by Mrs. Pat Fletcher Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen's Card Party on Tuesday evening with 16 tables were:1st. - Effel Forder 88, 2nd - Yeoman Luke 85, 3rd - Edith Ander- son 82, 4th - Earl Prescott 79, 5th - Isabel Wright 79, 6th - Bruce Bright 78. Low - Maxine Brock. . Mr. and Mrs, John Fletcher and family and Marg. Harrison of Toronto were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family. Sympathy is extended to - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkinson and family on the of Ross's brother of ig Glad to report Mr. Harry VanCamp is slowly improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hea- slip of Lindsay were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham attended the Guernsey Convention at Niagara Falls last week. Robbie Graham spent last week with Diana and Scott Fletcher. : 4-H Meeting The first meeting of the 4-H was held on February 8, 1977 in the Blackstock Unit- ed Church. 1977 stérted out with a bang this year with the election of the officers. Our new president is Kelly McLaughlin, vice President - Lynn Diarmid, Treasurer - Marilyn Green and press Secretary is Leanne Van- Camp. The new club name is "The Cartwright Pantry Pickers': General information soon got under way. 'Mrs. Mec- Laughlin distributed the members pamphlets, Mrs. Wygerde outlined . the project, the cereal shelf, Mrs. McLaughlin displayed record books, and recipe files while Mrs. Martyn informed us about working methods. Discussion was 3hort and sweet.: We cover- ed such topics as, '"'cereals, food for the world and what proper foods should be eaten'. We all soon meand- ered out to the kitchen to make frypan cookies. After we feasted on'our cookies, the 4-H motto was repeated and we all went our seper- ate ways. - Mixed Curling Bonspiel On Thursday the annual Mixed Curling Bonspiel of the Blackstock Curling Club was held at the Port Perry Curling Rink. with twelve rinks competing .in the excitement. The Gerald Kelly Trophy for 1st prize was presented to the team made up of Herb Swain, Elaine 'Bailey, Neil Werry and Carol: Mairs. 2nd prize winners were Roy Turner, Donna Kyte, Alice Turcotte, Shirley Holliday. 3rd prize went to Roy and Edith McLaughlin, Harold and Eileen McLaughlin. 4th prize . winners were John Daily Airport Transportation AIRPORT SERVICE EASTERN OSHAWA 728-1400 LOW RATES - - - DEPENDABLE SERVICE : Western Canada Jasper ¢ Banff ¢ Yellowstone 23 Days Departures in June, July, 13 \ugust & September With many of them visiting the Calgary Stampods Maritimes 12 Days ¥ dunes to § very Mon Hr 3 Inclusive $450. per person (twin) Maritimes & Newfoundland 18 Days Departures in July, August & Seplomber $655. per person (twin) Also many departures to New En land, Ylonda, Salitornia, Virginia, Kentucky, 'Geo Lb & Penn Dutc TAG Day Ontario Tour For Free 1977 Brochure Contact your local licensed Travel Agent. He knows who we are. Larmer, Ellen Russell, Bob Beacock and Moira Fallis. 5th prize went to Ralph and Peggy. Larmer and Brian and Judi Mountjoy. The A.C.W. met at the home of Elaine Bailey on Thursday evening with 13 members present. Last Saturday morning the 2 Brownie packs enjoy- ed their skating party. There were six visiting Brownies from a Toronto Pack. Several of the Brownies passed their skaters badge. The Brownies, leaders and testers enjoyed lunch and a social time. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mata of Oshawa were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. David Larmer of Guelph spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McShane and girls of Brampton spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and Robbie were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs, C. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Michall Koprowski of were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge. Mr. John Hodge of Port Hope was also a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan attended the 125th Anniversary Service at Melville Presbyterian Church at Westhill on Sunday afternoon where their daughter Margaret Fannon sings in the choir. Melvin Stimson, from Tempe Arizona, spent a week with his. sister Beth 'Schryburt. Mrs. R. Schryb- urt of Ottawa also spent a few days at the Schryburt home last week. Beth Schryburt and children along with Melvin spent Fri- day night at Larry's sister's home in Courtright, Ontario. Ronald and Janet Mayer then continued on to spend Saturday night in Davison, Michigan with _Beth's family. Larry Schry- -- &- burt stayed in Ottawa over the weekend with his brother. The Blackstock Co-opera- tive Nursery School had a successful start' with Tues- day full enrollment. There is still room for more 3 years olds Friday morning and 4 year olds Friday afternoon. Plans are being made for a full Fall session. Cartwright A Pack Clubs attended a skating party on February 10th with quite a few of their fathers. Twelve of the boys earned their skaters badges and all the boys enjoyed a game of hockey with their dads. After all the fun a snack of hot dogs and drinks was greatly appreciated by all. . They also took part in the Pine Ridge District Church ° Parade on Sunday at the Port Perry United Church to mark the start of Scout- Guide Week.' 0.N.O. The February meeting of the O.N.O. club was held at the home of Catherine Corden with 17 members and 2 visitors present. The meeting was opened by the Vice-President in the absence of the president. The minutes of the January meeting were read followed by correspondence and the Treasurer's report. After items of business were discussed the meeting con- cluded with Roll Call "What Became of Your First Heart Throb". Everyone then en- joyed a very 'interesting demonstration of Geni Products by Mrs. Kris Wilson. Catherine and her group served a delicious lunch. . The Kindergarten and Attend "Meet Marie" rally Several members of the Port Perry Weight Watch- ers' class attended a "Meet Marie" rally held in Oshawa at St. Mark's Anglican Church recently. The guest speaker was Marie Lud- wick, franchised owner and area director of the Weight Watchers' franchises in Southern Ontario. During the program several mem- bers 'with outstanding weight losses were present- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perrault, Seagrave, from the Port Perry class were among those who received roses from Marie. Elsie has lost 37 lbs. and became a lifetime member this week and Frank has lost 89 Ibs. so far and still going strong. For any who are interest- ed in becoming "losers", the class meets on Monday evening at 7:30 at the Masonic Lodge on Queen Street. You are assured of a warm welcome. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1977 -- 13 Blackstock and area news of interest special Education classes enjoyed an all day excur- sion to the Ontario Science Centre on Wed., Feb. 16th. Cartwright Central Public School Junior Girls Volley- ball team eliminated the team from R.H. Cornish Monday, Feb. 14th and they have gone on to represent our school against the Schools in the northern part of the Region. Volleyball teams from Brock, Ux- bridge and Scugog will be competing in the Round Robin starting Monday, Feb. 21 at R.H. Cornish. Good luck to our Junior team .and congratulations for previous performance, At 'the Public speaking contest held in Cannington on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, Leanne VanCamp was the first runner up. Congratu- lations Leanne. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge on the passing of his niece, Mrs. Dawn Lynn Prince of Oshawa last week. WEDDING 'PHOTO OFFER Book your 1977 Wedding with us and receive a FREE 8 x 10" ENGAGEMENT PORTRAIT NOW (Carpet-Carpet- Carpet LEVEL LOOP Rubber-back To Clear L) '3.00 sq.yd. SPLUSH SHAG Rubber-back 6 COLOURS %6.95.. BROWN SHAG To Clear Rubber-back $3.50... From PATTERNED CARPET '4.95 .... DURHAM CARPET] SALES & SERVICE - CLEANING - CERAMIC TILES 60 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY HOURS Mon. to Fri. 10 AM. -8 P.M. Saturday 9 AM, tos P.M. RoE TE TTC EEE TO] 985-3773 So tA AE ER =a -- RAE) BG i th aa eT Cane hy STS