Local teams reach tournament finals Two teams from Port a fast, exciting game that Perry iy to make-it featured good hockey by into the finaJs of the Ban- both teams. = tam-Midget tournament Grant Menzies Motors held last week, but in the were also goose-egged in championship both came up the Midget final, bowing out empty-handed. to Oshawa 3-0 in a fast, In the tournament held at hard-hitting match. ~~ The the New Scugog area, Beare midget team played well, Motors Bantams lost a but simply could not take heart-breaker to Burlington advantage of their scoring® by a score of 1-0. This was' opportunities. Sutton tournament (continued 0 $ % JEVROLEL LET ~ lt po x REA Ee) Ae al - i wi: ( ENN SACP, goal was scored by Lane breathed a sign of relief from Goreski and Henricks when Young got the puck With just 20 seconds left in over to Lane who lifted it the game. ° into the open net with only 5 » seconds remaining on the clock. LF a" Sree) These three games were possibly the best team effort by the Legionaires Dec. 28th in the champ- this season with all three ionship game Port out- lines playing well together Co . gunned Uxbridge for a 4to 1 and the teams one goal per The Beare Motors Bantams finalists. Back, leftto (manager). Front row, from left: Paul Storry, Todd Victory. This was a much game against was the result right: Doug Scott, Bob Horton, Todd Blayone, Mark Wilbur, Clay Lovering, Doug Potts, Rob Franssen, C\0S¢r contest than the of steady Ct hy el do Jeffrey, John Bloomfield, Brian Michaelson, Mike Wayne Robinson apd Allan Jones. score would indicate as it fense and goaltender. Not . : : : o ' | Andrews, , Bri : : was still anybody's game mentioned above in the offi-g ioe - 5.P3t.ionnstun; Srisn Dickssn, Doh Phinney Jright up to the final minut- cial scoring stats is Chris 3 es of the third period. Port Martens who turned in stout i ° Bowling got the only goal in the first defensive work in all three % period with Jones scoring games. ot > from Young. The teams i A 1 split the scoring in the sec- Team members -- Mgr. ? C ion ond period with Uxbridge Bob Storry, coach - Butch 4 tying the score at the mid- Potts,--asst. coach - Doug i . way point in the period and Potts. Defense - Chris 3 TUESDAY AFTERNOON with 4:38 left on the clock Martens, Stan Glass, Neal 4 LADIES LEAGUE Henricks from Goreski gave Cane and Rob Burnett. | Standings: Port a 2 to 1 lead. The Forwards - Jeff Johnstone, 3 Bluegrass aT Tm 14 score remained 2 to 1 until Billy Foote, John Vaz, o A ° Topaze ............cceeee. 14° ate in the third period when Brian Henricks, Mark i JOY linn 12° young let a sizzler go from Goreski, Jamie Lane, i Shalimar ...................... +8 outside the blueline which Donny Young, Russ Jones Cachet ........... INR PAA, 7 handcuffed the Uxbridge and Steven Lee. Goal- Tabu..........ccoccovve. 5 goaltender. Port's final tender - Gerry Jackman. High Average: - D. Dargavel 213 High Single: M. Giroux 270 H.SWH.: i M. Giroux 290 & High Triple: e ® M. Giroux 676 Ho H.T.W.H.: 4 : : M. Giroux 736 3 Mike Hubbs, captai ; : Singles 200 and Over: & , captain of the Burlington Bantams accepts the trophy from. M. Gi 4 i bs 7 . . Giroux 270, 211, D. Bryce Ashmore at last weeks tournament. Goalie Robert Hartleib, and assistant Dar 1 2 xt 4 d gavel 245, 219, J. Grove 4 captains Doug Wilson and Greg McGranan look on. 216, G. Forder 215, 215, J. > Lehmann 215, B. Appleby : ii ¥ cll 0 oO 214, B. Joy 211, J. Fleming 4 anrams aerea rono 210, 1. Allen 202, M. Moore | vi : | } 202. : pe by Todd Wilbur Pat Johnson with two, Todd Bloomfield (2) had assists. Triples 600 and Over: A A On Dec. 21 the Beare Wilbur (2), Brian Mikkelson ~~ This win now put Port in ~~ M. Giroux 676, D. Dar- ; Bl