Re co InN HER MEATY pe od owe 2) 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 12, 1978 WAS, WTO Fy wi Card of Thanks Marion and Don Crozier wish to thank all their relatives, friends, Grace U.C.W. and everyone who helped .to make their -anniver sary celebration so enjoyable Your cards, gifts, kind wishes, and beautiful flowers were very much appreciated and made it a memorable occasion for both of us. In Memoriam Notice WILLARD, Grant - In loving memory of my dear husband who passed away April 18, 1977. | have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with my own, And day by day, | miss him more, As | walk though life alone. Sadly missed by a loving wife Thanks to all the people who sent cards, flowers, gifts and snacks during our stay in hospital. Also | thank you to Dowson"s Red & White for the lovely fruit basket. A very special thank you to Dr. Allin and nurses, Pam and Joy, we both appreciate your Kkind- ness and help very much. Melody and Darryl Moase The family of the late Wilbur ~ Toms wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, memorial gifts and messages of sympathy in the loss of a loving husband, father and grand- father. Special thanks to Rev. Parsons, Blackstock U.C.W. and the McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freeman are happy to announce the forth- coming marriage of their eldest daughter, Deborah Leanne to Mr. Thomas Paul Rennick, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Emersgn Rennick, Toronto, Ontario, on Saturday, May the 20th, 1978, at 4:00 p.m., Scugog Island United Church, Scugog Island, Ontario. Births MOASE - Roger, Melody and Brad welcome with love, Darryl Glenn, born March 28, 1978 al 5:22 p.m., weighing 9 Ibs. é ozs. at Port Perry Community Hos- pital. Fourth grandchild for Isabel second for Moase. Glenn and Willy In Memoriam MacDONALD - In loving memory of our dear brother, Ray MacDonald, who passed away, April 17, 1974. Memories are the treasure house Of happy thoughts they say, And happy thoughts of those we loved, Will never pass away. Sisters Bessie MacCannell and Jessie Holley } and Murray Wilson, At Rest JAGERS Maria - At the Com- munity Hospital, Port Perry on Wednesday, April 5, 1978, Maria Van Herpen, beloved wife of the late Chris Jagers, dear mother of Harry, Francis (Mrs. H. Albers), Trudy (Mrs. M. Scheepers), Johanna (Mrs. C. Ruhl), Wilma (Mrs. M. Van Strien), Corry (Mrs. T. Vanschyndel), John and Mary (Mrs. W. Albers). At the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry. Requiem mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Port Perry on Satur- day, April8at 10 a.m. Interment Sacred Heart Cemetery, Uxbridge. LANSING, Melville L. - Suddenly at his residence, R.R.2, Port Perry, on Thursday, April 6, 1978, Melville Lansing, beloved husband of Stella Raymes, pre- deceased by six sisters - Edith Graham, Eva Steele, Hazel Hooper, Edna Riches, Norena Lambe and Jessie Tripp; also survived by several nieces and nephews. In his 80th year. Funeral service at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry on Saturday, April 8 at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. Notice WEDNESDAY Mixed Summer league need bowlers. Contact Ray Windsor at 985-3739 before April 15. Bowling starts April 26. 1, John Raines, Jr. will not be responsible for any debts accurred in my name by Beverley R. Raines (nee Eden) from this day forth. IF YOU WANT to drink alcohol and can, that's your business. If you want to quit and can't, that's our business. For help call: 985-3609 or 985-3111. T.F., POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 be held on: Annual Meeting. the Board: a life member; year; Board of Governors, and COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PORT PERRY - ONTARIO NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital Corporation, Port Perry, will - Wednesday,-May 31, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. In Town Hall 1873, Port Perry, to: RECEIVE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES RECEIVE REPORT OF AUDITORS NOTICE OF MOTION TO AMEND BY-LAWS ELECTION OF GOVERNORS TRANSACT OTHER BUSINESS. Copies of the by-laws may be examined at the office of the Secretary at any time during regular office hours prior to the (1) The following persons shall be members upon resolution of _ (3) A resident of the Township of Scugog who has donated or who donates $100.00 in any one year to the Corporation shall be (b) The president of chief officer of an association or corporation which pays the Corporation the sum of $500.00 in any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporation in any (c) A resident of the Township of Scugog who pays the annual membership fee ($2.00) to the Corporation in any year shall be a member of the Corporation for that year; the amount of this fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the © (d) Persons appointed as honourary members who shall not be subject to fees and who shall not be entitled to vote. (2) A member who pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote or stand for election at any meetings of the Corporation unless hissmembership fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. THE MUSIC MAN - Disc Jockey Service. Recorded music for dances, banquets, weddings. Reasonable. 