J Little Timmy and his twin brother, Tommy, ran into the living room to hang up their stockings. On approa- ching the fireplace they started to argue about who could put their stockings where. Father came in and put an end to the quarrelling twins. He said one could put his stocking in one corner while the other one might hang his in the other corner. A rm som mm sis a sn wg ppg woh "Santa's on his way fo deliver a happy day! PORT CLEANERS of (I hristmas stay with you t i : H ! { : and brighten VY 7 = all your Vy Qo. EN ~ & "fb: n Soll pans irt sm Vaporette & Starbar Brands The twins seemed to agree on the idea and hung up their stockings. After hang- ing up the stocking, they raced into the kitchen. Timmy went and got some carrots for Santa's reindeer while Tommy went to make a sandwich and poured some milk for Santa. Scurrying up the stairs, they yelled goodnight to their parents. Around eleven o'clock, Tommy tickled Timmy to waken him. When Timmy woke up, they quietly crept down the stairs to the dark living room. When they reached the , Waiting For Santa Claus... living room, they peeked in to see if Santa' Claus was there. The twins could not see so they proceeded on towards the sofa. After awhile the twins fell asleep on the sofa. The next morn- ing their parents came down and waited for the twins to wake up since they had heard them last night. Fin- ally the twins woke up. They were disappointed that they missed Santa but soon forgot. as they opened their presents. Debbie Powell M.y you share the : wondrous tidings of this "38 Holy Season. Merry Christmas and sincerest thanks. YOUNG DOMINION HARDWARE Queen Street - Port Perry aon. May seasonal joys warm your heart. To all ... thanks. " rr 3 May yours be merry and gay. Our hearty holiday thanks for your kind patronage. HYGRADE FUELS LTD. Agent: Arvice Fisher ns | d rll during the holidays. Es 2. CPR ys Preserve Christmas memories by recording family activities on film. Keep a camera handy HOLIDAY IDEAS FOR ON-CAMERA MEMOIRS Memories of Christmas are enjoyed throughout the year. In pictures, they can be retold vividly. It is easy to take good holi- day pictures. A few tips may help you make the best of the photo opportunities. Encompass Color Christmas is a natural for col- or, so let stocking reds, bob- ble blues and evergreens shine in your pictures. Look for camera angles that will in- clude holiday trim. Step Into Action A ready camera is most likely to catch good action shots. Load your camera with stock like Kodacolor Il film for prints, and keep it handy. Spur-of-the-moment ex- posures of cullinary prepara- tions, trimmings and friendly get-togethers will serve well in remembering your varied family activities. Emotions Tell Tales Build your Christmas story by photographing facial ex- pressions accociated with an- ticipation, surprise and the enjoyment of Santa's loot, in close-up pictures. Your cam- era manual is the best guide to how close your photo equipment can get to sub- jects without blurring faces. With children, your best re- sults will come from close- ups at eye level. Complement Subjects Busy people look natural and relaxed in pictures. Comple- ment tamily and friends by recording them involved in conversation or play. Even your camera-shy subjects will delight in the results. When you take a little care in shooting holiday pictures, you produce visual memories that are a joy to share. parental, a HE SSBB A ST ts FR 2 EI : GREETIN 4 | 3) from management & staff of Port Perry L.G.A. greetings is coming your way with wishes for a merry Christmas day. May candles shine brightly and each heart be filled with joy, peace and good will. We take this opportunity to thank you for being an honored customer all year. ARAN t i i 3 GS ald A sleighful of SO EEN. #1) Th Wom RT TR Cm NAS Pt = ai SA LS Aa = Se, ry a ws ng Aa ~~ oi PE RS swale ES - al ------ RITE