Mao JW, A SS L NR rg pr oC] NASER SSA EFF ( 20-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 14, 1978 On Wednesday June 7, the Nestleton Women's Institute were pleased to welcome as their guest speaker the Blacstock and Shirley Insti-- tutes. The meeting in the Community Centre opened promptly at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. W. Bolan, vice-president, capably conducted the meet- ing in the absence of the president. Following the singing of the "Ode" and repeating in unison. the . "Mary Stewart Collect", she welcomed all. Mrs. M. Firlit, secretary read the minutes and Finan- cial Report. The correspon- dence consisted of letters from F.W.I.O., Meals on Wheels and Home Econo- mist re Training School for Leaders September 5 and 6. Mrs. J. Wygerde, District Director gave a good report of the District Annual held at An invitation was received to attend Blackstock W.I. on September 6 at 8 p.m. when the Home Economist will be present and the 4H girls will take part. The Motto - "Honest la- bour disgraces no one", was given by Mrs. Don' Frew. She read an appropriate poem about the pioneer woman and the workload she tackled on wash day. For the program Mrs. S. Van Camp, Blackstock gave a most interesting account of the bus trip taken on Monday June 5 to the Erland Lee Home and Adelaide Hoodless Home. Many worthwhile exhibits were on display and improvements continue to be made. Mrs. W. Bolan favoured with a reading, "The Gal in the Glass." 5252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525¢L ICICI °* HOME ® INDUSTRY ® FARMERS ICICI © CONTRACTORS Other Locations: TTT TT UXBRIDGE ' RENT-ALL 60 Bascom Street 852-3375 # Complete rentals for ... WE DELIVER IN THE PORT PERRY AREA! "We Rent Most Anything" BEAVERTON RENT-ALL 510 Mara Rd., Beaverton 705-426-7800 LINDSAY RENT-ALL 77 Durham St.W., Lindsay 705-324-1861 CICICICICCICIC TT Te Ta Tk T Q = 2652602626 525252625252525252525252505 2525252525252 505 252625 5 2525365 a6 CIC E ICC ICT For a little while the rain outside was forgotten as Gail Malcolm, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. L. Malcolm sang "Let a Smile be your Umbrella', and 'When You're Smiling." All the ladies joined in singing the Chorus. The Roll Call - "An inven- tion developed by a Cana- . dian" was answered by twenty six members and guests present. Mrs. L. Malcolm then in- troduced our guest speaker Mr. Bill O'Brien of the Osh- awa Energy Conservation Centre. He covered the background subject matter and need for conservation methods. Higher prices and education are reducing ener- gy consumption. In future mechanized industries may INestletonWomen's Institite | | Kendal on May 9. have to revert to more man- ual labour and Hydro black- outs and brownouts become inevitable. - Solar heating, wind power, wood heat, tidal and ocean power are options. Following a very interesting and enlightening question period, Mr. O'Brien offered copies of several excellent publications to the audience. He was thanked by Mrs. W. Bolan. The meeting closed with O Canada and the Institute Grace. For the social hour a delicious lunch of fruit breads and cheese and cup of tea was attractively arran- ged on the tea tables. Mrs. M. Fisher expressed appre- ciation to Mrs. D. Frew, and her lunch committee and all those' responsible for a memorable meeting. OCALA herd dispersal attracts high bidders The Ocala herd of Lloyd and Irwin Smith, RR2, Port Perry, was dispersed Tues- day May 30, 1978 at the farm. Eighty head grossed $211,125.00, an excellent ave- rage of $2,639.06 per animal. There were a number of visitors from outside Ontario that purchased cattle at this high quality sale. Topping the sale was High Point Citation Laura. This "Very Good" female sold for $12,000.00 to Valentina Ex- port Inc., Georgetown. Lau- ra is sired by the "Excellent and Class Extra' sire, Rosafe Citation R and from