. Prince Albert and area news by Mrs. Grace Beacock Anyone having a Port Perry Star edition of July 27 please. call 3691. ; Last 'Wednesday evening the September meeting of the United Church Women were invited to the home of Mrs. Les Beacock. with a good attendance of twenty- five and happy to have a visitor, Mrs. Oake of Mari- times. © President Mrs. Ron Deeth voiced a welcome to all and read a suitable poem which blended in well with the devotion led by Mrs. C. Linda Mary Lou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Odrowski of Trout Creek, and Ivan Leslie Pugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merv Pugh of Prince Albert were united in marriage in Sacred Heart Church, Trout Creek, on Saturday, August 20, 1977. i COMPLETE ANTENNA SUPPLY FOR THE DO-IT- YOURSELF PERSON installations DURHAM ELECTRONICS & TV For Fast, Efficient SERVICE TO STEREO-T.V.-HIFI . PHONO - TAPE at reasonable prices. 145 Queen Street PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 985-381) by Mrs. R. Heron It was Rally day at Burns Church on Sunday morning and also graduation, when several children graduated up to the next class. The responsive reading was led by Julie Emm, the scripture lesson was read by Ruth Oliver and the prayer was led by Helen Johnston. The Jr. choir sang "God is so Good" and the senior choir anthem was "Beside the Still Waters'. Rev. McEntyres message was based on '"The Teaching Ministry of the Church". Next Sunday is World Communion day and the sacrement of the Lords supper will be observed in Burns Church. Put a ring around the 30th of November on your calen- dar, that is anniversary Sun- day. There was a good atten- dance at the meeting con- cerning the park in the Com- munity Centre on Thursday night. Miss Myrtle Hamill of Markham, Mrs. Kathleen McChristie of Scarborough, Mrs. Marjorie Peacock of Saskatoon were dinner guests of Mrs. Mildred Routley and her sister, Miss Eileen Hamill of Brooklin on Tuesday, September 20th. They were all first cousins and it was a very happy occasion. Advertising = tells you what's new, CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD Clarke and Mrs. D. Bidgood who chose as their theme 'Appreciation .. of. Other Races' created-a deep and meaningful thought. Hymn 378 and 375 were sung with it. : Now the president ably chaired the meeting. Roll call revealed we all are grateful and 'thankful for many blessings. Secretary Mrs. Bidgood read the June Minutes. \ Two thoughtful notes from Jim and Ann McGregor for the white testament their baby Ian received when baptized in the church. Also appreciation from Jackie Skelding for the trophy she received at the , ending of the school term. A kind invitation was received from a non- mem- ber, Mrs. P. Aldridge invit- ing us to her home for the October meeting which was graciously accepted. The housecleaning of the kitchen is still in the air. Mrs. B. Smith, quilt con- venor, handed in a handful of green paper with an ex- planation of work accom- plished. Mrs. Eva Hunter and Mrs. "Ann Kinnunen were appointed to represent part: of the new organ commit- tee Treasurer Mrs. T. Hodgins voiced a report on our financial standing con- taining the successful monies net from the booth at the fair. Some disatis- factions were related creat- ing a discussion re the booth or whether to continue this Ashburn news The euchre parties have started again in the Community Centre. Every- one is welcome to come and enjoy a social evening. The prize winners for last Friday night were: Mrs. Barbara Forsythe and Mrs. Alma Wood for ladies, Mr. John Hopkins and Mrs. Jake Honingh for the men. Mrs. Kay Langmaid won the door project next year, - It was finally thought wise to have this concern. tabled at. the annual meeting in January. Be thinking over some of your favourite receipes as to whether we wish to enter "Cook Book Contest" which will be on the agenda for next month. Remember the U.C.W. Presbyterial in Brooklin, October 18. Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Delicous lunch was served by group in charge. Mesdames Dearbourn, Robinson and Kinnunen were responsible. Prince Albert Couples Club is sponsoring a car rally at 2:00 p.m. October 1 from Prince Albert United Church. Prizes-trophies will be. presented followed by a pot-luck supper. $3.00 per couple. For tickets call 985-3626. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alsop have returned from a two week trip visiting relatives in Thunder Bay and travell- ed farther northern areas too. Mesdames Pugh, Huston, Mosienko, Coates, Beacock attended the monthly Hos- pital Auxiliary Meeting last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock enjoyed the weekend in Peterborough as company with Rev. and Mrs. R. Mc- Rae and Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brough and children were visited by her mother, Mrs. Doris Pierce, Oshawa. I regret not being able to attend or make a coverage of the concert sponsored by the choir in the church Sun- day night. It would be appreciated if anyone wishes to write a briefing on it for next week just hand it to the Star or thru' this column. Hopefully there will be a repeat of this program in the future. Thought: We always have heard the phrase - a lot more said than down and truly "there is a lot more prize. The next party will be a than "dene. 5 October 7. ' SILO GAS SAFETY PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1977 -- 29 3 ¢ t $ 0.K., fellas, what is it? Blair Beacock and his brother Lee [right] hold this unusual looking potato which grew right in their back-yard in Seagrave. French fries, anybody? CORRECTIONS We wish to draw your attention to the following errors in our current 1977-78 Fall & Winter Catalogue 1 - tem 82-767 4X-Garmont boot is a 1976 model and is not in 8 line.CJPage 42 - Item 10 - Mustration is actually 75-5084, Pellet gun, not .22 cal Ar Rifle 75-5090. tem 13 - The and 76-4722 are not CO; powered.O 45 - tem 11 7 8: ~® 2. ay a] o 32 HE { : £ i 2 Egg 85 : { 53 5 : 2 : - x &. We sincerely regret any inconvenience that may have been ceused you. * Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd. Recently three men were asphyxiated in one silo in Leeds County. The silo was a relatively new 20' x 70' poured concrete silo with a roof. Approximately 25' of old silage remained in the silo. The silo was being filled until September 12th. At that time, the silage distributor was not operating properly. On the far side of the silo, the corn was 12' from the top. On the chute side, the corn was approximately 30' from the top. No corn was added on September 13th or 14th. About 11:00 a.m., September 14th, the first son went up to level the silage and to readjust the distributor. He was found in the pocket. The second son went up to investigate, and his body was found near the top of the pile. The third man took off a door on the low side and entered. He also died. Our Farm Safety Association reminds us that silo gases are most likely to form just after the silo has been filled. These gases, being heavier than air, can settle in pockets. If possible, avoid working in your silo for two or three weeks after filling, but if you must work in the silo for any reason during this time, make sure you strongly ventilate by means of a blower. ; =m] _ Railroadhouse LS _' Motor Motel ' eds Paul - Asta Larsen ® 21 Luxurious Rooms ® El Heated - Air Conditioned - Cable T.V. ® Breakfast Lounge [Guests Only] ®. Facility for Seminars - Meetings, etc. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Telephone: (416) 985-8131 rl Opening new doors to small business. from our representative, Mr. Jun Buktaw who will be at: Uxbridge Municipal Offices, 20 Bascom St., Uxbridge. Wednesday, October 5th, 1977 From 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Telephone: 852-3301 for appointment. URCURCE TCR IBERIA RCE ET BGT CT TP ENG CELL RINE EGER LG IE TCR FL CR CETL RR ECD TER OR EEEGD EL CR ET BRETT conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling ELL RIEIGILT ITE RG GT ELT GT government programs available for your CTR LEER ELS CE TRC ICRC ELIT \ 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ont. - Telephone 416-576-6800, oo Ca = Poh ART ISR Wn Sh em TEA ~~ ~ 2h 3 ARM oe; se a TE Dre oo - = 0 ATTRA PEL Wt tr] re or 2 A LR Lo vy - "a Ba £7 Re Cane RI FS ond i ly - de TREE