SCAT WEE aS SS ER : if } wd oh vad des ioaded ed & Tr a iF ght ¥.8 Church Children's Happy Hour Group. Grierson chairman Community C An official Scugog Com- munity Care Advisory Board was formed at a general meeting held November 15, with Roy Grierson of Caes- -.....area_as chairman. Mary Cannon of Pert Perry and Barb Carnegie, also of Port Perry were named vice chairman and secretary treasurer. -Some 15 members were selected to make up the Board, and the organization is hoping that another ten members can be named. Representation from some of the smaller communities in Scugog Township would be desirable." . Four syb-committees, pub- licity, personnel, property and programs, have been formed. The organization has iden- tified six service priorities for community care in he Scugog Township: transpor- tation as required by the elderly for such things as shopping and medical appointments; a meals on wheels program for the rural communities of the Town- i All ready for the Santa Claus parade. -Jennifer, Michael and Greg Grass have been busy preparing their Chinese Dragon float for the parade this Saturday" in Port Perry. They wil) be part of about 20 youngsters from the Columbus United ship; home maintenance for the elderly for such things as snow shovelling and grass, cutting; visitations to the elderly; information and referral; and a loan cup- board for people needing AATEC IRIG I AIPA EATERS RUN JPEN . R) 2A PCIE RL SR ED MSE TY ah rrumte msds tdi pion ad rad itethb sa ds LAAT ES PASE SON CA LY A A CAV eae FL Re (By Va Vem pd tA RY sa nT hey INS FAL. 3X #3 ASR \ oy LAL Dxsitabdnnannandd Fs taiiol os sinailon a Council votes *1,500 towards installation of tennis lights Representatives of the Port Perry Tennis Club agreed Monday evening that the club's share of install- ation costs for new lighting at the municipally owned courts on Water Street is to be $2,200. ' This amount is $350 higher than what the Club had suggested its share of the $7,400. total cost should be. A letter to the municipality dated October 31 had sug- gested that the $7,400 cost for the lighting be split four ways with $3,700 coming from Wintario and Com- munity Centre (provincial) grants, $1,850 coming from ,the Club, and $1,850 coming from Scugog Township. Council discussed the letter at a special meeting Monday afternoon and in a recorded vote agreed that the Township's share should be $1,500. Councillors Vern Asselstine and Neil Mec- Laughlin both voted against this amount, suggesting that it 'was too much. agreeing that the courts in Port Perry are available to all residents of. the Town- , ship, councillors McLaughlin and Asselstine suggested that the money might be better spent providing court facilities in other parts of the Township. Both councillors pointed: out that they are not against' the lighting at the courts in Port Perry, but rather the are Board crutches, walkers or wheel chairs. The next meeting of the Advisory Board is schedul- ed for December 8 at 7:30 in the municipal offices, Port Perry. The general public is invited to attend. Beath visits Scugog council - Regional Chairman Walter Beath has extended a per- sonal invitation for members of the public to visit Regional council and see how their political process works. Mr. Beath, who is on a public relations tour of the eight municipalities within Durham Region made a friendly call on Scugog coun- cil Monday night, and exten- ded the invitation to local coupdiltors and their -con- stitdents. RI LRT XS BRR NPT PORT PERRY ® 21 Luxuriods Rooms ® El Heated - Air Conditioned - Cable T.V. ® Breakfast Lounge (Guests Only] ® Facility for Seminars - Meetings, etc. . ONTARIO Telephone: (416) 985-8131 Railroadhouse Motor Motel Paul - Asta Larsen . : 13 Erected on lg "3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FINISHED. C.M.H.C. Approved - Call COBOURG HOMES for details. [416] 372-9432 000 5 0 OO 0 EO 0060 0 0 1 0 your lot, A.H.O.P. Eligible BA Fas ess a Cra BL 3 The chairman made several requests and sug- gestions, one of which was to have Scugog clearly identify on tax bills exactly how much in dollars the taxpayer is contributing to the Region, the Township and the Board of Education. -- While members of council generally agreed that this would be a helpful policy to adopt, it could not be done until the Township assess- ment is equalized by the province. Mr. Beath also pointed out that there .is an identity problem within Durham and LE, ~ that all municipalities should - be actively working to cor- rect this. Many people, said Mr. Beath, think that Dur- ham is a small town some- where in western Ontario. The name Oshawa-Durham might be considered for the region. a The Region is currently on an energy conservation pro- gram with a target of a ten