Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 22 Jun 1977, p. 27

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JL AB TRANS 3 Pay Cara : w PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 22, 1977 -- 27 News of interest from Epsom ial; eavestrough; light fixtures; space heater parts. Tools: snips; Sawzall; sockets; open end & box wrenches; vices; hand tools; pipe wrenches; chain wrenches; pipe dies; cut- ters; electric drills; bits. Plum. bing: copper, brass and iron fittings; tile bed pipe; pumps; injectors; nozzles; venturies; copper pipe and many items used in the trade. Most items new. Absolutely no reserve bids. 6:30 Sharp. Orval McLean Auctioneer, 324.2783 Lindsay, Jn29 Delegates will be observing agricultural practices within the area, learning more about the 4-H and Junior Farmer programs that are carried.on, and getting to know the people in the area, as well as, passing on information about their own home areas. We welcome the Delegates to our area, and we know that they will have an opportunity to take part in leadership training sessions, and provides them with the' opportunity to learn not only more about themselves, but, more about 4-H members from 'all across the province. We know that John will enjoy the experience at Confer- ence, and we look forward to hearing from him when he returns to the county. Judge N.H. Edmondson noted in Oshawa provincial - court last week that people who are found guilty of such offences can expect to be delt with in a serious manner. Between May 1976 and May 1977, thee were 376 burglaries reported while for the same period a year earlier, there were 217 similar offences reported. , 'TY form. Mrs. M.B. Dymond, immediate past president, and chairman of the nomin- ating committee gave the slate of officers and members for the coming year. Mr. Kenneth Smyth, Chartered Accountant, was appointed auditor for 1977- 1978. Austin G. Hiltz, a past president of the association } AEA FL F TINA BL AN ARC \ : ; ' - by Mrs. Jean Jeffery was: "God does not compel trip to Austria then stopped ed on Sunday with Mr, and It is lovely to see every US to go against our will, He in Holland to try to find Mrs. R. Armstrong and pew in the church occupied. only makes us willing to accommodation as he and Tom, This happened last night at 80" Shirley and the girls will The Bethesda-Reach W.I Epsom. Rev. Mike Ward Next Sunday our church soon be located there. He . ladies and friends will meet ¢ and wife Cathy gave us a Will be at Utica at 11:30 telephoned an S.0.S. to at Epsom School Monday, beautiful service of all their 8m. This will be Rev. Shirley for help so last Mon- June 27th at 6:30 p.m. We favourite hymns and in. Scott's last official service day she flew to Holland. will be visiting Whitby spirational songs. Then at Utica. Come to church Both returned home on Ladies College and will took time to teach us a new and bring the children. Thursday evening. have our June meeting one. Mike was presented ~ After the church service We wish a speedy there, with a sacrament service Will be a combined picnic recovery to Miss Vera The Kerry family and for six which I hope he will for Epsom and Utica Sun- Prentice who is in Uxbridge Mrs. A. Clow formed find ideal when visiting the day Schools. Everyone is hospital, quarettes and sa the sick or infirm during hope- invited. Come and bring a Mr. Grant Elford and Anniversary at-the Quaker fully a long ministry. A Picnic lunch. friend from Vancouver Hill Meeting House, Anne lunch after the service gave Then July 9. The Epsom- visited Saturday with Mr. Tapscott and Donna Kerry us a chance to have a visit. Utica group will hold a and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Mr. sang a duet. Everyone en- Their second to last song Strawberry Social. ~The "and Mrs. Dennis Irwin and joyed also the solo by Mrs. Epic ;group (Epsom. Per- boys were Sunday dinner Parrott. Lloyd Wilson was : - formers in Concert) will guests and Aunt Lula and the speaker and Mrs. present an evening of music = Uncle Ernie Simpson called Wilson played the organ. C 10N and skits. Remember wall- on Sunday evening. The Epsom folks who to-wall people at Epsom last Mr. Stan Taylor of attended found it a most ; ; ~ year. We we will rectify Toronto and Miss Ruth enjoyable service. that by holding the festival Taylor of Cannington visited > PS at Memory Hall Utica at 8 their brother Earl and Mrs. Greenbank a () p.m. Taylor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- Mr. and