Good nutrition is fun for kids Continued their children a disservice by ignoring messages regard-, ing good nutrition. "Anti-' nutrition" messages bom- bard children from' every direction. Try watching Saturday morning cartoons if you want confirmation. Mass media are essentially teaching our children that sugary cereal and french fries are fun eating, with little or no mention of more healthy alternatives. Are we bringing up children who will never taste "real" orange juice, or full-bodied cheese, who can never appreciate a colourful, crisp salad or the nutty, wholesome flavour of an unrefined cereal? Taste buds can be trained -- how are you training your children's? Good nutrition can be fun. Young children are insati- able learners and parents may take advantage of this by introducing nutritious "foods. in stimulating ways. How about making peanut Latcham Centre Continued from page 1 vides free and virtually unlimited use to the senior citizens club. The club pre- sently uses Latcham Centre every Wednesday for meet- ings and every other Satur- day for euchres. The present five-year lease came into affect in December, 1973, and guar- antees the senior citizens ree use of the centre. This vas done at a time when 'he municipality wanted the senior citizens to move from 'heir old club-house "behind 'he post office so the land zould be used for municipal rarking. E0000 D. THAPAR Denture Therapist 66 Brock St. W., Uxbridge 852-5291 SHR nam 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 FMI iE butter on a rainy day? Or letting the kids squeeze their own orange juice? Try planting a garden with them either indoors or outdoors, and letting them lend a hand in preparing vegetables for the family. With a little ingenuity good nutrition will be a part of your children's day and without battles at the table: : Everyone has the right to be well-nourished. Do your children? Try making Nutri- tion Week the beginning of a healthy lifetime. When the kids ask '"What's to Eat?", make your answer worth their eating. Coat of arms contest for Scugog Twp. Scugog Township will offer $300. in total prize money for a design of a coat-of-arms for the munici- pality. Acting on a suggestion by councillor Neil McLaugh- lin that the township needs a coat-of-arms, council agreed Monday night to a contest open to all school children in Scugog, with a first prize of $100. Students interested in sub- mitting a design for the coat-of-arms must do so before April 30. It should be drawn in colour on a stand- ard size sheet of paper, and sent to the Township office on Perry Street in Port Perry in a sealed envelope marked "contest". } It was suggested that the design should take into con- sideration the history and traditions of the Township. First prize is $100., with second and third prizes of $75. and $50., and three honourable mentions of $25. each. I= 163 Simcoe St., Oshawa 579-8752 "LET'S GET IT ALL TOGETHER" UNITY- IN THE FAMILY IN THE COMMUNITY IN THE WORLD will be the subject. of a Public Meeting Friday, Janvary 27th - 8:00 p.m.' LATCHAM CENTRE Speaker - Professor Jameson Bond, of Ottawa Recently retired, Jameson Bond was Associate Professor of Anthropology and Executive Dir- ector of the Boreal Institute for Northern Studies University of Alberta. Jameson Bond is one of nine members of the National Spiritual Assem- bly of the Baha'is of Canada. No Sponsored by the Scugog Twp. Baha'i Community STH PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1978 -- 9 Wa. Job) AEE RANE A SEP moos aR «LT Blackstock and area news by Mrs. Pat Fletcher It is with mixed feelings I am announcing a new report- .er for the Blackstock news as of January 30th. I have found myself swamped with new obligations 'and no longer have as much time as needed to report the news. Beth Schryburt will be the replacement and will be more' than bappy to assist anyone with their news. 1 wish to thank all those who have reported their activi- ties and events in the past 20 months and given me their full support. My very best regards to Beth on her new endeavor. Please contact Beth with information at 986-5015. Mr. and Mrs. Gord Pere- man of Columbus were Sat- _urday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hos- kin. Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Hoskin were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson of Canning- - ton. Mr. Pete Keuning returned home on Tuesday following an extended vacation' in Holland. Sympathy is extended to the friends and relatives of Milton Oster who passed away in Oshawa recently. "Bad weather 'was no Seagrave news by Donna Wanamaker Saturday morning the Seagrave Beavers were out for some snow fun. They were-treated to a morning of ski-dooing and had their lunch at the church. The day was a great success and Mrs. Ann Carr wishes to thank all the helpers who made this day possible. There will be choir prac- tice on Thursday evening unless the weather is poor. Please try and come out to support our choir. New members are welcome to attend. We are glad to report that Frank Branton is home and wish him. a speedy recovery. We were sorry to hear of Murdock Belair's mishap and hope to see him home with us shortly. There is a Fun Day being planned for the scouting movements in our commun- ity. The day is set for Feb. 5th. Please watch for a letter, this will give further details. