PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1977 -- 7 . Procedure may save lives sive me A "of heart attack victims r . | FT It is estimated that more ,. than half of all heart attack v victims are dead before they reach a hospital. However, if a heart attack victim receives a relatively simply medical ' procedure known as. cardiopulminary 2 g resuscitation (CPR) within the first crucial minutes after the attack, the chanc- es of survival are increased. Last week at Latcham Centre in Port Perry, medi- cal and para-medical per- sonnel from Port Perry and Uxbridge took - a 'two-day course in CPR techniques under the instruction of Mr. Phil Henry, director. of first aid services, Toronto Cen- tral Branch of the Canadian Red Cross. ¢ This course in CPR, de- veloped by the Ontario Heart Foundation, is the only one of its kind recog- nized by the Canadian Medi- cal Association. At the pre- sent time it is being offered to medical and other emergency personnel such to-mouth breaths after each 15 compressions. If two °° persons knowledgeable in I CPR are attempting to re- vive the victim, the ratio of compressions to breaths is .5:1 and the rate of compres- sions is 60 per minute. Those taking the course at Latcham Centre last week practised on a dummy doll called "Ressusci Anne" which is wired electroni- cally. If the chest compre- ssions are not applied in exactly the right area, or in the correct 'manner, a red light flashes to indicate the error. After the full pro- cedure of chest compres- sions and breaths has been completed, an electronic print-out is provided which shows if any procedural errors have been made. In order to pass the course, the procedure must : i be completed perfectly, along with a grade of 84 on a written test. Those who took the course at Latcham' Centre completed it suc- taken in Seattle, a city with about -the same population as Toronto. If the same kind of public education was undertaken in Toronto, it is estimated that up to 300 lives each. year might be saved. The technique of CPR can be applied to heart attack, drowning and electrocution victims, or any person , Whose heart and breathing "have ceased. To have "any chance of reviving a victim, however, it must be applied within the first five or. six minutes: Ms. Connie Jamieson, of Port Perry Hospital, one of , 11 persons who took the course last week, explained the procedure involved. If a victim has no pulse and is. not breathing, 'four quick mouth-to-mouth inhalations should be given followed by 15 compressions on the victim's chest within ten seconds. The compressions are continued at a rate of 80 as police, ambulance driv- ers and firemen across the province, Some time next 'year, the course is expected to be offered to the general . public. In talking about CPR last week, Mr. Henry stréssed that although the techniques have proven successful in some cases, it is not to be taken as some kind of magic cure for all heart attack victims. He did suggest that a massive public education per minute, with two mouth- cessfully. Remember continued ed to a fire on Bigelow Street where an old barn on the property owned by Mr. Herman Midgley was completely destroy- by fire. Progressive - Conserva- tive candidate Dr. M.B. Dymond won with more than double the votes of When ? Women employees of the H.W. Gossard Co. Limited (operated - at Town Hall 1873) are on strike for higher wages. This is the first time a strike has ever been organized in Port Perry. Former Lt. Gov. of Ontario, John Keiller and MacKay Mrs. MacKay, who accepted to act as patrons of the Centennial Ball, greeted program has been under- his closest opponent, Howard Anderson, Lib- eral candidate, to repre- Eo sent the voters of Ontario approximately 450 people Durham Region work crews were busy last Friday repairing a leak in au ® Fu For on Na the Ontario Setueday evering at Cli inch water line in front of the Port Perry offices on Queen Street. by The Hillier's fo y : Sl - = | Railroadhouse | ] Secret of successful rice : : . 4 $ g y salad: toss the rice with a ) La J i Motor Motel 3 little oil while still hot! Ted ad paul. Asta Larsen Keeps the grains from 3 4 sticking together. ® 21 Luxurious Rooms 3 3 ® El Heated - Air Conditioned - Cable T.V. 3 3 Here's a change from pro- ® Breakfast Lounge [Guests Only] : 3 sciutto and melon - try ® Facility for Seminars - Meetings, etc. 4 \ 4 that wonderful ham wrap- : ped ' around wedges of PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 3 fresh, juicy pineapple. Telephone: (416) 985-8131 k 3 4 For best results with 3 shish-kebab and other skewered treats that com- 4 " bine meat and vege- tables, parboil the slow- cooking vegetables, so that everything is tender and delicious at once. Glidden's SPRED SATIN Interior Paint NO.: 3400 White NO.: 3418 Pastel < Reg. *11.60 Gallon. 20, 010 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FINISHED. Erected on your lot, C.M.H.C. Approved - A.H.0.P. Eligible Call COBOURG HOMES for details. [416] 372-9432 Chicken salad with a dif- » ference: serve it Chinese style - slivers of chicken, cooked ham, cucumber, and flat omelet, tossed with bean sprouts and fresh spinach, Serve with soy sauce dressing. » Who says ice cream sun- dae if just a kid's dessert? No one who's tasted or- ange sherbert topped with Specializing in: GAL toma ig Erenadine. o ON-CAR WHEEL BALANCING 's 'y " r ; ' © MINOR REPAIRS & TUNE-UPS 3 o OIL CHANGE & LUBRICATION (Available in Gallons Only) Delicious desserts for . 4 AJ grownups - and kids too - We Now Have o FRONT END & BRAKE REPAIR at NO-LEAD 4 © TIRE SALES & SERVICE A GAS (New & Used Tires) to Friday 4 » 5 tha Day Bae Actepted Ciadil Cards WL poy op) dhe Warssiiont: MASTER CHARGE. TEXACO CHARGEX "=r" mb Fos™ 'Sp LAKE Heo] LUMBER $ Ty -- , » They follow everything TAYLOR'S TEXACO ; 245 WATER ST. - 985.7391 ~ PORT PERRY else delicious on the 985-3655 menu, Join us soon. Corner of Union & 7A Hwy.