Mrs. Murray U C Ww son were at the home of Mr. Potter visited Mr. and Mrs. odo ¥V 0 TUESDAY NIGHT, JUNE 28 and Mrs. Ronald Watson of Paul Baster on Sunday and by Helen Thomson Prova TIE: 3 Log Seatharongh on Saturday all attended the Hones The Evening Unit of the evening. family picnic at the home of Greenb CW. Nn on Ra Sy oer Most of the John Hansen Mr. 4 Mrs. Jim Jones in wed. bass Dichy, a on »w Lumber, go 6 miles north on family were home for the afternoon. : of Mae Blakely. The group Con. 9 (see signs). Excellent Father's Day. The nine of Mr. and Mrs. Keith jj charge of the Devotional modern ; bey ores them enjoyed breakfast at Ashton and family, Mr. and was: Helen McKean, Mae lawn mower, bicycles, house. the Oddfellows Hall in Port Mrs. Donald Asling had Blakely and Helen Thom- hold conighis, CB baie 3d 50 1. Porty Sosired by the Jel with De Pat Asling son. ower, etc. Note time: 6:30 p.m. ca e. com- and Ivan at Ashworth. Barbara Ward accompan-, - I Jhoving pliments to these ladies for ~~ On Fri. evening Mr. and jed the hymns on Pe eer, 324-279) or 324.2783 Lindsay. Such a beautifully served Mrs. Donald Asling attend- accordian and also played To celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Eliza® meal. ed the wedding of their two lovely solos. beth, students at R. H. Cornish School in Port Perry sa TURDAY, JULY 3 in hs a os. Wy fe Dephes James Ryall at Ws guest speaker was planted a sugar maple in front of the school last a ve "MPL. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon = Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fish of Srgarat Thos, Our Friaay afierneon, Doing thelr pait io help ihe Maple ' urniture, the Student Minister's wife. get off to a good start in life are Marilyn Moore property of DICK LEEPER, Lot Jeffery on Sunday after- New York State were dinner Margaret's interesting Kind rt ds y ' 8 2 5 4, Burris Township, 13 noon. ] guests on Sunday with mr. theme was "Child - Parent ndergarten, and Steven Lane, grade 1. way Fg sibs rnin Mrs. Hildreth Lyons visit- and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. In Relationships". She spoke Twp. & 2 miles north, or 7 miles ©d her neice, Mrs. June the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. of gome of her work with south east of Warsaw. Machin- Allen of Vallentyne on Sun- 'Laurie Wagg of Magnet- underprivileged children ° ° Sh Lm Sadar Su awan called me mune prions RETiIr@MeENt gifts i he roe hy We are pleased to see Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas chaired by president, Doris ~~ M.F. 35 combine - & hydraulic 8nd Mrs. Chris Ruhl have Wilson and Michael were Kill. The minutes were (contim introduced the speake header; pto bin & auger comp.; returned from visiting their weekend guests with his read b leg peaxer, - McCulloch chain saw #2107 f ead by secretary Eunice consented to remain as a Mrs. Norma Lytle, whose chain saw i families in Holland. brother Keith, Mrs. Wilson, Rahm and the treasurer's : ' " ) : harness; cutter; 9° x 10° tent; member of the executive topic was "The Volunteer in buggy wheels; efc. Furniture: LW Weeks ago Mr. Paul Dawn and David in Sarnia. report by treasurer, Marie council and will again, be a our Society". She stressed fable & chairs; chesterfield & 3aster went on a business Mr. Howard Gourlie visit- Foster. Doris reminded us volunteer. ' ' the fact Yat education is sa, roe il . of the Cub sows, Mayor James Potticary, the most vital function of car; Cattle: Registered Here- J | we are catering on June brought greetings from the the voluntary health organi- ford bull, 4 yr. old; Reg. Here. Car twright farms host 18th and of the Arts and re or and con- zation and fo pt vo ory Bull 4 mos, SEL2 1%) . Craft Show we are having gratulated Mrs. Collins and of community needs and side; 2 reg. Hereford cows, due U i" J nior Farmers on October 8th. Helen Mc: the Lung Association for the demonstration of practical ASOLOVE 17 grads Fatetord cows "\ u Kean asked for ideas for the many benefits brought to methods to meet those with 32 calves by side, Jrom 1 f Oral Show ad James of the community by the needs. But, without the 0 2v2 mos, ol; Te enjoy their stay here, and PeoPle who might Show voluntary health organiz- help given by volunteers, Hoon heiter, due OGe.L 3 Her, wii iti that the host families wil their hobbies and crafts. ations. He remarked on the many of these programmes ford heifers, 2 yrs, old, bred; 4 Once again this year, the provide them with an Motions