, Ontario 576-2431 1150 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario 576-9971 RON DAVIDSON 555 Ritson Rd.S., Oshawa, Ontario KISIL FUEL OIL LTD. Radio Dispatched 24 Hour Emergency Service Gasoline - Diesel Fuel - Furnace Oil - Stove Oil Central Air Conditoning - Electronic Air Cleaners Power Humidifiers - Pool Heaters New Furnaces - Duct Systems Phone 655-3254 985-2291 728-5138 ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR FUTURE ask us ... ED LONG TODD BETHUNE Manufacturers Life Insurance Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa CALL COLLECT 728-739