vr Da te ~ A a EE TI Se ey LIL N ORL 'ea - SHUM IRAE SOA FARM, FURNITURE. ESTATE & ANTJQUE : AUCTIONS EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER Claremont -- 649.2115 Stouffville -- 640-3079 MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER- Auction hall and Sale Barn Facilities Livestock & Implements FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Port Perry .985.2459 JOHN ANNIS Auctioneer FURNITURE (Antique and Modern) Livestock, Estates and Business Closeouts Phone 985-3477 ** - RON KING AUCTIONEER Auction Sales of all types. Phone Port Perry 985-2643 5 ORVAL MCLEAN Auctioneer 15 Yr. Experience All Types of Sales At your Place Or in our Barn 30 WILLIAM ST. s., LINDSAY 324-2791 Home 324-2783 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 TIME: 12 NOON HOLSTEINS Malmont Debut Sale at Malmont Farms Sales Arena, 2 mile south of Blackstock, Ontario. 50 Head - This is a selected group with top quality and fall pedi. grees. Features of the sale include a three generation Very Good "Rockman", several daughters of Very Good dams. A group of tall bred heifers with full pedigrees and shew type heifer calves. Sires represented include "Ned", 'Citation R", "Rockman", 'Emperor", "Unique", "Never Fear', 'Royal Mark", "Ladysman", etc. This sale will be preceded by the official opening of the new Malmont Sales Arena. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase a top young cow or foundation heifer. Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer, Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of all the material from the Sunderland Arena, to be held in Sunderland. This includes all steel roofing and siding, 2 x 4 material, planks, rafters, assorted lengths; inch lumber; etc. the entire arena, this has been care. fully taken down, and will be sorted, anyone thinking of build- ing a driving shed, addition to your barn, or such like be sure to attend this sale. Everything must be sold to make way for the new arena, terms cash. Note sale time 10 a.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers, Ph. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. A Collector's Collection Antiques Glass & Furniture at CLARE. MONT COMMUNITY HALL, Claremont, Ont., the property of Joe Ward, Oshawa. Coleman Gas lamp (orig. shade): Cole- Early' American kitchen lamp (original shade); 3 coal oil lamps (glass); 4 glass coal oil Blown); 5 miniature 'coil oil lamps; 5 railroad lanterns; job lot of parts for lamps; Gone with the Wind lamp (base only); coal oil lamp (hand painted base); brass lamp (electrified); bunsen burner; all brass lantern; 2 buggy 'lanterns; carriage lan. tern (very old); 2 barn lanterns; 2 candle lanterns; carrying light (outdoor); all brass blow torch; 2 brass candle sticks; pr. brass candle sticks (4 inches); 5 brass harness bells; brass farm syringe; brass sealing wax heater} brass calling-card tray; brass teapot (small); brass Coleman gas pump; set (6) brass escutcheons; pr. brass butcher beam scales ;brass auto- mobile tire pump; brass cold-air register; brass jam kettle; set of household scales (Fairbanks 2 Ibs.) ;2 pipe-hole floor registers; 3 copper soldering irons; char- coal iron; "Number 8'* iron; set of 3 irons with handle; Naickel plated copper tea kettles; tobac- co cutter; meat saw (very old); meat grinder; tin dust pan; ash shovel; 1-man cross cut saw; horse weight; barking peeler; animal trap (dated 1852); bear trap; 2-bladed axe from Br &61.; ship builder's adie; bad saw with claws (Circa 1800); 2 cast iron pots; pr. sheep shearers; stove poker; cabinet maker's wooden clamps and marker; hand saw (very old); monkey wrench; fishing spear; 2 prs. of blacksmith's tongs; blacksmith's cold set; tinsmith's hammer; screwdriver (very old); dressing tool for