Motors Boys Bgfeated Orono and Paul Storry each had the finals against Burling- gavel 657. i PS A 4-0. Scoring lor Port was one. .Assists went to Brian ton. Both teams played ° * B ae Brian Mikkelson, Al Jones, Dickson (2), Pat Johnson Well but Port came out on TUESDAY NIGHT E i . Bob Horton and Todd Wil- (2), Brian Mikkelson (2), the short end losing 1-0. MIXED BOWLING i uF bur. Assists went to Wayne Doug Potts and Mike And- On the following day, Port Standings: 3 a Robinson, Todd Blayon, rews, and Bob Horton and travelled to Uxbridge to Happy Rollers ............. 17 ih Paul Storry (2) and Bob Mark Jeffrey. participate in their tourna- Untouchables................ 16 | bd Horton. On the next day, Port ment. Port beat the Ux- The Poodles.................10 oo ° i . 2 In the Port Perry Ban- faced their arch rivals, bridge "B" team 7-1 before The Slaves ........ SR 9 Y/70) J tam-Midget tournament the Uxbridge, which Port has losing out to a good Bay Doesnt Matter............... 7 7 3%, Beare Motors boys played not beaten this season. Port Ridges team. 5 Easy Pieces ................ 4 1 4 some pretty good hockey came out flying and upset The next home game is High Single: } ave V/A gd before losing out. - Uxbridge 4-1. Pat Johnson Wed. Jan." 4 where they = Men - Jim Rider 335, i o In the first game against notched two, Todd Wilbur Play Newcastle at the new Ladies - Viv Rider 314 7H og Bramalea, Port dominated and Bob Horton each had arena. Come out and sup- H.SW.H.: the game and therefore won one. Doug Potts, Brian Port this aspiring team. Men - Jim Rider 335, 6-0. Scoring for Port were Dickson, Al Jones and John Ladies - Debbie Casey 325 \ Hi : : * Drop two games 2 Tepe Rider 829. Lad- Do you know anyone here in Ontario who-through ' MORTGAGE ies - Viv Rider 775. Shae, many and Jniiass Je expecting Y ° .. x 2 anything in return-has made this a better province in. 4 in tournament ving Rider 829, Lad- which to live? ' } " . LOANS by Carol Wilbur ies - Debbie Casey 836. [hats the kind of person for whom the. Ontario : On Dec. 26 the Malmont Over 200 Games: Mod for Good CHD us established. i Farm Atoms travelled to Men - Ray Windsor ecipients are selected by an independent Advi- [J] A 1st Mortgages from 104% Sutton where they met the Pete Cranrd 282, oo sory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary ' , home team in the first Efford 272, Jim Rider 267, chairman is the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province. 2nd Mortgages from 112% game. - Steve Thompson 216, Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario "In a closely fought battle, Richard Heffering 215, Jim Medal, and iy forms are available by writing: , c : Port came up short and lost Martin 204, Denny Martyn -Xecutive Secretary : Hee Cit SaRIohy Reghivenientt, i ti to Sutton 4-2. Scoring for 203, Darryl Elliott 201 Advisory Council g A idation Port were Jeff Wray, un- Women - Monica Efford 243, Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship MORTGAGES PURCHASED assisted and Clay Dempsey Vivian Rider 241, Minnie Queen's Park, "HP, with one asst. going to Tim Martin 231, Debbie Casey loronto. Ontario M7A 1A1 7 Call FRANK COULSTING Cannon, 228. Making a nomination is itself an act of appreciation The next day they return- for good citizenship. All nominations should be received * SUTTON (416-)722-8343 | ed to play Wainfleet in still tiotts by April 15, 1978, Si. another close game, Port only goal was Clay Demp- ; : 24s : Morris Pompili Mortgage Broker ~~ T.F. | Perry lost their second sey with an assist going to Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship game 2-1. Scoring Ports Tim Cannon. DE EI I BE BU BU AN . . 'a ve ame Rs ts ERA A a Fo