| ZOE AA PARED FAS SINAN SOA MONTY Seri ay ho 4 JES TUT Pat ROT RL Ay RS EONS] BINT SOA EL TY, URE , Wo AF LY fr {g¥) LN FITC A) LOR . FR SERA nn nin Novas asst Si Sait bh SAS ee hth hb sine Mth ht i ae * 3 "sear et} Yo : . . H i i F we VA fA AT J bivaabitrimbidbisimbomictomda + Old age security pension payments rise in January Increases in the Old Age Security pension, Guaran- teed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effect- ive in January, 1977 were announced recently by Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde. Increases in Old Age Se- curity pension and Guaran- teed Income Supplement payments represent the thirteenth quarterly escala- tion based on the cost of living, as provided for in the Old Age Security Act. The new monthly total at the single rate for persons receiving both the basic Old Age Security pension and maximum Guaranteed In- Greenbank area news & By Mrs. Geo. Beaton The White Gift service held last Sunday in the Church was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks goes to Mr. Round- ell, the children and all those who took part. Next Sunday, Church and Sunday School at regular hours. The Ladies Auxiliary of Greenbank and Seagrave would like to thank everyone for helping to make their bazaar such a success on Saturddy. A large crowd attended and enjoyed all the. crafts, home baking, plants, etc. that were displayed. Winner of the afghan was Melinda Fish of Little Bri- tain, and winner of the Christmas cake was Terry Williamson of Greenbank. Don't forget the Holiday Dance in the Hall on Tues- day eve., Dec. 28th. Tickets available now. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan visited with Mrs. Ethel Kydd at Goodwood on WINTARIO TICKETS available at the Port Perry Star *his recent tonsilectomy. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1976 -- 3 come Supplement will be $240.47. For a married couple, both pensioners, the combination of the basic pension and maximum supplement "wi provide a payment of $458.74 for the couple monthly. The basic Old Age Security pension will rise in January to $141.34 from the presen $139.39. ' The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pensioners whose income, apart from the Old Age Security pension, is limited. The amount of the supple- ment varies in relation to the amount of income. AN The maximum Guaran- A [7 for a married couple, both pensioners, will increase to $88.03 each from $86.81. Added to the basic pension, this will give each married pensioner $229.37 monthly, or a total of $458.74 for the couple. ) The Spouse's Allowance. is Allowance will increase to $229.37 from $226.20. The maximum Spouse's Allow- ance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pen- sion and the maximum Guaranteed Income Supple- ment at the nrarried rate. teed Income Supplement for a single person, or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner and is not re- ceiving a Spouse's Allow- ance will go up in January 0 $99.13 from its current 97.76. The maximum supplement \ paid to persons between 60 and 65 years of age who are married to. Old Age Security pensioners and meet resi- dence requirements. Enti- tlement to a Spouse's Allow- ance, and amount paid, is based on yearly income. The maximum 'Spouse's Hn ----. Saturday. The regular card party will be held in the hall, Friday eve at 8 p.m., Dec. 17th. Mrs. Ross Cookman, Deb- § bie and Mrs. Geo. Beaton "JA were at the Trouseau tea in honour of Jackie Beaton in Oshawa on Saturday after- noon. Glad to report Archie Empringham is home after surgery in Oshawa Hospital recently. Mrs. Robert Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baird attended the 50th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dunkeld in Stouff- ville, Saturday. Mrs. Robert Vander Slagt visited friends in Boston last week, and Darryl stayed with his grandmother in Toronto. Glad to know Darryl is improving after Packard SLIPPERS Ea by Kaufman $11.98 x Foam Tread SLIPPERS by Kaufman $g 98 - $9 98 Tender Tootsie SLIPPERS by Lyons ~~ ®*6.00 - $8.00 Lullabies - Dearfoams $3.50 - 4.00 (El Ladies Housecoats Ladies Gowns Brushed Arnel Flette Flette Pyjamas Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mount were in Hamilton jon Sunday and attended a family gathering at her brother's, Mr. and Mrs. E. Reading and family. Sorry to report Mrs. Paul Diamond is*a patient in Port Perry hospital. A large crowd enjoyed the Christmas concert in the hall on Tuesday evening with Santa Claus arriving on Schedule. 37.95 *6.50 - 57.50 - *8.95 *8.95 39.95 Bed Jackets $7.95 PORT TAVERN invites you to an evening of DINING &DANCING Saturday, | December 18 Girl's HOUSECOATS Girl's GOWNS Girls' PYJAMAS *9.95 4.95 - *3.99 - *11.95 $7.95 '5.95 Kayser Kayser Hoisery Try our delicious SMORGASBORD Slips *8.00 - *11.00 Pant Liners *6.00 Panties *2.25 - *3.00 PANTY HOSE 99° - $2.25 KNEE HIGH HOSE 89° HOISERY *1.49 - *1.99 Includes Hot & Cold Roast Beef, Spare Ribs, Cold Ham, Potatoes, Gravy, Vegetables, Salads, Pickles, Rolls and Dessert, '3.95 SERVED FROM 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. [No cover charge for entertainment with dinner.) For Reservations Call 985-3281. * |ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING * 08S Fisher-Price Toys Sesame St Characters $5.50 tothe music of JAW SSO X00 Q kiing Horse 49s George Timms Quartette yi A-Frame 18.95 > | 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. DEPARTMENT STORE Dolls *15.95" OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. TIL CHRISTMAS. ($1.00 cover charge) (except Saturdays)