PRR my Non a Ar Pn 2 Ln Classified Ad ,28 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 2, 1977 Card of Thanks, Our sincerest thanks to all for the floral tributes, cards,. visits, and all remembrances In memory of husband and father, Robert G. Baird. Our appreci- ation for kindness of Dr. Bryan and staff of Uxbridge Cottage Hospital, Rev. Roundell and -the Thorne Funeral Home of Sun. derland, Verna Baird, Iva Phoenix, Glennys Simmons, Helen Parish, Mona Mustard, Marilyn Snodden and Hugh Baird. We, the family of the late Eila Jeffrey, wish to thank the follow- ing: all the nurses and staff, volunteers of the Port Perry Hospital and the many Doctor's, they all did their best to make Eila comfortable. Miss Batton, Miss MacLean, pastors of Ella"s Church, the clergy of the other Churches that came to call, and the many visitors. Also those who sent flowers and cards. Albert Jeffrey and Daughter Joan. Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and fruit | received while a patient in Port Perry Hospital Special thanks to Dr. Millar, Dr. Tanna, Dr. Hammett and staff. Norman Watson. | wish to thank those who sent me cards, flowers and gifts during my stay at Community Memorial Hospital. A special thank you to Drs. Millar, Cohoon, Allin and Stewart, nurses and staff. - - Vera Rundle | wish to thank my family, neighbours and frierids for cards, best wishes and visits during my stay in hospital. May Wotten The family of the late Mrs. Mabel Stone would like to thank the relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the flowers, donations and words of condolences. To Rev. Brawn for his kind mess- age. A special thanks to the Port Perry United Church U.C.W. for their generous help. To Dr. Tom Millar and the staff of the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, our deepest thanks to all. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ash. bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison. | would like to deeply express my sincere thanks to all my ! relatives and friends for the lovely cards and flowers sent tq. me while in Port Perry Hospital and also, Toronto Western. | - wish also to thank Dr..T. Millar. and Dr. Tanna for, without them and all people concerned, | would not be doing as well as | am today. A special thanks to my dear friend, Jean Mennen. Marie Crawford At Rest STONE, Lily Mabel [Ashbridge, Hood) - At the Community Hos- pital, Port Perry on Wednesday, February 23, 1977, Lily Mabel Cook, beloved wife of the late Orval Stone, dear. mother of Donald Ashbridge of Scugog and Ruth (Mrs. C. Harrison) of Scar- borough, grandmother of Ken. neth and Robert Harrison, Susan (Mrs. G. Ralph), James, Timothy, and lan Ashbridge, in her 82nd year. Rested at the chapel of McDermott-Pana- baker, Port Perry for service on Friday, February 25 at 3:30 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geer are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Marilyn Jane to Gordon Richard, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goode, Sr. Wedding to take place May 21, 1977, Immaculate Conception Church, Port Perry, 4 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh John 'Morrison are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Elizabeth to Scott Lindsey. The wedding is planned for August, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cracknell of Sonya are happy to announce the engagement of thelr son Kevin John to Cynthla Mabley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mabley, Port Perry, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prentice of Scugog Island are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Penny Marie to Donald Petfypiece, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Petty- piece of Amherstburg. Wedding to take place May 14th, 4:00 p.m., Grace United Church, Scugog Island. Birth ASTON - Jeremy Russell Aston arrived February 7, 1977, weigh- ing In at 6 Ibs. 9 oz. Happy parents are Mary and Al. Proud grandparents are Doris and Arthur Aston and Helen Brad- burn. GEER - Margaret, Ivan and Jennifer Geer are happy to announce the safe arrival of Jeremy William, born in Port Perry on February 14th, 1977. Our many thanks to Dr. Price and the maternity staff at the hospital. IRWIN. - Wayne and Donna (nee Simpson) welcome with love, Candace Lynn, born February 10, 1977 at Port Perry Co un. ity Memorial Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff, At Rest | JEFFREY, Eila Fern .