were a0 fact that the association could not be carried out. > Heretord tg 2 3 ha i Durham County Junior excellent opportunity to donate $20.00 © € Sal- remains independent of Mrs. Lytle congratulated Heretord haiters, rising yr. Farmers are hosting dele- Jearn more about agricul- Yation Army, and $50.00 to regional or government Mr. LK. MacDonald, old. A good herd of cattle, well Bates involved in the United tyre in Durham County. the Bale Committee to grants, using only funds Oshawa, the Christmas Seal worth your attention. Terms Kingdom Young Farmer The Ontario Ministry of purchase items for Sandy derived from the Christmas Chairman who was appoint- at oo wm" Machpery Xchange Program. . Dur. pgriculture and Food is ~Loke. Seal Campaign. ed to the board of manage- sale of 1:30 pm. Cattle sale of ing the two weeks, from sponsoring the 1977 4-H ary Jean mentioned Councillor John DeHart, ment of the Ontario Lung 2:30 p.m. Carl & Greg Hickson, June 17th to June 30th, four 1eadership Conference. the Vacation Bible School brought greetings from Association at its annual Pe Auctioneers, Reaboro, Qnf.-50. farm famnilics lh pa This Conference brings {on yin ben) i Joy th Walter Beath and the meeting Oh Saturday, § 324.9959. n County two ether selected 5th. or Region of Durham. He The speaker was thanked delegates from the United Sopot all ecto] Selogales volunteers to help. congratulated the associa- by Dr. John Chmara, chair- i RED. NighT. ular; Kingdom, Margaret Sa. Province of Ontario for one Fp bi Sloged wi Hon on we remarkable i of the medical y 0 tland is sta running Benediction a record of volunteer partici- advisory committee. Scr] ser oft ie Briain with the Harvey Yellowless bu J June ain Tone following grace, the group pation in community Mrs. Collins presented the Road. Sr ine of ka pinies family, RR. 1 Enniskillen year's Conference is being Served a delicious lunch. projects since 1953. He said gold double-barred cross for 001s, ' [ ¥ bits Zig saw, Skil saw, fable using he a Suing hea a Satip ching Burglaries Te Fhay he Snpool grip ' 0 te Saw. ! ele. all ih excellent Ce during the second week she niles north of Toronto. : the citizens of Durham Armstrong, who relinquish- WALTER GILSON, Lindsay, will be staying with the Durham's delegate this . Region are most grateful. ed the. chair to Mr. S.J.W. Lis Pili 4 te Jnven oy and Richard VanCamp family, year is John DeVries, son of on INCr ease The president, Grant H. Richard, Beaverton, presi- and Heating shop. 1968 omc IRR. 1, Blackstock. Denis Mr and Mrs. William Armstrong introduced the dent for the coming year. van, only 42,000 miles; new Boyd, of Northern Ireland, ri head table guests and auxil- Mr. Rickard emphasized y 42, DeVries, of R.R.4 Bowman in ur am diaphragm mud pump; sump will be staying with the jl. John has been very iary tables with Mrs. the need to impres upon the » i Jurner. Mois) 19. Glenn Larmer family dur- active 4-H Agricultural Club Collin's ~~ family and public that the Lung Assoc- delayed oil valves; complete oil in the week of June 17th to member for the past seven The number of burglaries members of the board of iation's only revenue is burners; oil burner service kits; June 23rd and with Mr. years. and has shown Of home in the Durham management. He also from Christmas Seal funds. smoke testers; wrenches; mir- and Mrs. Glen Malcolm, of exsellent leadership quali- Region has 'increased by introduced Mrs. Angela We do not receive financial rors; ignition parts; pressure Nestleton during the second ties d more than 100 over last Tibbles who will succeed support from either regional gauges; draft fester; new. Sel- es during his time in 4-H, Kirk chimneys: new square "A" week of their visit to The Provincial Leadership Year, and is resulting in Mrs. Collins as executive or provincial lotteries, and chimneys; ducts; registers; Durham. While in the ' conference is a week long stiffer penalties being set by director. Annual reports Christmas Seal contribu 3 boots; elbows; flashing mater. county, the United Kingdom program in which delegates the courts. were presented in book tions are as vital as ever. He felt the Christmas Seal Campaign and a vigorous programme are closely interelated, in that if one is seen to falter, so will the other. Mr. Rickard wished Mrs. Collins a happy retirement, and expressed the hope that the membership would give every assistance to her ' successor, Mrs. Angela Tibbles.

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