per cent savings each year, and Mr. Beath asked that the municipality work towards a similar savings on elec- tricity and gasoline.. And finally, he asked that, Scugog adopt a coat-of-arms, as this municipality is one of three within the Region that has not yet done so. LONG DISTANCE Councillor Richard Drew pointed that one thing that seems to alienate residents from the Region is the long Ny distance phone charge from several areas to the Regional offices in Whitby, and he' asked whether the Region had considered the install- ation of a Zenith line. Mr. Beath answered that the region is concerned about the fact that many residents are forced to pay the long distance charge, but the cost of putting in toll-free lines and exchanges is too high at this time. Wheels - stolen Four wire wheel discs and covers were reported stolen November 27 from a 1971 Cougar parked at a resi- dence on Macdonald Street in Port Perry. The value of the stolen items is estimated at $425. Exr= Just 'because you have no oven, don't rely on fried food. Use a double boiler, put a rack over your frying . pan to steam fish, try casse- - role dishes or cook with a little water or soup instead of fat. Make proper nutri tion a part of your Life fact that the Township has to pay so much of the bill. Councilors Richard Drew, Don Crosier, Reg Rose and Mayor Lawrence Malcolm voted in favour of the resolution. . The $1,500 from the Town- ship will come from the municipal park fund, and a loan from the same fund will be used to cover costs until the monies from the provin- cial grants arrive. Although work will not get underway until spring on the installation, the contract will be arranged by the Township in the near future with Doug' Pinder Electric of Bobcay- geon. : Diane Burt and Jack Big- glestone. represented the Tennis Club at the meeting of council Monday evening, and were supported by several tennis enthusiasts. Fraud charge An employee of Durham Region's social services de- partment was charged with fraud last week by Durham Regional police. The suspect was arrested following an investigation by detectives from the fraud squad. The amount of money involved was report- ed to be around $2000. Raymond James Welsh, 55, of 252 King St. East, Bewmanville is scheduled to appear in Oshawa provincial court on December 19. "While - plow and wing. within eight weeks. the two bids received. spring of the year. granted so far this year. (cuncil Briefs NEW GRADER Scugog council agreed Monday afternoon to spend nearly $60,000 on a new grader. oo After reviewing five bids, council will purchase a rigid frame Wabco 555 series from Equipment Sales * and Service, Rexdale, Ontario. The new grader will be equipped with an eight-speed transmission and snow- The cost including sales tax and $12,400 allowance for trade-in on a 1958 grader will be $59,920. This was the lowest of the five bids submitted. The highest bid received was 'for a Cat 140G articulating model at just over $91,000. It is expected that the new grader will be delivered OLD GRADER Council agreed to sell a 1942 Adams grader to a Seagrave resident for $253. " The Township had adve sale of the old machine and the $253 was the highest of rlised for tenders for the Councillor Vern Asselstine questioned whether the Township should sell the machine at this price, suggesting that it might fetch a better dollar in t * However, it was pointed out that the 1942 grade has not been running for more than a year, and(i really not worth any more than the scrap price offer TRAPPING Following a request for trapping rights on Town- ship road allowances, Council is going to look into the "question of whether the municipality would be legally responsible if a member of the public was injured in a trap set on Township property. Three requests for trapping rights have been CHIP WAGONS Mr. Ernie Duncan of Janetville has asked council "to reconsider the $180 annual fee for the operation of chip trucks within the municipality. Mr. Duncan said the fee is too high, and he told council that the fee for Lindsay is $10 per year, $5 per year in Ops Township, and in Oshawa it is only $100 for. the first vehicle. The $180 fee for Scugog has been agreed to by council but not yet included in the by-laws. Mr. Duncan has indicated he plans to operate a fish and chip truck on a year-round basis in the Township. HYDRO LEVY New residential lots in Ward 2 created by subdivis- ion, land division or re:zoning will be assessed a $100 levy and the money will be turned over to the Port Perry Hydro Commission. The request for the lot levy from the Commission was granted by council Monday night, and is over and above the levies already collected by the Township for the creation of new lots. RI 5 > |» f N | d 5 | & p » [1