- At the Port Perry Community Hospital on Wednesday, February 23, 1977, Eila Fern Robertson, beloved wife of Albert Jeffrey, loving mother of Joan and Joseph, in her 69th year. Rest. ing at the chapel of McDermott. Panabaker, Port Perry for ser. vice on Friday, February 25 at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, EAGLESON, Herbert W. . At Community Nursing Home, Port Perry, Ont., on Mon., February 21, 1977 in his 102nd year, husband of Mable Atkinson, father of Mrs. Marion Tristram and grandfather of Trevor, Glenn and Ross Tristram and four great grandchildren. Funeral from McDermott-Pana. baker Funeral- Home on Wed., February 23 at 2:30 p.m. MOASE, Cora E. - On Saturday, February 26, 1977, Cora E. Moase, in her 97th year. Belov ed wife of the late Richard A. Moase. Dear mother of Earl, Harold, Gordon, Alba, and Marjory (Mrs. A. Brown). Dear grandmother of 11 grandchild- ren. Rested at the "Gerrard Chapel" of the Ingram Funeral Home, 1055 Gerrard St. E. (at Jones). Complete service and committal in the chapel on Tues. Mar. 1st. Interment Pleasant Point Cemetery, Port Perry, Onfario. MINK - Robert and Patricia are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Alice, on February 25th, 1977 at 5:16 p.m., 8 |b. 82 oz. at Port Perry, Ontario. A little sister for Danny and Vicki. 985.3609, 985-3111. Notice Notice Coming Events Coming Events LIONS CLUB 101 winners for February: = 'Gordon Prentice $50.00; Herb Visser $50.00; Ray Cook $25.00; Bob Grieveson $25.00; Dorothy Beare $25.00. MASTER FEEDS, Port Pérry open Friday nights till 9 p.m. CLUB ANNRENE Dance and Banquet Hall, available for your groups fund raising activities, 'Book your next years' dates, now, while choice dates are still, available. Contact Don, Armstrong at 576.5522 or: 576-6599. | WOULD LIKE to offer you the opportunity of experiencing the' "Fashion Two Twenty'. Cos. metic line, free, no obligation, by appointment only. Call 985-8305. © T.F. ARE YOU PLANNING a party or a family get-together? Why not inquire about the facilities at the Prince Albert: Community Centre. Reasonable rates. For information call Mrs. Pugh 985-2146. Ms te * . Coming Events ST. PATRICK'S Breakfast, Sun. March 13th from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sponsored by Oddfellow at the Oddfellows Hall. Adults $1.75; Children, under 12 years $1.00. RUMMAGE SALE - Port Perry United Church Basement, Mar. 3, 1-4 &79; Apr. 1, 10-2. IF YOU WANT to drink alcohol and can, that's your business. If you want to quit and can't, that's our business, For help call, T.F. BELLY DANCING for fun and exercise, Thursday evenings, Latcham Centre. Phone 1.705. 786-2192 for Information. T.F. 'CLUB ANNRENE Dance Band Schedule Mar. 5 - Something Blue Mar. 12 - Lockerbie Mar. 19 - Par Four Mar. 26 - Dino and the Capris Apr. 2 - Positive Outlook| Apr. 9-Something Blue Apr. 16 - Lockerbie -- Apr. 23 - Son Apr. 30 - Par 4 Little Caesar & the Consoles Coming June 11 NO JEANS RESERVATIONS DON ARMSTRONG 725-4344 or 576-6599 t DANCE, Port Perry Scout Hall sponsored by Parent Assoc., Sat. March 12, 1977, 9:00 p.m. Music by the Redwoods. $6.00 couple. Lunch provided. Refreshments available. For tickets call Tom Soomre 985-7132 or Lynda Bray 985-7297. HAVE GREENBANK area newspapers out for pick-up before 10 o'clock, Saturday, March 5th. Any problems, call Frank Rott, 985-2040. "DYNAMIC CHRISTIANITY" Come, hear and meet Rev. Dr. Mariano DI Gangi. Amazing Grace Rally this