9, Fld PEMA aA hs EY " i Wo eu HI NB ESS Reader's Viewpoint Too much Continued country back in shape. JOBS are the issue not language. In the words of Carl Sand- burg - "Idle men are living dynamite'. Our whole dem- ocratic survial as a nation is at stake. Karl Marx the father of Communism said TRENTWAY TOURS _ special to WWVA JAMBOREE {Wheeling West Virginia) SHOW STARS MERLE HAGGARD Mar. 3rd to 5th, 1978 For details contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 Food For Thought by The Hillier's Add diced, unpeeled Cort- land apples to cole slaw for a treat for your eye and your taste, too. (Cut down on the sugar in-the recipe.) Buy fruit a few days BEFORE you want to eat it, to give it time to ripen. Herb combination known as '"'herbes de Provence" usually includes bay leaf, thyme, fennel, and rose-- mary. Provencal cookery almost always includes garlic, too. For best results, season fish AFTER cooking, so that salt does not draw out moisture during cook- ing. World record * kielbasa was made by a young butcher in Rogers City, Mich. It measured more than a mile and a half long, and weighed more than 3,000 pounds. We serve generous por- tions at ... the Dairy Bar .on the Waterfront Port Perry -- 985-8611 Come in for lunch today and enjoy good food and a friendly atmosphere. RICK LAROCQUE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR RR 2, Port Perry, Ont. spent on language that capatalist societies coll- apse when faced with inflat- ion, high taxes, and high . unemployment. We have all "THREE. France and Italy are onthe verge of take-over by the communists. Pressure is being put on the Premiers and educators by some powerful segments of the press for more and more French. The Assoc. Canadienne Francaise.de I' Ontario was given $300,000 to pressure the Ont. govern- ment, and no doubt the other provinces likewise were funded by Trudeau. This year Trudeau is giv- ing away $1 billion 100 mill- ion in foreign aid - no coun- tries like Cuba, Algeria, Niger, Tunisia, and even $11 million to Jamaica - a coun- try where hostility to whites is alarming many Canad- ians. This expenditure could build approx. 55,000 addition- al low income housing units, and more jobs for Canad- ians. Instead of pushing French why not introduce ESPERANTO the simple second language designed for all the peoples of the world? George Bernard Manchester by Mrs. Ruby Fielding Church Sunday February 12 at 11:15 a.m. Rev. E. Linstead in charge. Mrs. Georgina Conboy of Toronto weekend guest with Mrs. Dolly Roberts. Mr. Harold and Roy Dob- son enjoyed a day at the Farm Show last week at Toronto Exhibition build- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leach and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leach and Darin of Blackstock, Mrs. Lillian Wilson of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pargeter and . Willie, Miss Diane Espie and Donald Thorton of Oshawa supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Marcotte and boys Saturday. : Wedding bells are ringing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Lamb attended the annual Fair Board Banquet Friday night when Mr. Fred Christie was presented with a diploma in recogniation of his forty years of Agricultural Service on the Port Perry Fair board. 985-3261 Closed Please take note that Rick Larocque Electric will be closed for vacation until FEBRUARY 18th, 1978 Shaw left a legacy for the teaching of the language, created by Dr. L. Zamenhof of Poland and taught in a number of Canadian colleges including Durham, at a cost of about $1 dollar an hour. With 41 percent of the world's people unable to read or write, Canada's con- tribution to the illiterate could be a major one- to world understanding es- pecially in the 3rd world nations. Speaking to each other in a language common to all the world's people would be the greatest gift to mankind. Shooting only starts when people stop talking! Respectfully, Dean J. Kelly, President Assoc. of Dedicated Canadians ' Brewers break-in Continued from page 1 An inventory conducted the following day by beer store employees indicated that no stock or money was lost as a result of the inci- dent. ) Charged with break and enter with intent to commit and indictable offence are Wade Brownlee, 16 of 222 Nonquon Rd., Fred Lach- lan, 18, of 1140 Mary Street North, and Daniel Wilson of 1085 Mary Street North. JOE LID GUIEYHE INSULATION PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1978 -- 7 MONDAY 10am + 601 | nesoar SERS WEDNESDAY ? niurstay EIRSCTT #4 TIVE 10a: Jon = {SATURDAY STIR o¥ posse REE RF PS ed SPI. y Store 'manager 'John Zaporozan barricades front door smashed last Wednesday night at the Brewers' retail outlet in Port Perry. Three young Oshawa men have been charged in connection with the incident. Velie PAL-O-PACK Ww o INSULATION Per Bag Covers 6.6 cu. ft. $3.25 Blown In up to 40 bags $5.10 Interior - Exterior Latex (&) Blown In 40 bags $4 80 and over g © \ =o Wallpaper "Quick Delivery' Single Roll ™N CHARGEX a. '& LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER ST. - 985-7391 - PORT PERRY HN VIAES an CIE ay on Et SATE oy et