4 . ow A, 3 SERA 20, CAPSULES EERE ATS $0 I.) WS) EET $2500 Damage 'Man charged in two-car accident A "two-car accident 0 Octo- early afternoon when struck ber 4 at the intersections of broadside by a northbound Queen, Caleb and Cochrane car driven by Percy William- streets caused an estimated son of Nestleton. $2500 damage, and sent a The force of the collision Prescott woman to Port drove the Forsythe vehicle Perry Hospital, up a small embankment and Elaine Hosley, 58, a pass- onto the sidewalk on the enger in a car driven by north side of Queen Street, Rachel Forsythe of Port Police estimate the dam- Perry, suffered minor head age to the Forsythe car, a injuries. She was treated 1977 Mercury, at $1500, and and released the following $1000 damage to the 1968 day. ; Chev driven by Williamson. A spokesman for the OPP A charge of failing to stop Whitby detachment said the has been laid by police Forsythe vehicle was west- against Williamson. bound on Queen Street in the A 1968 Chev. culoreds $1,000. damage. The driver of this car has been charged with failing to stop. CASH for NEWS! un Do you have an eye or an ear for news? You could make some money. If you see news happening, call THE PORT PERRY STAR at 985-7383 or 985-8570 (evenings or weekends). The STAR will pay cash for the best news tip of the week, and we will assure complete discretion. Give us a call. It could be worth your while. ATTENTION FARMERS! | | - WHY PAY MORE? ~ Save on: o DIESEL FUEL eo MOTOR OIL o GASOLINE PREMIUM QUALITY pn FARM TANKS & PUMPS DN NY W : AVAILABLE OUT OF TOWN CALLS CALL COLLECT WHITBY fio h ih Delivery 668-3381 Sn HN a ZR ns REE EE oc AE ov a SEE a PORT PERRY STAR -- "8 Thursday, Oct. 13, 1977- 3 Deadline for 'winter barley The deadline for- appli- ---cations for winter barley 1977. The premium is $3 per acre. Mr. Newman explained that winter barley will be covered under the spring grain contract because of its similarity to spring sown barley. He said farmers who now have a spring grain contract will simply add winter barley to their spring grain acreage when they renew their spring grain contract. 'The amount of protection for winter barley is the same as that for spring grain crops, with a winter- kill reseeding benefit of $25 per acre and a production guarantee of 3% cents per pound. Application forms and further information are available from local crop insurance agents or from the Crop Insurance Com- This 1977 Mercury driven by Rachel Forsythe of Port Perry sustained mission of Ontario, Legisla- ~ $1,500. damage in an accident October 4th on Queen Street. tive Buildings, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1B7. New Fall Arrivals for Women: JUMPSUITS DRESSES PANT SUITS (All by Zazie) Poslun Coats Utex Jackets o HAT & SCARF SETS © GLOVES & MITTS e HANDBAGS Ladies Sleepwear: GOWNS- Flannelette & Brushed Arnel PYJAMAS - Flannelette & Brushed Arnel SLIPPERS by Tender Tootsie (Merchandise Not Exactly as Illustrated.) A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE insurance is October 20, AT >, ~~