] ! 1 VEN aan AN SFA A SLT ENIr eal AF HEE Tl or £3 NET YilT aly Suh] Fr 40) A tay a, AYR A Rr REAL at, g Rey J 1%: SA ANAT 3 MT a Fir ants e Uass LARIRE 5.3 Lar oe, As Tp \ sediniy Aid AACE AER FAAS) Ad Li TAN SER I hE AAAS i .|.Nonquon not polluted ho i H ® J - Recent tests by the Minis: try of the Environment have concluded that the Nonquon River is not poll- uted, but bacteria counts in water taken near Seagrave are higher than government standards for recreational use, In fact, the fecal coli- forms count was more than two times about the stand- Food For Thought by The Hillier's French chefs put season- ed butter on steak. Am- erican cooks love it on fresh, sweet corn. Mix room-temperature butter «With salt and pepper, add "chives and grated cheese or Italian herbs and gar- lic. 5 Another way to make a neat poached egg: sim- mer. in the shell for 20 seconds and THEN crack into a cup and slip gently . into simmering water. Fast dessert, but great - place a half cup heavy cream and one egg in blender. Add, while blending, three cups of sweetened, still frozen strawberries that have been broken up. Freeze again if it's too soft. "The Italians call it straw 'and green noodles. Toss with sauteed mushrooms and prosciutto, some 'grated cheese. and cream. Low-calorie dip for raw vegetables combines a cup of cottage cheese with a half cup of sour cream, plus chopped chives, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper, Wor- chestershire sauce, and pepper sauce. Blender makes it all smooth, Find plenty of fresh, cool dairy products for sum- mer meals at ... the Dairy Bar on the Waterfront Port Perry -- 985-8611 and hay; we call it deli- |. ;clous. Mix together white | I EEL f LL DN 20910 ard, and the enterococcus bacteria count was seven times above the standard. Fecal counts of 268 per 100 millilitres of water and enterococcus of 156 per 100 millilitres were found, while the acceptable standard is 100 for the former and 20 of the latter. . At five other areas of the river tested recently the results fell within the, accepted standards for fecal coliforms, but only two test Seagrave News Church barbeque in September by Diane Puckrin Seagrave Oldtimers par- ticipated in the ball tourna- ment held in Little Britain on Saturday and came home with a win over Little Britain but were defeated by Plea- sant. Point in their second game, Team members and friends attended the dance in the Oddfellows Hall in Little Britain Saturday night and a good time was reported by all. Valentia won the trophy for the tournament. Con- gratulations fellas! Sunday evening our heros met with Little Britain again but in our park in a well played game. They were defeated but our own Peter | Jones was beaming after his' first home run of the season. Congratulations Peter. We hope many more home runs will come off that "heavy" bat. Please keep in mind Sun- day, Sept. 11 for our Sunday School and Church barbeque to be held in the ball park. Many Seagravers enjoyed the beef barbeque held in Greenbank Friday night. By all reports it was a very successful venture. Mr. Rob Abraham return- ed home last week after a three week trip to British Columbia, Morley and Lola Bruce are the proud grandparents of a brand new baby girl born to Donna and Guy Latrielle last week. Congratulations. | For Photograph REPRINTS from the Port Perry Star Phone 985-7383 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FINISHED. Erected on your lot. C.M.H.C. Approved - A.H.0.P. Eligible Call COBOURG HOMES for details. [416] 372-9432 PETER BARKER | Denture Therapist 111 Dundas Street West WHITBY - 668-1464 * T.F. 9 ) sites of the six revealed acceptable levels for enter- ococcus bacteria, The ministry concluded that the bacterial pollution was not necessarily coming from the Port Perry sewage lagoons, but rather from farm fields and runoffs from other areas. Fecal coliforms are associated with human waste, and enterococcus bacteria is associated with animals. - The charge that the Port Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kell- ington attended the wedding of Heather's brother in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boe from Bowmanville were weekend visitors of Mrs. Reta Boe. Sunday callers included Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon McDonald and Blanche of Port Perry and Mrs. Faye Dowson and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Suddard and Patricia of Oshawa. Keep Tuesday, Sept. 13, 10:30 a.m. open for Eatons of Oshawa fashion presentation and hot luncheon at the Port Perry Scout Hall sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary of a BB c= LT | --=_ p Perry lagoons, about six miles upstream from Sea- grave might be responsible was made by a Seagrave resident, Gordon Burnet, earlier this summer after he took water samples and had them analysed. Admitting that one testing station on the river showed high regults, Kim Choo-Ying a hy Fala with, the Ministry stated that "generally speaking the tests are good." Greenbank Scouting. Tickets are $3.00 and may be purchased from Donna Wanamaker at 985-8350 or Ann Cavannah at 705-357- 3587. Babysitting including lunch is available at 50 cents per child. Brownies - girls 7-9 years of age will be starting again in Sept. They meet on Tues. evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. and new members are welcome. Registration night will be Sept. 30. Call Carol Rott at 985-2040. The yearly fee is $5.00 Marilyn Beacock will be your correspondent next week. Please call her at 985-3595. Garden Club PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 24, 1977 -- 7 Plan booth for fair On Tues. August 16, the Pineridge Garden Club held their director's meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harv McDiarmid. The meeting consisted mainly of planning the clubs booth 'at Blackstock Fair. Any members interested in entering a snapshot of any garden subject may send their photo to Mr. Harv McDiarmid, R.R.1, Nestle- ton or any other director of the club. These snapshots will be mounted and judged by the public at Blackstock Fair. Please make sure your name and telephone number is on the back of the photo. Mr. McDiarmid announc- ed the winners of the Pine- ridge Garden Club's first successful Garden Competi- tion which was held Sat. August 13th. Winners of the best flower garden were: 1st - Mr. Bajema, RR 1, Nestleton, 2nd - Mrs. Carnaghan, Blackstock; 3rd - Mrs. Edith McLaughlin, Nestle- ton. Turner Winners of the best vege- table garden were: 1st - Mrs. Ileen McLaughlin, RR 2 Blackstock; 2nd - Mrs. 'Andrea Weir, Blackstock; 3rd - Mrs. Blackstock. Winners of the best land- scaped garden were: Ist - Mrs. Edith McLaughlin, Nestleton; 2nd - Mrs. Tally Moore, Blackstock; 3rd - Mrs. Heaslip, Nestleton. The judges were Mr. Blake Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. Harv McDiarmid and special thanks to Mr. Roy from Turner's Greenhouse in Blackstock for giving his precious time out of a busy day and his expert advice in helping to judge the gardens. Also we wish to express our gratitude to Mr. Paul Johansen for giving his time and talent in taking the pictures of all the compet- ing gardens. All trophies and pictures of the winning gardens will be on display at Blackstock Fair. ~ by Claudia McDiarmid Carnaghan, THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE FREE BAHA'I BOOK when presented at the BAHA'I BOOTH - BLACKSTOCK FAIR f » BELVEDERE™ KITCHEN CUPBOARDS ASK FOR qo 115) tiful Kitchens e=begin with SCUGOG LUMBER e Solid Birch Construction e Top Quality Hardware e Colonial eProvincial e Contemporary Styling See Our Large Selection Of Lighting Fixtures by Camro for Livingroom, Kitchen Bedroom, Recrooms, Ha etc. 4 v ap RE 4 RENN HDT v o> ~~ TIRE "rn v +.)