Er -- .Delay in police take-over? Durham Region will have '0 wait another few weeks sefore it learns whether its solice force has been grant- ad a reprieve from taking ver patrol duties in the antire region. Treasurer Darcy Me- {eough recently set.a dead- line of March 31 for Durham to start policing the half of its. area, mostly rural, in nature, still + being looked after by the OPP, The same order applied to all' other regional govern- ments, and reiterated pro- vincial government assump- tions built into the bills that created the various regions. But Solicitor-General John MacBeth has been noncom- mittal on whether any time extension might be granted the municipalities. He said he won't have any comment ordgl who object to it. He's already met Dur- ham, they were first in line; Hamilton and Peel regions. He's due to meet Niagara Region, November 29. 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TOT THE LAKE PORT PERRY ONT R371 FOR THE COMMUNITY OF PORT PERRY PAUL ARCULUS - WARD 2 COUNCILLOR until he's met with all those affegted by the McKeough . to the regions for policing J RB NRA A Ae LIER F DEED MOA LEN fT A EN SAY ANE IAS ad aan BRA AM or io TU PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1976 -- 39 i "ne M 4 McNeill - Ek MPP Mike Breaugh (NDP ho Oshawa) said during legis- Clement Bi lative committee hearings hii here that it is 'degrading Port Perry United Church RS for a police chief to work was the setting for the lovely 9 55 three years on a plan to wedding of Deborah Louise S04 implement regional policing McNeill, daughter of Mrs. He! and have it thrown out the Audrey McNeill and the late {a window." Thomas McNeill, to Edward { EK Police Chief Jon Jenkins John Clement, son of Mr. and 3X drew up a plan that would extend Durham policing into the areas of Brock, Scugog, and most of Newcastle over a six-year period, gradually displacing the OPP. Durham just recently re- placed the OPP in part of Uxbridge Township. The plan has the approval of the Durham police commission. But Mr. MacBeth said the regions, "being human, have dragged their feet hop- ing the province would con- tinue the (policing) job, as we have in fact done, and thereby relieve them of a financial burden." Without being "overly critical" of the regions, Mr. MacBeth said they were al- ways on notice they would have to take over the polic- ing. Mr. Breaugh said the minister, who is also respon- sible for co-ordinating jus- tice policies in the province, should have had a co-ordin- ated approach to the take- over. Mr. MacBeth said that when Mr. McKeough an- nounced the deadline he also announced a $3 a head in- crease in per capita grants Mrs. Angus Clement of Port Perry. Rev. Robert Brawn offici- ated at the ceremony. The bride was given in - marriage by her brother Robert McNeill of Uxbridge. She wore a white silk jersey knit gown, a full length hood- ed cape that formed into a train and completely trimm- ed with marabou. : Mrs. . Beverly Forsyth, sister of the bride,was maid of honour. Two nieces of the bride, Shelley Forsyth and Candy Lynn Stévenson were flower girls. Mr. Steve Gerrow of Port N - Perry acted as bestman. Perry. The reception was held in the Town Hall 1873, Port Perry. Ushers were Mr. Donald McNeil of Toronto and Mr. James Clement of Port Brrr TT EEL E VOTE YVONNE CHRISTIE for Board of Education TTT costs. "They didn't object to the change in plan of giving them more funds, but they did object to changes in plans that they do more of their own policing," he said. That was really giving a bill for $10 and paying only $7 of it, Mr. Breaugh said, and was not a "good bargain" for the regions. The opposition member repeated several arguments LTTE ER TTT UTE CREDENTIALS: 1. A mother, with a child in the system. 2. Experience: 18 years as a teacher, 4 years as a trustee, 1975 - Vice-Chairman of Board, 1976 Chairman of Board En TT against enforcing the dead- line. oo 3. A taxpayer. ' . % Afr I TOES To ey 4. A strong voice that will speak out. 3 ment bought for them. 1 | § HOME TELEPHONE 985-2254 i that fast," suid. vecember 6th - VIE YWONNE CHRISTIE : I TEE EEE EE EET AC 4 3 ha FOR COUNCILLOR WARD 3 (Scugog Island) e 4 years Municipal Experience For honest, fair, dedicated representation for all of the people. | RESPECTFULLY ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Yo; TAYLOR, Jerry MON., DEC. 6 For Information or Transportation Phone 985-3038