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Other major criminal offences are well down from last year, with sex offences leading the way. There were 70 per cent fewer such offences this -year-and-a-24-per cent drop in motor vehicle thefts. Frauds decreased by 35 per cent over the previous year and offensive weapons charges were down 22 per cent. Assaults, however, were up slightly. An increase from 44 last year to 49 this' year reflects in an 11.3 per cent increase in this. cate- gory. Thefts also increased marginally, seven per cent in the over $200 category and three per cent in the --under-$200 category. -- Very encouraging also is the fact that. almost all motorvehicle accident sta- tistics are down, the only increase being in the area of property damage caused which shows a 4.8 per cent rh ii i Fg, " For the first time in 10 yéars, Ontario Provincial Police reported ro significant increase in both crime and motor vehicle accident statistics. The report, while reflecting overall statistics in the province, also holds true in the Scugog area, under the jurisdiction of the Whitby detachment of the provincial police. Like across the province, co-operation from local residents was given as at least part of the reason for the promising statistics. fo LN dent rate increase. Heading the list of the favourable statistics is the number of fatal motor vehicle collisions, down 77.8 per.cent from last year. Personal "injury motor ve- hicle collisions are also way down from a total of 419-to -261 this year--a decrease of 37.7 per cent. The number of persons injured in all collisions show a decrease of 45.6 per cent. The statistics released by the detachment are as * follows: Motor vehicle collisions reported to Whithy O.P.P.: 1975 - 1257, 1976 - 1079, a decrease of 14.2 per cent. Fatal motor vehicle colli-' sions: 1975 - 18, 1976 - 4, (continued on page 10) Margaret Waite, of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications office on Water St., Port Perry told the Star on Monday that licence renewals this year are going very slow. "Ifeel it is partially due to the bad weather 'we have been having," Mrs. Waite said. ly snowmobilers and skiers smiled as the snow- fall continued and winds up to 100 k.p.h. created huge drifts, but for most of the = area's residents it continued to be a collosal pain in the neck as cars had to be shovelled out of snowbanks, white-outs and "slippery roads made driving even short distances extremely hazardous. Although appearances in. -built up areas like Port Perry led many to believe weather conditions had re- - turned. to normal by Mon- day morning, even a short drive _out_ of the village found drifting and white- outs. School buses serving the area's' seven schools weren't running, and Mon- day's attendance was a fraction of the usual. At Port Perry High School where 85 per cent of the student body is bussed in, only . about '140 students showed up for classes.Luck- .ily, the school had nearly completed conducting exams. Only 160 students who were scheduled to write exams Friday. afternoon had the tests cancelled when buses were dispatched shortly afternoon. The tests were re-scheduled for Tues- day afternoon. At-R.H. Cornish, over 400 youngsters out of 900 attend- ed classes, most of them .students from Port Perry. "The teachers are here if the students want to come," said Principal John Hogg." 2 Licence re-newals slow With _ slightly under one month to go before the February. 28 deadline, over 2.4 million automobile owners have failed to pur- chase their 1977 licence renewal stickers. James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Com- munications said, 'If motor- | Dogowners urged to purchase tags If you are the owner of a dog over three months old and have not purchased 1977 'dog tags, you are now viola- ting the law and are subject --to receiving a summons, Dog owners in Scugog twp. are required to have: their dogs licericed by Feb. 1 and failure to do so con- travens the bylaw. According to clerk Doreen VanCamp dogs caught runn- ing-at-large in the township are taken to the dog pound in. Goodwood and if the animal has a dog tag the owners are notified so that they may retrieve the dog. Without the tags it be- comes near impossible to locate a dogs owner, so after five days the animal is put-away (killed). The law states that it is only neces- sary to keep these strays for a three day period, but in Scugog they are kept an extra two in the hopes that the owner will show up. 'Other years in Scugog, there have been door-to- door canvasses for dog tags, but this year because of a heavy work load on by-law enforcement officers it is unlikely that this will take place. . The clerk said that she hopes "that when people start arriving at the town- ship office to pay the first _ installment of their taxes in mid-February, that they will remember to purchase dog-tags at the same time. Thefts, Break & Enter Snowmobilers in the area are asked to keep their eyes. open for a 1977 John Deere 440, stolen from Utica Farm Equipment late Thursday evening or early Friday morning, January 27 or 28th. The machine was parked in front of the work shed at Utica: when the thief arrived, uncovered the machine and drove it off. According. to police, the srigwmobile was valued at $2400. Anyone with any infor- mation about the machine can contact investigating officer Bruce H. Knowles. The license plate number. [78a 4 oo pis \ i : . : | He said he expected buses to run on Tuesday, but add- ed that "it looks a lot differ- ent (the weather) 'in town than it does out in the coun. try. ' Cartwright High School in - Blackstock, with almost all of its 100 students bussed in, was "open for business in' case anyone wants to drop by," according to principal Gord Paisley. The school reported that only about a dozen students attended classes. At Cartwright .Central Public School in Blackstock, * only 95 out of 615 students attended classes Monday. Ontario Provincial Police (continued on page 3) Re-schedule meeting . The annual meeting of the Central Seven Assoc. for the Mentally Retarded was . among numerous events cancelled last week due to heavy snow and winds, but has been re-scheduled for this Thursday, February 3rd. : At the meeting organiza- tion volunteers are to be honoured as well as Reg. Rose installing the new board. The board urges those interested in their work to get out and let them know what your feelings are. Help them know by attending. . ¢ - ists do not soon make the - effort to renew their passen- ger vehicle registration, the line-ups at issuing offices could be unbearable by the middle of February." The red stickers have been on sale since Decem- ber 1, and a Ministry spokes- man stated there will be no extension of the deadline set for the end of February. iThe stickers are available at 300 licence issuing offices throughout the province. The annual fees for automo- biles will remain at $40 for eight cylinders; $32 for six cylinders; and $23 for four cylinder's or less. To complete the renewal, motorists should take along their motor vehicle registra- tion permit, completed proof of insurance form and the appropriate fee. Insurance forms are available at licence issuing offices and - , many Ontario liquor stores. Drives snowmobile away on the snowmobile was 317 682. Troski's Bait, Lot 18, Con. 5, R. R. 4, Port Perry was the scene of a break and enter on Saturday last week when thieves made off with about $1200 worth of equip- ment and merchandise. Police report that the stolen property included cig- arettes, fishing knives, fishing poles, reels, plugs, dine and hooks, as well -as pop, chewing gum and about $11.00 in cash. An investigation is under- way by Constable Paul Lock, but no suspects are known at present.