7a pat IER Es SPER, SA y 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 12, 1978 rh 8% Cr. sodastdud Giana dades John Williams pres. Honeydale re-elect Clara Warren pres. of Rod and Gun Club Mrs. Clara Warren was re-elected as President of the Honeydale Women's Instit- ute on Thursday, April 6, luncheon prior to the annual the Annual District Meeting to be held at Westminster Church, Whitby, luncheon will be $3.00 a plate, on May-- Monday, March 6th at Ellicott; Agriculture & Can- adian Industries - Mrs. Marion Bell; Citizenship & ° World Affairs - Mrs. Vera Honey; Education & Cul- sumer Affairs - Mrs. Thelma smoothly and everything seems to go wrong, some people might show signs of impatience. ~When others - can smile and make it seem anxiety and care, even makes it seem impossible The Port Perry Rod and Gun Club is again having an active season of competitive: 'shooting: oe The annual rifle match completed at Oshawa and won by the Port Perry Club. garding club activities can be.answered by the execu- tive. The. Club -dpes not expect everyone to be a crack shot. We are promot- -1978, when the officers and 24th. Mrs. Edna Wilson at- ] h : members, also visitors, tended the executive meet- tural Activities - Mrs. Helen as if the sun has come out, held with 'the Oshawa 1g 153j8, Superyised Short enjoyed a delicious potluck ing for South Ontario held MacMaster; Family & Con- can manage to disperse Marksman Club was for Joy y you would like to partici pate but have little or no - meeting. Brooklin, when Mrs. Henry McCreight; Resolutions - Ae wg : ience. don't p Mrs. Warren gave every- Wotten district President Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe; Fruit that people should ever Ow nung Jeans eongsy Previous gl laugh. one a warm welcome to all conducting the meeting. and Flowers - Mrs. Grace behave badly or that things a b a av all started with Dow present and our visitors, Mrs. Harold Lewis, Past Bassant; Tweedsmuir His- could go wrong. Some can bg or ores Aid come Still-ehoot Mrs. Annie Penney, Mrs. District President, gave a tory Curator - Mrs. Margaret always say just the one thing 0 a ner. Sri Bdich: Tt, bon coors Derotically OF Gostick, and Mrs. Pickard, short report on the area Cornish; Branch Director - that puts people at ease and h Dp hi or A for frequently also Mrs. Muriel Wotten, convention and mentioned Mrs. Mary Hardy, Mrs. makes things a feeling of a ina Hl Ye We would like to empha- District President of Black- the brochures for "Saving Minnie Diamond and Mrs. happiness. . our ona aos size that this 15 not. just 2 0 Sek, Omari, Birthday Energy", Ina DeJong; Auditors - Mrs. gen oi Mor te this t ol h donation man's sport. Two of our greetings were extended to The district moved a Jean Carnochan & Mrs. told an interesting story on a TiS eh De a mombers, Linda Smart and Mrs. A. Moase and Mrs. M. motion to send a donation to Alice Barthau. Buttons" and also had a ve ¥ SEiasp lots Carol Rushton shoot with ; dation A short program conduct- guessing contest of the num- ealthy competition, lo ! Reinss: he Briand Les founds ' Pro inaj of fun and good shooting the best of us. As a matter Roll call was answered by Fund as a memoriam to the ed by Mrs. Edith Brunton, ber of buttons ina jar. Malvin R Usbridee of fact, Linda Smart is such "Paying our dues". Minutes late Mrs. Lawson Honey. A convenor of Family and Con- The meeting closed with Malvin Ross trom Uxbridge wy i i shot, she could be : ; nin for sumer Affairs and her grou the national anthem. The has kept a firm grasp on a g ) of Drevious mecting Were group pichle 1s planned £3 i group, i this trophy and last week he referred to as the Red ; read by the secretary, Miss North and South Ontario in using the Motto "When May meeting willbeheldone 4S PLY 80C 85 Wack 10 oo Bll Alice Dodd, and the Finan- July and will be held at things go wrong, let us make Week later, May 11th at 2 an Wn a a A fof Ws : cial report given by the Trea- Uxbridge Park. The minutes the Best of the Worst, andthe ~P-m. Members please take Soundy g.2 : ) Nias: : ili i » note of the change of date lenge from Dave Vivian and President - John Williams; ; surer, Mrs. Irene Philip. of the previous annual meet- Most of the Best. te. Dax Stone bv Ghe point Vice President - Graham ; Thank you notes were read ing were read by the Secre- ~~ When things do not go Biotence Bllicoit The mee dy a are Sutherland; Treasurer Ted 4 ahdilie members wore sorry 1aty and