16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Apr. 12, 1978 a ae or, ar, ARR at pA 2 iL ENTIRE STOCK All Store Stock Must Go To The Bare Walls! SALE ON NOW! while quantites last : ma Cn WE -- = RR AG EAI ---l " FRE Sg Fa DO DE OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS TO 9:00 P.M. » = Crest Hardware, 175 Queen st., Port Perry, Ont. Phone: 985-2211 Cancer objective is ¥9,500 by Danielle Clark Very soon a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Soc- jety will be knocking on your door. She-he is helping to collect funds for the fight * against cancer. In Canada, the national objective is $14,150,000. In Scugog Township, the society is trying to raise $9,500. The contribution that you give is tax deduct- able, but, it could be worth a lot more to you. Cancer can strike anyone, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. The society, through its fund raising, can help you or anyone afflicted with cancer in many ways. The people of Scugog Township are very fortun- ate. Not only is the society very active, but the doctors and nurses at Port Perry hospital also contribute a great deal. Not all small hospitals can offer the cancer-related care that we can receive in our area. A cancer patient that I spoke with this week has nothing but praise for the help she has received. Nine 'years ago Eleanor ' Davidson discovered a lump in her breast. The lump was found to be 'malignant' and was removed. She then under went 24 radiation treatments that burned away all traces of the can- cer. For six years Eleanor was cancer-free, then the disease returned. No more tissue could be removed and radiation treatment was the only possible answer. Again the cancer was abat- ed, and again the cancer returned. This time even radiation was not possible. Though radiation burns out the cancer, it also burns the healthy tissues of the body and too much damage had been done to the right side to allow further treatment of this kind. For two years now Eleanor has had chemo- therapy - treatment with chemicals (i.e. medicines). At first her medication was taken orally but this burnt the inner membranes of her mouth and caused her a great deal of discomfort. Her doctor in Port Perry suggested intravenous as a method of taking her treat- ment and now, once a week Eleanor visits Port Perry hospital for her treatment. "Is the cancer still there? Is there a cure Eleanor could have? .. How long will she live?" = The only an- swers lie in Research. _Re- search that the Candian Cancer Society funds through your contributions. Give generously when a canvasser calls on you. Remember there are ways for you to decrease "your chances of getting the ...disease.. . These .are the. ........ ..... seven steps to health: 1. Have a medical and dental checkup. 2. Watch for any change in your normal state of health. 3. Find out about any lump or sore that does not heal. 4. Protect your- self against too much sun- light. 5. Don not smoke. 6. Have a pap test. 7. Do a' monthly breast self-exam- ination, The Scugog Cancer Society Daffodil Day on March 31 was a complete sell-out and close to $1200 was raised. The organizers say "thanks. +» corr esnen