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Wanamaker supper guests were Mr. Adam Sharpe, Mrs. Irene Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharpe and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharpe. On Sunday, Mrs. Edith Bruce and Miss Marjorie Bruce were guests of Bert and Gertie Wanamaker. Please note the skating party on Jan. 29 providing the ice and weather co- operate. You will be noti-, fied if there is a change. After Sunday school every- one will be treated to hot dogs and beverages before they head out for their skate. Each family is requested to bring a finger dessert. Please call Jackie Boyle 985-3941 with your news next week. obstacle Friday, January 20th when a dinner party was held * to celebrate Larry Schryburt's birthday. Dinner guests included Jack - and" Lasha Pikaart and family from Oshawa, and Don and Joanne Russell and family from Blackstock. Larry and Beth Schryburt accompanied Carl and Dave Andrews to a dance in Oshawa Saturday: evening where Dave had his first job as "the Music Man". Henry and Ann Alstein returned to Blackstock after a two week vacation in sunny Acapulco, Mexico. Glad to hear Mr. Tennyson Samells is home from Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson from Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Saywell, Oshawa and mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp were Sun- day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.Jim VanCamp, Scugog Island. Due to extreme weather conditions on Jan. 11th, Blackstock Nursery School held its January meeting on Monday January 16th. President Cheryl Vogel call- ed the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of the last 'meeting were read by the Secretary, Judy Crawford. Joanne Lee gave a dance committee report. Tickets were distributed for the Valentines dance to be held February 11th. Many money making projects were dis- cussed because of the organi- zation"s need for a large Recreational Centre play- ground fund. The future date of the monthly meeting has been changed to the second Monday of each month "in hopes of larger attendance. The meeting was brought to a close with coffee, tea, and of course conversation. Winners at the Senior Citizen's weekly card party with 15 tables were: 1st - Dorothy McDiarmid 107; 2nd - Bert Gibson 89; 3rd -«Ann Taylor 87; 4th - Susie Harris 84; 5th - Edna Kerry 81; 6th - Laurena Bright 80; Low - Edna Larmer. The Friday afternoon ses- sion of the Blackstock Nursery School enjoyed the afternoon at the Cartwright Public School in the Kinder- garten room. The Kinder- garten children made party hats and decorated birthday cup cakes. Mrs. Crawford presented a movie entitled "The Little Engine That Could". Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Barrett Crawford; he was 5 on Sun- day, January 22nd. All of the children in the session will be attending kindergarten next year and were thrilled at spending the afternoon at the school, Mr. and 'Mrs. Maurice Samells, Peterborough spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarborough visited with Mrs. Roy Taylor on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham, Mark and Robbie and Mrs. C. Graham were Wednesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls on the occasion of Harvey' s birth- day. The Cartwright Dyno Snowmobile club held a very successful snowmobile rally on Sunday. Brian Bongard, in spite of good competition won with flying colours. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Woodard, Oshawa. Mary Lisko, author of the "Happy Looker" and the "Happy Cooker" gave an inspiring demonstration at the Recreational Centre on Wednesday evening. ® 21 Luxurious Rooms ki ® EI Heated - Air Conditioned - Cable T.V. ® Breakfast Lounge [Guests Only] @ Facility for Seminars - Meetings, etc. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Telephone: (416) 985-8131 Railroadhouse Motor Motel Paul - Asta Larsen ~ OPEN 'TIL 9:00 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY { _ Followin the Cun South? Short Sleeve ® SHIRTS ® SHORTS © SWIMWEAR eo CABANAS In stock for your Beach & Cruise Wardrobe. Gregory's Men's Wear Ltd. LAKEVIEW PLAZA - PORT PERRY 985-8160 FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS WF EERE S A F