the mcsting Nas also very active with good Culbert; Secretary Peter 4 to hear Mrs. Mae Allen has dissolved of Officers follow- o ® v attendance and hopefully Terry; Past President - Bill t- beenill and in hospital. Also, ing the full reports of the : : ' " Mrs. Luella Kennedy is a Convenors of all activities Oshawa musicians, singers os upcoming club ind times = Handa 3 patient in the Community during the year. © New menibers are 'wel Tucstuy sight 1 : b . . - y night; rifle, Thurs : Hospital, and Mr. Earl Bry- Mrs. Henry Wotten, Dis- r rmin Town Hall 1873 : ) High School sz ant, husband of Mrs. Dixie trict President, presided pe fo R come and any questions re- day night at the High School. 3 Bryant of Oshawa, is in over the installation of new The second appearance of evening. 4 Oshawa Hospital. Cards officers elected. Miss Alice (Qshawa Civic Band and Again the program chosen i were sighed by all to those Dodd acting as Secretary. Oshawa Festival Singers in was one of easy and pleas- MORTG AGE pe who are ill. President - Mrs. Clara Town .Hall 1873 was as. ant listening, and consider- -! Achievement Day for the Warren; 1st Vice-Pres. Mrs. delightful an experience as ing the average age of the LO AN S 3 work of the 4-H Girls Club Helen MacMaster; 2nd Vice- the first in February last girls the choir displayed an Be i 3 will be held in Uxbridge, Pres. - Mrs. Thelma Mec- year. amazing mature presenta- a 7h 10% ' 1 May 6th. The members Creight; Secretary - Mrs. Again this year the two tion of the various numbers. ek » voted to charter a bus for a Edith Brunton; Asst. Secre- fine groups had chosen a Included in the program Ist Mortgages from 0 trip to visit the Erland Lee tary - Miss Alice Dodd; Trea- pleasing program of music were a few solo presenta- 1 home at Stoney Creek on surer - Mrs. Irene Philip; and songs from eras yester- tions by members of the 2nd Mortgages from 11 Va % ¥ June 5th, and are planning to Dist. Director - Mrs. Edna day and today. band and the choir. These No Salary Requirements. invite members of our neigh- ~~ Wilson; Alternate - Mrs. George Quick, conductor were all well executed and Homes-Cottages-Farms-Debt. Consolidation - = bouring Institutes. Marion Bell; Public Relat- of Oshawa Civic Band dur- received with warm ap- 3 Date was announced for ions Officers - Mrs. Florence ing the past 15 yeays gives plause by the audience. MORTGAGES PURCHASED A nee the listener an impression It appears that the two pv 5 =. of enthusiasm and love for Oshawa groups have esta- Call FRANK COULSTING 5 E E the creative work he is in- blished themselves for an = GOT MUFFLER PROBLEMS?: volved in. He has moulded annual visit to Town Hall SUTTON (416) 722-8343 5 ' = . " £ this group of excellent 1873. Despite the small Morris P ili Mort 1.F £ Bring Your Car to the Experts Z musicians, some of them attendance Sunday night, orris Pompili Mortgage Broker dill = £ quite young into a band of (from a community of - i EZ high and well disciplined ~ 11,000) they indicated a E E cater. P strong dei to return in ZARA AAA 2 = The Festival Singers 1979. Perhaps the return £2 5 E £ under the direction of Elsie engagement was even dis- PORT CLE ANERS = = MUFFLER CENTRE £. Drygala, a group of girls in cussed during the friendly E gE . . ES their teens added a great coffee break downstairs, ' = = 94 WATER ST - PORT PERRY 985-8591 Z deal to the success of the following the concert. 255 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY 985-7105 g Ei (At the sign of the Spur) g 2 C. = i ; = : g I for the Best Deals on New )) £ Personal Service -- ES E ®Free Installation EAS = G.M. CARS or TRUCKS g Let Don & Carol Do Your Dry Cleaning -- = Z Pr g see ES Cleaning Done on the Premises a. 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Give vs a ¥/y} 4 E g a : Reg. $219.95 g E WITH FREE ANTENNA Ee : E © SHIRT SERVICE ' EES 7 SRS inn sae ~E ~ OSUEDE-LEATHER CLEANING & v if - : E OFUR CLEANING AM MOBILE : Repairs & Alterations 7) 2nd : ; ® 40 Channel @ Built in SWR E NOW DONE ON THE PREMISES » 3 1h |B A f : ® R.F. & Mill Grain ® One Year Warranty, E i : ® Digital Readout ~ Parts & Labour All Types of Sewing g air : * ZIPPERS REPLACED * LININGS REPLACED * DRESSES HEMMED * SUEDE REPAIRS ect i . 085 8043 * SUITS ALTERED * LEATHER REPAIRS - romnics ; ack Monday to Friday: 10 a n fo 104.m Come In & See Jackie" N : MANCHESTER - ONTARIO at HWY. 7A & 12 Jaa EA IN Yo AT PORT CLEANERS LLU L OL UTD TTO TT OT OT A SNH TY a