CHILDREN ANTICIPATE the arrival of "Kris Kringle," also known as Santa Claus, in this large electrotype reproduced from an 1891 offered by the A. Zeese & Co. of Chicago. As # the chimney of their home, the children, in box at bottom left, appear to be awake, perhaps in the hope of catching a glimpse of Santa. As jolly Santa wends bis way, bringing wonderful gifts for you, we'd like to add our appreciation. Happy holidays. KEN P. MURRAY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Species. sheet of Christmas cuts ris Kringle prepares to descend Letters To Santa Dear Santa Claus, You do not have to have these things under my tree. I want a Holly Hobbie sew- ing machine, Baby that away, junk yard game, Holly Hobbie game, Bionic Woman game, flash cards, a manicur set, and Ice bird. How is Rudolph and the other reindeer Santa? When you come to my house will you come into my bed- room so I can say have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good buy for now St.Nick. PS. I will have a candy cane for you and a drink. Lisa St.John Port Perry P.S. Dear Santa Claus, I want a doll this year for Christmas. 1 have been very good this year. I am very excited this year Santa. I hope all your elves are working very hard. 1 bet your reindeer are stay- ing clean. Merry Christmas Your friend Jackie Freeman Port Perry P.S. Nps Best wishes of the season to all our friends. We hope that Christmas will be a time of great spiritual joy for you Dear Santa, and Mrs. Claus, Hi. Before I tell you what - I want for Christmas, I would like to say a few things. I waat to thank you and your elves for taking the trouble to make all those toys. Thank you too for the reindeer which pull the sleigh full of toys, every Christmas Eve. Your pre- sents put smiles on Child- ren's faces, and twinkles in their eyes. The only thing I really want, is for everyone to have a very Merry Christ- mas, and a Happy New Year, (with a few things under the tree). P.S. Have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Karen Duivesteyn C.C.P.S. Grade 8 Dear Santa I hope you are feeling 0.K. I hope your elves are working hard. How is Rudolf? 1 want a drum. Love Anne Finch, Ho Ho Ho Grade 1, Greenbank P.S. Port Perry Star Christmas Edition -- Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1976 -- 13 North Pole Christmas One day I wanted to go to the North Pole. So I got eight winter dogs and got a sleigh and went. It took me two hours to get there. When I got there 1 saw nine reindeer. Then I saw three little elves they led me to nine more elves that made twelve. Now I know Santa has got twelve elves. All the elves led me to Santa he said I could paint some toys. .I decorated the Christmas tree too. That night was Christmas eve and he said I could ride on his sleigh. I said I have to go home and he said okey. In the morning I found out it was only a dream. Well 1 had lots of fun with my toys. I remembered my dream for one week. Then I remembered I saw Frosty and Crystal. They looked prety too. I love Santa Done by Kim Roane Grade 3, Port Perry P.S. M., every happi- ness be yours at this Christmas season. Thanks for everything Walter J. Brown Carpentry H appy holidays! Hope they're packed with spirited, fun times and lots of special Christmas cheer. FERGUSSON'S LUCKY DOLLAR GREENBANK : : / Here's : wishing you lots of joy and laughter to remember all year. Richard's Beauty Studio Be joyful and happy as you herald the birth of our Saviour. Warm thanks. Gregory's Men's Wear 149 Scugog St. 985-8160 Lah fia ila" S-- a \ \ -- Tr 7% 2 h, y' BE Th 7 2 il EOE NS alll Lie | Sl 3n ; Wiss p13 yy Cr Sil) En F 0) / 53 Se aS NI A i] \ Vhatever is beautiful, Whatever is meaningful, Whatever brings you joy and happiness, That's what we wish for you! Our profound thanks at Christmas From The Management & Staff PHILP PONTIAC-BUICK LTD., A) $ VY --- J N ZW & Ty ail lily 4 NN » ¢ iy ll -Y 2: A JRE NK re TE re oe _ Sra CIRNRES aR % AT oe Wan Ly 2 . oly RE nt Il FT LM AE) I a Em Lo Rl TE et . ew 2 ep ra . SL 0 a A A ra Wk pa Coad --"- Lana a eta Vi a ec NS, 5 a Ry ST A ee, Us = Pot yd uti Sh -- , WalE Fer ad 0 oY 8