a "Very Good" Seiling Triune Achilles (Excellent) daugh- ter. As a two-year-old in 305 days, Laura yielded 6,204 kg. milk, 252 kg. fat with a 4.06 per cent butterfat test. Laura's January 1, 1978 heifer calf; Ocala Milkman Lana, sired by A Woodbind Milkman (Excellent) also went to Valentia Export Inc. for $2,800.00. $5,600.00 was paid by W. Bienert and Sons, Sherwood Park, Alberta for Ocala Revenue Dorothy. This RUBBER STAMPS fast delivery PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Mane J railer ester ales Hwy. 12 & 7A Manchester (416) 985-7771. Ww O \g 3 ° 2 %, yx 1ER TRY, «° ¢g, - » 8, & € VICE SN Ly County Rd [| Manchester Trailer Sates Goodwood Hwy 7 Hwy 7A a Hwy 401 A Toronto Whitby Oshawa You're invited to browse through our indoor show- room. We carry a large selection of truck caps, trailers, and motorhomes. Be sure to inquire about our G.E.M. Original 3 yr. guaranteed extended General Manager maintenance. e Door Prizes e Coffee and Doughnuts EG Fret "Very Good" daughter of Agro Acres Revenue (Very Good and Superior Type) is from a "Good Plus' Down- alane Reflection Emperor (Excellent and Class Extra) daughter. $3,100.00 was paid for a Bred Heifer, Ocala High- mark Thea. Roderick Mec- _. Kay of Port Perry bought this female sire by Puget- Sound Highmark (Very Good - U.S.A). Her dam is a "Very Good" daughter of the "Excellent and Superior Type" sire, Rosafe Precep- tor. 'Mosport Danny Ongais proved his record-breaking qualifying 'lap was no fluke as he breezed to an easy victory in the Molson Diamond Indy held at Mosport Sunday afternoon. Ongais, a native of Hawaii who now lives in California, created quite a buzz around the track on Saturday when he pushed his Parnelli Inter- scope car. in a qualifying lap time of one minute, twelve seconds, and an average of 121.9 mph. "In the main event Sunday, Ongais was never seriously threatened during the 76 laps and he finished 41 seconds ahead of Californian Rick Mears. Steve Krisiloff, also from California finished third. Ongais took two hours, eight minutes to complete the 186 mile course, avera- ging a slow 87 mph. The drivers were under the yel- low flag for several laps during the initial stages of the race, 'and 'with nobody challenging, Ongais eased off during the final few laps. ' Of the 20 cars that took the starter's flag, only 11 finis- hed the race, and some big names were among those who had to retire early. Bobby Unser was forced out with mechanical problems 4 after just one lap, and bro- ther Al wrecked his car in a crash on lap 31. And A. J. Foyt's day ended after 14 laps. The only Canadian in the race, Cliff Hucul, from Prince "George, B.C., was forced out after 48 laps. The Molson Diamond Indy was the highlight of threeg days of racing events at Mosport which attracted more than 50,000 spectators. Rowdy and drunken fans set fire to several vehicles, and there was one reported inci- dent of a mob of some two hundred fans who threw rocks and bottles at police when they attempted toe® arrest a man who was dri- ving his truck wildly in the spectator areas. He was charged with impaired dri- ving, and another man was charged with obstructing police. see a WILLIAMSON MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3331 or RICHARD HUNT t ( For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS Res. 705-357-3911 [Seagrave] --N\ ww rw wwe we ep ae an [ean [or an we [ap [ap po ap ap ep op en [op ap (a an (en ap ap [op ap ap on on on an a ap [op on wp pp pw we we map lee TT Ta Ta Ta Ta TA TA Ta Th Ta Th Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta" TT Te Te TT Ta TT a TT eo SWIMMING POOL (Lifeguard on Duty) e PICNIC TABLES Suitable for Family Outings, Picnics e WASHROOM FACILITIES With Hot & Cold Showers e SCENIC TREED AREA eo SNACK BAR ~ ® RESTAURANT Park Cedar Stone HWY. 7 & 12 - 1 Mile North of Greenbank NOW OPEN For your summer enjoyment! | SE