A BEARER F RON Nal Vor Te Se S i & EN SM MBSE © STEAL J Z ee RAR HAA AY . "4; LY hE WW! bie A bs BALTIC 14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Avg. 17,1977 1975 AUDI FOX 4 door, automatic, radio. Looks like new. Lic. JTW 449. 1976 ASPEN 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic, p.s., radio, rear defogger, 17,000 miles. Balance of new car war- ranty. Lic. LDS 848. 1972 CHALLENGER COUPE 8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, bucket seats, console. Very scarce. Lic. DBK 266. 1975 BUICK ELECTRA 225 4 door hardtop, loaded, 37,000 miles, new radials. JYA 158. 1974 BUICK SKYLARK 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, 31,000 miles. A clean car. Lic. JWJ 510. 1976 CORDOBA SPECIALTY Hardtop, usual luxury car equip- ment, leather bucket seats, one owner, 20,000 miles. KTH 832. DEANWATSON AUTO SALES LTD 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 door, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., 53,000 miles. Can not be dupli- cated. Lic. ATK 205. 1974 CHARGER 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, white walls, rally red. Sharp. Lic. HHY 712. 1975 DART 4 door, 318 V8 automatic, p.s., air conditioning, radio. 26,000 low miles. Lic. JMK 594. 1973 DODGE MONACO 4 door, V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radio, vinyl roof. Good family car. Lic. DNO 608. 1975 FIREBIRD TRANS AM 400 V8, 4 speed, radio, rally wheels, all original. JCO 987. HWY. 47 SOUTH OF UXBRIDGE - PHONE 852-3313 Utica News Sports day, barbeque at Epsom - - by Mrs. Vera Brown On Saturday, August 27th at 1:30 p.m. a Sports Day will be held at Epsom School and at 5 p.m. a Beef barbeque will be served at Epsom Church followed by an evening of entertain- ment. Tickets are still available from church members. Both of these events are sponsored by Epsom-Utica United Church. On Sunday, August 28th at _ 2:30 p.m. Epsom-Utica United Church Anniversary service will be held in Utica United Church. Rev. Sellars of the Sandford charge will: be the guest speaker and our own choir will provide special music for the service. Refresh- ments will be served follow- ing the service. Mrs. Claire Thompson, Mrs. Marjorie Honey and Mr. Bruce Beare were recent visitors with Mrs. Crosier. = Recent visitors with Mrs. J. Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pilkey, Mrs. Glen Pilkey and Mrs. Edna Burgar of Toronto, Mrs. Lena Lemon and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Neal of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Milt: Parkin of Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs, Len Pilkey of Uxbridge. Congratulations to the 'boys and girls of Utica who ran a very successful carni- val on Saturday raising $57.50 for Muscular Dystrophy. Miss Paula Beare of Oshawa has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Hillis Wilbur and boys. Sunday visitors at the © Sutcliffe home were Mr. nd Mrs. Jack Miller of Mississauga and Miss Michell Brockman of Cour- tice, Mrs, Dawn McCleland * and children of Toronto. Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe, Mrs. Pete Sutcliffe and Kathy, Mrs. Jack Miller and Miss Corn, Soybean update You and your neighbours are-invited to attend Corn & Soybean Pro- duction Update "77, which is in the form of a Field Meet- ing on September 1, 1977 at Elora Research Station from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Field plots showing results to be seen and discussed are as follows:- climatic effects on corn (water and temper- ature) - tillage, compaction & fertilizer placement - planter performance & seed- bed preparation - weed con- trol in corn & soybeans - corn silage (hybrids, matur- ity and plant numbers per TAR Port Perry, Ont. 985-8123 191 Queen Street - Stationery & office Supply A Division of Port Perry Star Co. Lid. See Us Today For All Your OFFICE SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS OF OFFICE MACHINERY. REPAIR SERVICE acre) - bean planters for effective planting - granular inoculation techniques for soybeans to produce nitro- gen - floating, flexible com- bine cutterbar with ground sensing devices for beans. Scugog By Mrs. Earl Reader We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Art Van Camp from the Island as employ- ment requires a move near Hamilton. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Haines entertained the Van Camps along with many of their friends. . After church service at "Grace" on Sunday, there will be a meeting to decide the musical procedures for the fall and winter. Michell Brockman attended a baby shower in Brooklin for Mrs. Donna Brockman, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre who this week celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary. On Friday evening they went to Winston's in Toronto and on Saturday they went with friends to the C.N. Tower. = Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto were week-end guests of the Carre's. Mr. Ted MacCannell and friend of Brampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mery. MacCannell on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Slute recently returned home after a trip through Northern Ontario. Mrs. Russell Lindsey, Ronald," Donna and Connie have just returned from Revelstoke, B.C. where they visited with son John Lindsey. Mrs. James Toogood of Bramalea is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Merv. Storie. Mrs. Terry MacDonald is home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Barclay and new baby Lisa Rae at thier home in Hampton. A reminder that there will be a euchre in the hall this Friday evening beginning at gpm. ma] | =>] <li") OZ = (Zm[n/>Im[O| ~Eo SImCIO x00 minmi<]>] Jl 2 m| O] <0ZD>Z kn | ® Live Bait for sale. Outboard Repair @ Authorized Chrysler Outboard & Boat Dealer Sales & Service. ® Authorized Lawn Boy - Sales & Service. ® Boat Motors for rent - by hour or day. Boat & Motor Storage BEACON MARINA 986-5188 CAESAREA LUT TTT I 17 Candid Weddings -- y |SIEBE REKKER PORT PERRY 985-7086 New Installations Repairs - Alterations Power Drain Cleaning BERT FABER PHONE. 985-3734 "Service is our Business' 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed » x $ & i (g >