Sunday, March 6, 7:30 p.m., St. Andrew's Pres. byterian Church, Whitby. Listen every Sunday. LAKE SCUGOG Historical Society Spring meeting, Mon., March 14th at 8 p.m. Dr. Matthew Dymond will speak on "Port Perry and Its Growth', All welcome. - _night CHURCH OF ASCENSION S.S., Anglican Pargnt.Teacher Meet. ing, Sunda agch 6th, 12:30 p.m. Lig yl ch; 'babysitting. BUS TRIP to new Eaton's' Centre, Monday, March 7. Price $4.00. Call for information NOW 985-8029. "MOODS IN MUSIC '77. Port Perry United Church, Thurs. April 28, 8:00 P.M. With Senior and Youth Choirs. Sunday, May 1st, 3:00 p.m., "Recital '77'* with Glenn Taylor, Gloria Forder, Tom Millar. ST. PATRICK Euchre and Auction, March 17, 8 p.m. sharp at Scugog Island Hall, sponsored by Grace Church U.C.W. Ad- mission 50c. Lunch and prizes available. Mis BAKE SALE and Tea, Saturday, April 2, 2 p.m. Also Silent Auction at St. John's Presby- terian Church. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER. Women's Inter Church Council of Canada fo be held at Immacu- late Conception Church, 466 Scugog Street, Port Perry, Fri., © March: 4th, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. Make it a family affair. KINSMEN Bingo, every Monday at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game 7:45 p.m. $5.00 per line, $10.00 full card. New schedule, bigger and better prizes, new jackpot. Come and see for yourself. ' DANCE - Immaculate Concep- tion Church Parish Hall, March 19, 8:30 p.m. - 1 a.m., Music by the Ad-Els. Admission $8.00 per couple. Bar privileges and lunch. Tickets available from the Men's Club. MIs MEL SAYS: Come to the Legion and hear. Big Band Sounds of BRUCE GERROW& THE MUSIC MEN Friday Nights MARCH 4,11,18,25 p.m. tilta.m. Members & Guests Welcome. FREE FREE FREE In the Club Room." BAZAAR, Wednesday, May 4th at Columbus United Church, sponsored by U,C.W. PORT PERRY Lions Club Binge every Tuesday at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game 7:30 "p.m. sharp. Doors open 7 p.m. Jackpot $250.00 in 54 numbers, minimum $100.00. Admission $1.00. The family of Luella and Clarence Graham Invite relat- ives, friends and neighbours to an Open House on Sunday, March 6 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in honour of their parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Oddfellows Hall in Port Perry. Best wishes only. : : M2 LEGION BINGO, Thurs. March 3, 1977, $220.00 in 55 numbers. 7:45 p.m, 50-50 DRAW-DANCE MEL SAYS: ~~ = SATURDAY NIGHT MARCHS If you didn't know, we're having a dance, come wind or Snow, so bring yourself and a guest to the Legion. $1.00 a couple COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC That's all that will be played. Music by Mel the Music Man, such stars at Tammey Wynnett, Ray Price, Charlie . Pride, George Jones and many more. No better records can be heard. See you at the Legion MARCH SS, 1977. Come and hear the new speakers make a nice sound. p.m. tilta.m, Grafitti Bar Privileges "PORT PERRY SNOWMOBILE CLUB | SATURDAY, MARCH 5 - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL - PORT PERRY Music by "Peter's Platters." Dress accordingly - Prize for best costume. Dance Admission $6.00 per couple. Helen M. Bathie DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC wishes to advise her patients that her office will be closed for one week from until Friday, March 11. Dr. Bathie will be attending a seminar on Sacro Occipital Technic of Chiropractic which is to be held in Orlando, Florida. Monday, March 7 LIVE "BRANCH 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY ~ Smorgasbord Saturday, March 19th, 1977 Bar - Open 6 p.m. - Dinner 7 p.m. ~~ Pricesd.00 Tickets available at Legion. MUSIC Club Annrene THIS SATURDAY NIGHT - MARCH 5th : Everyones favorite band - "SOMETHING BLUE" . Sponsored by 2nd Scugog Venturers. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: Brent Richardson 985-7495 Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599.