News from Seagrave and area by Jackie Boyle The repercusjons from Thursday's storm almost demands a news column in itself. Instead, lets all try and think warm thoughts like swimming, boating and gardening. Come on now, you're not trying! The new group leader for unit 2 of the U.C.W. for 1978 is Maxine Lavreau. Lets give her all the support we can and make her job that much easier. On behalf of the unit, many thanks to Elaine Wil- lerton for her fine leader- ship last year. Happy birthday to Eldon Sears who turned 7 on Fri- day and to Brandon Puckrin who celebrated his second birthday on Saturday. The 1st Seagrave Beavers and their leaders would like to thank all those who help- ed make the skidoo run on January 21 a success. Please note that the Beaver recipe books will arrive in mid February. It was necessary to cancel the Sunday School skating party last Sunday due to poor ice conditions. . The party will be held sometime in February. We will report the date when it becomes ° definite. I'm very sorry to report the tragic death of Mrs. Elva Rynard of Uxbridge. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to relatives and friends. Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wana- maker included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and girls of Scugog Island and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone and family. Arlene Coates of Sunder- land was a house guest for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sturman. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stur-. man were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sinclair of Bethany. A Fun Day for the scout- ing movements in our community is being planned for Sunday, February 5. There will be skating at the old arena from 1-2 p.m. and then its on to the Phoenix farm for tobagganing and . barbeque. : Congratulations to John and Noreen Ball who are celebrating their 20th wedd- ing anniversary this week. Also, congratulations to Elaine and Larry Willerton who recently celebrated 11 years of marital bliss. Our hopes for a speedy recovery go out to Mr. Jack Burgess who was recently admitted to the Port Perry hospital. A Valentine Dance will be held at the Latcham Centre on Saturday, February 11 at 8 p.m. sponsored by the Group Committee in support of Cubs, Scouts, Ventures, Beavers and Brownies. Everyone is in- vited to attend and can obtain tickets from Eleanor Sturman or Gregg Smith. The family of Mrs. Bessie Fishley invite friends and neighbours to her home in Seagrave on Sunday, Febru- ary 5 from 2-4 p.m. on the occasion of her 80th birth- day. R The first service of Communion for 1978 will be held at the Church on Sun- day, February 19. The Board of Stewards will meet at the Church on Monday, February 6 at 8 .m. World Day of Prayer is being planned for Friday, March 3 at the Seagrave . United Church. Further de- tails concerning this will be reported at a later date. The score in Sunday nights hockey game is un- available (and unprintable) at this time. However, our "old timers' potential has not begun to be tapped and I'm told to expect great things from them 'in the near future. % Please call Dianne Puck- rin at 985-2489 with your news next week. "What really matters is what happens in us, not to us." James W. Kennedy. Ashburn and area news by Mrs. E. Heron There was a little better attendance at church on Sunday morning and it was a beautiful but cold day. During the service Rev. McEntyre and Miss Chrissie Simpson sang a very im- pressive-duet and the offi- cers for the W.M.S. and the Ladies Bible Class were installed for the coming year. The morning message was 'Second Century Ad- vance for Christ" and our congregation will be sup- porting this venture. Mrs. A. Richardson took care of Junior Church. Next Sunday Rev. Fred Swann of Oshawa will con- duct morning worship in Burns church. The annual meeting will be held on Friday night, Feb. 10th at 6:30 p.m. begin- ning with a pot luck supper for the whole family, films will be shown for the child- ren during the meeting. Margaret Davis, Bernice Gardner, Ruby Bryant and Rose Heron enjoyed a very excellent colour film pro- gramme at the Brooklin - horticulture last Wed. night. The first film was made by the Ministry of Agriculture and told how the flower show two years ago was put together in the Automotive Building at the C.N.E. and some flower gardens and arrangements were shown. Greenbank news by Mrs. Geo. Beaton The worst winter storm in over 100 years struck this area last Thursday. Winds up to 100 miles an hour, accompanied with blowing snow, made driving condi- tions almost impossible. Luckily no one in this community were seriously injuried. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spen- cer have just returned from a vacation in Hawaii. Mr. Paul Diamond spent the weekend in Ottawa where he attended the funeral of his son-in-law. + This community was shocked and saddened at the tragic. accident -which took the life of Mrs. Milton Rynard of Uxbridge last Thursday. Mrs. Rynard lived at Greenbank a few years ago, and will. be greatly hissed by everyone who knew her. Sympathy is extended to the family. . Mr. and Mrs. John Phoe- nix spent the weekend at his home. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. - Bruce Leask on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson of Port Perry. The Afternoon U.C.W. will hold their meeting on Tues- day, Feb. 14th at 2 p.m. in the Church, instead of the regular date. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter and family spent Sunday in Guelph visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Studenski. A few from here attended the Ont. County Holstein Club meeting in Manchester on Saturday. Please note the change of . plans - Fun Day will begin at the old arena in Port Perry skating from 1 to. 2 p.m. followed by tobaggon- ing, barbecue, etc. at the Fred Phoenix farm on Sun. February 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donneral, and Mr. and Mrs. - Allan Donneral, have re- turned from a holiday in the Barbadoes, Beth Freeman from Nipigon Sask. stayed with the Donneral grand- children while they were away. Mrs. Vera Baird and Mrs. Fred Phoenix visited rela- tives in London last week. Also a film on Wild Life was very enjoyable. Several members are planning to see the flower show in March this year. Next month Mr. Ken Brown of Ashburn will be the speical speaker. The community extends sympathy to the relatives and friends of the late Mr. Harold Walker, who died in Calgary last week. Mr. Walkers home was on the farm at Ashburn all his life until he moved to Calgary last fall. Three tables were played at the euchre party last Friday night. Mens prizes went to W. Gardner and J. Honingh. Ladies were Brenda Honingh and Grace Hopkins. The door prize went to Barb Forsyth and Joan Fleming won the prize for the most lone hands. A good time was had by all at the dance on Saturday night at the Thunderbird golf club sponsored by the Community Centre. - There will be another dance on February 25th. These are good days to be' studying our seed catalogu- es-and don't forget to feed the birds. Scugog Island W.I. The regular meeting of Scugog W.I. met in the " Community Hall on the even- ing of January 18th with 13 members and a good show- ing of members from Shirley and Honeydale Branches, in spite of the cold and snow conditions. In the absence of our President, our first vice, Mrs. Helen Fedyk, took charge of the meeting, by. "graciously welcoming everyone, and meeting began by singing the open- ing Ode, and repeating the Institute Creed. Motto given by Betty Reader "Self Pity slows you down". Roll call was answered by "What wedding anniversary will you celebrate this year." Christena read the Sec. report, also several letters from members and friends congratulating our Branch on its 6th anniversary which we also had a cake on dis- play, beautifully done with the Institute crest by our local bakery in Port Perry. Eliza reported on finances: Quilt committee reported that quilt was underway and the kitchen committee reported that locks were on all cupboards now. We were reminded about the District Directors Meet- ing at Brooklin, March 6th. The meeting was then turned over to Betty Reader, who had charge of Program. Betty gave a reading and Helen Hortop gave one on Citizenship. Mrs. Coates of Shirley then gave a good reading about '60 years ago'. Mabel Cawker of Honeydale gave a splendid one on the "Ladies Aid". After which we then saw a make-up demonstration by Clara Warren and Thelma McCreight, and afterwards we weren't too sure if we wanted to make an appoint- ment or not. It was really good. Well, funny anyway. Next meeting February 15 with Reta Wilson's group in charge of Citizenship and World Affairs. Clara Dowson, Public Relations Officer : FROM THE PORT PERRY STAR . PICTURE ALBUM OUR WEDDING" 'GUEST BOOKS ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATIONS CAKE BOXES 7 MATCHES NAPKINS BRIDE'S BOOK - PLACE CARDS COASTERS CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE FOLDER PORT PERRY 235 QUEEN ST. -- PORT PERRY PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb, 1, 1978 -- 21 Epsom News BY Mrs. Jean Jeffery The Epsom-Utica area Couples Club held a very enjoyable evening when they attended the pro- gramme by the Crowning Brass Ensemble from Toronto and Vocalist Mr. David Chapman of Kitchen- er at the Uxbridge Baptist Church on Friday then re- "turned to the Potter home where Murray and Cathy Potter, Mr. and Mrs. David Watson co-hosted a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cudia were dinner guests on Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osler Jim and Coleen of Fenelon Falls were supper guests on Tues. with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card. Mr. and Mrs. M. Potter and boys were dinner guests on Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pribble of Leaside. Next Sun. Feb. 5 will be the annual meeting of the Epsom-Utica Churches at Epsom after the regular service at 11:30 a.m. after which we will enjoy a Pot Luck Dinner and hour. 3 Mr. Kenneth Catherwood has just returned from a week's business trip to Den- mark. Thanks to all who made Manchester scouts paper drive such a success. On Sat. afternoon The Ontario District Girl Guides met at Sutton United Church where all girls in social Please drop. n° and see our large display. book of Wedding Stationery. We also have a book "Just For You" contain- ing personalized stationery, post cards, napkins, coasters, playing cards, matches, Thank you notes and party invitations the District who had receiv- ed the Canada Cord during 1977 were awarded a Certifi- cate and a teaspoon to commemorate their achie- vement. Sandra Bolton and Donna Kerry from Epsom were so honoured. The Kerry and Bolton families attended. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry and family were luncheon guests on Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry of Port Perry. Miss Marlene Wilson, Miss Joyce Wilson and Mr. Rick Lewchuk of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. On Sat. afternoon they attended a family shower for Joyce at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin were supper guests and spent the evening with Mrs. Mildred Thompson and Mr. Wm. Baker in honour of Mr. Baker's 95th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Tapscott visited his parents at Mark- ham. Norman's father is not well at time of writing. On Sun. evening Michelle and Donna-Lyn Oldnall entertained several of their friends on the occasion of their 12th birthday. Con- gratulations and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. John Begin and Jeffrey visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown of Ajax on Sunday.