foie rs Ant Cr 35 and 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 11976 Blackstock and area news and vie! By Mrs. Pat Fleteher Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Timms on the sudden passing of her aunt, Mrs. Blanche Smith of Toronto. Tuesday callers of Mrs. F. Archer were her nieces, Mrs. Gwen Dugan, Minden, Mrs. Orval Hicks, Mrs. Murray Ruth, Lochlin, and Mrs. Ed Minaker, Carnar- von. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar Archer, Bowmanville, and ELECT "Mr. and Mrs. Jim-Archer of Whitby were Sunday visitors of Mrs. F'. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family of Pickering were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. On Thursday evening, young adults from the Inter- mediate class of the Black- stock United Church enjoyed seeing the taping of 'Stars on Ice" at C.F.T.O. in Tor- -onto. A sincere thank you to the parents for being patient as the evening was much later than anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schry- burt and family were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pika- art and Christina of Oshawa were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schryburt and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Holt of Whitby were Saturday even- ing dinner guests of Mr. and COUNCILLOR FOR WARD 4 There could be an qutbreak of flu in Ontario this winter. So your Province is recommending vaccination against both swine flu and Victoria flu for people age 65 and older, and people age 20 and older who have certain chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease. We plan to vaccinate them with one inoculation before the diseases strike -- if they strike. There is no charge. We are also offering no-cost swine flu vaccination to - other people age 20 and older who want to be vaccinated. But no one will be required to accept vaccination--itis a personal and voluntary decision. What these flus are Both flus are caused by contagious viruses that spread directly from one person to another, just like the common cold. (Swine flu is not caused by eating pork.) Swine flu is suspected of being similar to the 1918-19 flu which was responsible for the deaths of 20 million people world-wide, including 45,000 Canadians. Victoria flu was responsible for many deaths and illnesses as recently as last winter. Symptoms Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Werry (Joanne LeDuc) who were married in Port Perry on Saturday, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Mar- low, Patricia and friend of Dundas were .. overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs, Neil Bailey, Tard and, Howard rand they all attended the Werry-L.e Duc wedding in Port Perry on Saturday. Mrs. Diane Balfour, Steven and Brenda of Oshawa were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilson of Elkhart, Ind., visi- ted over the Thanksgiving "weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Monte Tucker, 7A, Blackstock. A capacity crowd attended _ Inter Church Choir praise Cantata "Alleluia" spon- sored by Blackstock and Nestleton United Church Women, held at the Black- stock United Church on Sun- day evening. The evening began with an Orchestra Prelude and continued through a moving service of Praise with song and word. Following the service most stayed for an hour of fellow- ship in the Christian _Edu- * cation Room. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and family on the passing of Harold's mother last week. THE FLU. This is how _ Ontario's no-cost flu protection program will work. scar. vaccine through the skin of the arm. The injector can vaccinate 1,000 people an hour, and it has been used safely for many years. Flu vaccination does not leave a Possible side effects for those who should be vaccinated : Most people will have no side effects from this vaccination. Serious side effects are rare, but they can occur -- as with any vaccination. Minor side effects can include a sore arm, headache, fever and muscle aches, lasting one or two days. If these minor symptoms persist, contact your doctor. Protection through vaccination starts in about three weeks and will probably last a year or more. Who should NOT be vaccinated If you are allergic to chicken eggs, chicken or chicken feathers, don't be vaccinated at all, because the vaccine is made from chicken eggs and can cause a severe reaction. If you have fever, acute respiratory or other active infections, don't be vaccinated while you are ill. No one should be vaccinated for swine flu within 14 days before or after any other vaccination. The symptoms are usually fever, muscle aches, headaches, chills and coughing. It takes one to three days from the time the virus gets into your system until you start feeling ill. The flu lasts two to seven days. With severe infections, flu can kill. Swine flu can kill within 24 hours. Ontario's no-cost vaccination program To ward off these two flus, Ontario's 44 local Medical Officers of Health will administer a province-wide Flu vaccine will protect 80 to 90 per cent of those vaccinated -- but there is no drug or antibiotic to cure flu, so vaccination is desirable. For further information about the flu vaccination program, contact your local public health unit. a good rod abhendid the All Candidates meeting at the Rec. Centre on Thursday evening. All 24 candidates were present and spoke briefly and answered quest- ions from the floor. The evening concluded "with coffee and lunch and infor- mal chatting with the. can- didates. Sympathy is extended' to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes on the 'passing of her brother- in-law, Mr. Reg Sutton of Orono, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Romeril (Cheryl Rahm) who were married in Port Perry United Church on' Saturday. Winners at the Senior Citi- zen. Card Party with '15 tables were: 1st Ralph Day, 81; 2nd Effel Forder, 80; 3rd Marion Bell, 80; 4th Bert Gibson, 70; 5th Pearl Day, 78:-6th Anné Manns, 77; Low Margaret Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells. and: Wendy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells. The November. General U.C.W. meeting held in the C.E. Centre, was opened at 8 p.m. by the President, Jean Adams, who gave a reading telling of 'how God told Moses to: "Go", and He would be with him. The Worship, led by Gladys Thompson, began with a solo, "Blowing in the Wind", sung by Gajl Malcolm. Elizabeth Skelding read from the second Chapter of James followed by the read- ing of Psalm 52 by Gladys, whose meditation stressed the belief that "faith is dead if it is not the kind that results in good deeds"; Four verses. of Hymn 380 were sung. After a brief discussion of business, Beth Schryburt capably intro- duced the guest speaker, Mr. A. Strike, a Bowman- ville lawyer, who openéd his remarks by complimenting the artist who had done the beautiful and varied posters relating to his theme. The most interesting address gave the gathering of men and women a broad general knowledge of Wills....what . happens if there is no will, the need of making a will, when a will is or is not necessary. Gift tax, depen- dent children, continuance of a business or farm, com- mon law situations, the cost of drawing up a will, etc., were among the many de- tails explained. Two final tips were given...joint ownership is often advisable and do tell your loved ones where and what your assets are. After answering a number of questions from the floor, Mr. Strike was thanked by Beth and presen- ted with a gift. Several pamphlets were distributed and benediction, led by Jean Adams, brought the meeting * Lunch and- to a close. visiting followed. Ministry of Health 5 Frank Miller, William Davis, Minister Premier N 5 . Province of Ontario vaccination program. Dates, places and times of clinics in your area will be announced. Many of Ontario's 2,200 public health nurses will carry out the actual vaccinations. Some family physicians will be vaccinating their own chronically-ill patients. Your Ontario Government pays all costs. Vaccinatioii$ will be given with traditional needles or with fast painless air spray injectors that shoot a light spray of ° w ¢ 3 v of e |S & s | o | . » | ¢ ° v »