986-5286. T.F. ! ARE YOU A frustrated parent? Screaming, spanking often? Can we help? Parents Anonymous. Confidential. 723-6071. M8 BAHA'l Fireside (informal meeting) held in Port Perry every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Phone 985-8396 or write P.O. Box 308, Port Perry. 1.F. SECOND MORTGAGE Funds: available at reasonable rates. Also mortgages bought and sold prompt and confidential service. 985-2592. T.P: OBEDIENCE Training School for family, results, 31 years experience. German Shepherds, Dobermans, Manchester Terriers, puppies, adults, regis' tered. Boarding. 655-3303. T.F. a on : : - BELLY DANCING for fun and exercise, Thursday evenings, Latcham Centre. Phone 1-705- 786-2192 for information. IVES FLORIST 985-2525 LAKEVIEW PLAZA A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions. Flowers Wired World Wide. Coming Events HOT LUNCHEON, Art & Crafts, Saturday, April 22 at Scugog Island Church, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. by "Grace" U.C.W., $2.50 and $1.00. Displays at Commun- ity Hall, 12:00 to 6:30 p.m., 50c admission. Sales, demonstrat- ions, draws by "Head" U.C.W. Al9 T.F., Coming Events Classified Ads Coming Events NEARLY NEW SALE, Town It RUMMAGE SALE, Thursday, Hall, April 13th - 14th. All good used articles. Sponsored by Rebekah Lodge. : . April 20, 10 am. - 2 p.m. at Anglican Church Hall. Sponsor er by Anglican Jr. A.C.W. KEEP YOUR DOG under control with "Obedience Training. A. Carlsen, 852-6708. A2 DANCE, Utica Hall, Saturday, April 15,1978. Music by Travelin D.J., 9 - 1. Spot dances. Lunch and refreshments. For tickets, phone 985-2049. Al2 PAINTINGS by The Great Pine Ridge Art Group of Uxbridge on show and for sale at the Town Hall, Port Perry on April 15th, 16th, 17th from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. No admission. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will meat Monday, April 17th at 2 p.m. in the hospital. All ladies welcome. DON'T MISS the Kinette Club of Port Perry Spring Dance, April 22,1978 at Blackstock Recreation Centre, 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Music by B & H Sound. Light lunch provided. $10.00 per couple. Bar privileges. Tickets available at door or call 986-5101 or 985-7245. A19 BINGO - Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m., Nestleton Community Centre, sponsored by Nestleton Area Recreation Club. Ei BINGO every -Tuesday Night, Port Perry Lions Club, at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game, 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors open 7 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 per line; $200.00 in 54 numbers; mini- «mum $50.00. T.F. LEGION BINGO The next Legion Bingo will be on Thurs. April 13, 1978. Jackpot $170.00 in 50 numbers. Earlybird game starting 7:30 p.m. Al2 PANCAKE 'BREAKFAST, spon: sored by the Port Perry Kinsmen Club at the Scout Hall on Sunday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to noon. Adults $1.00; Children $1.00; Family maximum $6.00. In aid of Cystic Fibrosis. NEARLY NEW and Bake Sale, Latcham Centre, May 3, 1978, 1 p.m., sponsored by the Senior Citizens, Port Perry. Persons wishing to donate, please phone 985-2933 for pick-up. Everyone welcomed. PORT PERRY CUBS Paper Drive will be on Saturday, April 15. Outlying areas wishing to get rid of old papers, call 985-7132 or 985-2226. AY WING featuring: pr R.H. Cornish P.S. " Epsom P.S. Prince Albert P.S. PRING TUESDAY, APRIL 19-7:30 P.M. AT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL "WELCOME J SPRING WITH A SONG" Greenbank P.S. Port Perry H.S. Cartwright H.S. Cartwright C.P.S. © Adults - $2.00 Port Perry Figure Skating Club 20TH ANNUAL ICE REVUE FRIDAY & SATURDAY APRIL 14th & 15th - 8:15 P.M. Scugog Community Arena Tickets available at House of Howard Children under 12 years - $1.00 Supper: 7 p.m. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 invites World War Veterans & Their Wives to the OLD BILLS' NIGHT BANQUET Saturday, April 22, 1978 Cocktail Hour: 6 to 7 p.m. Tickets: $5.00 per person "OLD BILLS" inquire at the Legion Hall for Tickets. For information call: Jack Cook Sr. 985-2219 or John Maw 985-8690 Dance: 9p.m.to1a.m. The Students' Council of Port Perry High School invites you to the "AT HOME 78 tobe held in the PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL on the evening of FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 197 At8:00 p.m. featuring 'PAR FOUR' Admission: $8.00 per couple Tickets purchased at Port Perry High School. PORT PERRY SNOWMOBILE CLUB APPRECIATION - DANCE 'Saturday, April 15th, 1978 8:30 p.m. Immaculate Conception Hall Bar Privileges Lunch Available D.J. - Dave Langille Tickets $8.00 per couple at door or call Elaine Willerton 985-3518 Fe Coming Events »