millstone; hand auger (2 in.); coping saw; 3 wooden moulding planes; saw set; folding kitchen towel rack; sleeve ironing beams': wooden ironing board; smal}, wooden carpenter's vice; set of gun stock checkering tools; job lot (curtain rod ends, wooden cur- tain rings); qt. dispensing oil can; 3 clothes hooks (very old); cotton grain bag; tin honey pail (10 |ps.);cream pail (Orillia); wooden barrel spigot; round tin carrier (10 x 7'); large foun- tain pen (Circa 1910; tain pen (Circa 1910); pr. of early sunglasses; 3 straight razors; 2 flat.fifty cigarette boxes; pr. folding cookstove shelves; bank (bronze, horse); winter oxen-shoe (mounted); pr. cowboy fancy cuffs (Alberta, Circa 1900); pewter flask with cap; Barbara Ann Scott doll; 4 insulators; hanging lamp (coal oil). Furniture: small oak shelf; 2 sets of horse- shoe candle holders (on wall); 2 organ stools; arrow back rock- ng chair; Boston rocking chair; ressed back rocker; bow back kitchen chair; secretary's chair (old); oak chair (small); small pine table with drawer & shelf; butternut table; cherrywood table with drawer; solid walnut coffee table (23 x 18"') Chippen- dale; oak library table plus armchair; 2 high-back pine cup- boards (refinished); Jenny Lind bed (refinished); oak square coffee table (2 ft. painted, oak); 2 mantle clocks; Ogee clock with wooden works (running); small walnut school clock (Ansonia, ht. 19 in.); small oak desk; oak table (40x24); picture frames; new granny square cro- cheted afghan (80 x 60°'); pink depression cookie jar; pink de. (705) 357-3270. N17 pression butter dish; pink de. pression relish dish; pink de. man gas lamp (without shade); . finger lamps (1 green, 2 Free" 'glass plate with handle; Malmont Sales Arena Official Opening Ceremonies FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - 12 Noon followed by MALCOLM DEBUT SALE Rick Johnston & | ' BARN DANCE - 9 P.M. Music by Neighbours, Friends & Customers Welcome. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock His Country Boys WIE) Sl ne Li 24, CTION SALES pression serving dish; pink de- pression fruit bowl; pink depres- sion fruit bowl & 6 nappies; sewing basket, Dishes: Cran. berry biscuit jar (frosted); Cranberry pickel cruet; Cran- berry sugar shaker; Cranberry vase (large); 2 Cranberry rib- bed vases; Cranberry rosebowl; small partial Cranberry; punch bowl sef (Early Canadjan, 8 original- pieces); Early' Can. adian pressed glass fruit bowls; fruit | (loop and star); cut glass "fruit bowl; 10 matching fruit nappies; 2 fruit bowls with legs & 1 nappy; dessert set, 1 amber serving plate, 6 matching individual plates; 6 matching punch cups; large, high fruit bowl; 2 salad or fruit bowls; small compote; syrup dispens- er; 2 plates (royal couple); blue leaf design relish dish; 5 old dinner plates; green butter dish; 2 carnival glass bowls; relish dish in silver holder; spooner (ribbed van); celery dish (Westward Ho); fruit nappy (Westward Ho); 2 cream and sugar sefs; Bon Bon dish; water glass set (pitcher & 5 glasses); 3 goblets (notched bull's eye or fillet, New York, Honeycomb Loop and honeycomb); sandwich tray (grape design); pedestal cake plate (lyre or harp); hand pain- ted dish); pressed glass candy dish (small, gilt edge); 3 master salts; 3 individual salts; crackle glass vase (green); small Dela- ware glass dish (green); hair receiver (Circa 1850-60); cream pitcher (Classic); 2 cups and saucers (1 limoge, 1 very fine China); 2 ornamental shoes (pressed glass, daisy); mirror (small on stand); framed mirror; large mirror (appr. 40' x 30"); ornate mirror (picture of girl at the top); cornflower serv- ing dish; 8 pc. of stamped "Made in Occupied Japan' orn- aments); 2 aluminum egg cups & 1 toothpick holder; corner valance box; pr. of ornamental mirtor wall plaques; black vase; 4 glass flower vases; 2 ruby glass vases; ruby water pitcher & 5 matching glasses; short ruby glass vase; double flower bud vase; 2 shaving mugs; Beaver qt. jar; Gem Jar (patented 1867); safety seal jar & old sealers; 2 gal. Spirit jug (address & telephone no. imprinted); salt shaker (pewter top); 9 pc. dining room suite. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 11:00 a.m. Earl Gauslin, 640-3079 & Norm Faulkner 640-5691, Sales Managers & Auctioneers. » 4 HOMES BY AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 10:00 A.M. A scenic property consisting of 10.89 acres with stream and good pond site. Completely renovated farm home, largé kitchen, spacious broadloomed living area. 80 x 80 bank barn would suit livestock or storage. This property has excellent location, being 3 mi north of Uxbridge and 2 miles west on Durham Road 11, only 30 miles from metro Toronto on good paved road. Property may be viewed by contacting owner Paul Dempster, 852.7517. Terms $5000 down day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 30 days. 11:00 A.M. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, 5 miles north of Uxbridge at Leaskdale, Va mile east of store. Beautiful new English Tudor-style home on 2'2 acres, 4 bedrooms, 24 baths, large kitchen, family room with fireplace and patio, formal living and dining rooms. 1st floor laundry, double garage, large basement, electric forced air furnace, air conditioning. This home is spacious-beauti- fully done throughout. Many extras including top quality broadloom. This property may be seen by contacting owner at 852.6082. Terms $5000 down day of sale, 30 days to arrange balance, present 1st mortgage could be taken over, owner will. ing to take second mortgage. 1:00 P.M. Must sell 2 new homes by auction - Lot 2 on York St., Cannington, both side split. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and living rooms, den with walkout, 12 baths. Finished fireplace in basement, large laundry room, vinyl on floors in kitchen and baths. Carpet throughout. Lot size 60 x 150. Homes wil be open for inspection from 7 - 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 18. Terms $3000 down on each property day of sale, 30 days to arrange balance. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux. bridge, 416-852-3524. N17 ) Vv CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 7:00 P.M, > Three miles east of Little Bri- tain, or 7 ites yest of Lindsay on Lindsay-Liftlé Britain Road. Grand upright piano; 3 pc. bed- room suite; oak tables; Westing. house refrigerator; oak china cabinet; qty. of dressers; Quebec heaters; antique rocking chairs; pine chest of drawers; qty of oak chairs; walnut china cabinet; platform rockers; 1971 Ford v2 ton (not, certified); press back rocker; 8 pc. toilet set; plus. many more antiques, furniture and household itéms. Terms cash. Open for showing Thursday, November 18, 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Don Corneil, Auction. eer, R. R. 1, Little Britain, 786-2183. SATURDAY, ER 20 SALE TIME: 3:00 P.M. PUREBRED & GRADE " DAIRY GOAT DISPERSAL Selling for PAT AND AL. MCQUINN, 9 miles north of Bowmanville, 40 head of Pure- bri nd Grade high quality goats, cluding 4 purebred Nubian females, 3 purebred Nubian males; one purebred Alpine male; recorded females; and several good grade milking goats. All mature goats are bred to a purebred buck. Equip- ment includes lambs bar; tatoo set; dehorner; 600 bales of alfal- fa and mixed hay and other items. Catalogues available. contact Liptay Auctioneers, R. R. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. 263-2117. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Livestock, some older Imple- ments, some Household Furni- ture, the property of GORDON GILSON, lot 6, Con. A, Mari- posa Twp., 3 miles south of Little Britain, 4 miles west and 2 miles south. Machinery & Furn- iture: 1948 Ford 1 ton truck, 1960 Vauxhall car; corn scuffler; McLaughlin cutter; democrat;rubber tired buggy; cutter; buggy; wicker baby car- riage; gramaphone; Williams treadle sewing machine; Mc- Clary cook stove; round table top; some antique furniture; radio record player; wooden chest; 1971 Ski -Roule 25 h.p.; antique spooled type couch; many other items. Cattle: 35 mature Hereford cows with 35 calves by side - bull exposed June 1st.; 5 Hereford heifers, 2'4 yr. old, bred; 7 Hereford heifers V2 _yr. old, open; 7 Hereford steers, 12 yr. old; 1 Purebred Hereford Bull, 5 yr. old. Terms cash. No reserve. Machinery & Furniture sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle sale at 1:30 p.m. Carl & Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 1-705-324-9959. N17 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Large dispersal of antiques, fur- niture, glass, collectibles, in. cluding many pine pieces; 75 chairs; tables; chest of drawers; and hundreds of items. The property of STANLEY'S ANTIQUES in Leaskdale, 7 miles north of Uxbridge. A sale you won't want to miss. Full details next week. Lloyd Wilson, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. a6. "complete. - Jill 2701755; Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Livestock and Implements, the property of GARDNER AYER, Lot 15; Con. 3, Cartwright Twp., 1 mile east of County Rd, 57 on the 3rd Concession of Cartwright (south east of Blagkstock) of.) mile south of Blackstock and/1v2 | miles east." Machinery: 1971 Ford 500 diesel tractor, power steering, complete; New Hol- land 38 Baler PTO; Triple 'K type cultivator 3 pt.; Agretec auto bale stooker; Allis. Chal- mers' cut-ditioner mower PTO (Hay Bine type}; 10° Cullopak; 1975 George White field sprayer, 100 gallon tank - 12' booms; Int. B250 diesel tractor with manure loader, not running; Churn tank type manure spreader PTO - home made; 1970 Patz silo unloader in 18' silo; Berg stable cleaner 200' of 'chain with chute, small qty. of small items. Dairy Equipment: Muel- ler 400 gal. bulk milk tank - fully re-conditioned; 1970 Surge dumping station; Surge.milking pump; 4 Surge units; Stainless steel strainer; milk. house heater. Hay & Grain: Approx. 3000 bales of mixed hay; approxe] 12 ton of mixed grain. regis- tered Cattle: Lot 1 - Cranberry Telstar Bridgjt 2556030; Lot 2 - Emerald Allstar Lori 2556027; Lot 3 - Cranberry Leader Dede 2441231; Lot 4 Cranberry Achievement Dawn 2354029; Lot 5 - Taska Sandra Centurion Melissa 2578282; Lot 6 - Gay Meadow Reflection Carol 1982641; Lot 7 - Taska Intensifier Lot 8 Balsam Grove Jennie 2135423; Lot 9 - Carewfields Ivy H 2546780; Lot 10 - Sarlan Allstar Irene 2567824; Grades: Holstein cow, fresh Oct. 29; Holstein cow, milking - open; Holstein cow, fresh Sept. 8 - rebred; Holstein cow, fresh Sept. 13 - rebred; Holstein cow, fresh in April - rebred June 20; Holstein cow, bred July 1; Hol- stein cow, fresh March - bred July 2, safe in calf; Holstein cow, fresh Aug. 1 - Bred Oct. 15;« * Holstein cow, bred May 26 - due Feb.; Holstein cow, fresh Aug. 1 - bred Oct. 7; Holstein cow, frash Mar. 5 - bred Aug. 7; Holstejn cow, fresh March - bred Aug. 2}; Holstein cow, fresh Nov. 9; Hdl- stein cow, bred April - due Jan.; Holstein cow, fresh Sept. 30 - rebred; Holstein cow, fresh Sept. 8 - open; Holstein cow, bred June 19; Holstein cow, bred June 28;-Holstein cow, milking - open; Holstein cow, fresh Feb. 18 - bred May 18; 4 Holstein heifer calves, 3° wks old; 1 Holstein calf born Oct. 29; 5 Holstein Bull calves, 1-6 mops. old; 1 Purebred Holstein heifer; 6 Grade Holstein heifers, 1 yr. old; Purebred Holstein Bull. Herd will be pregnancy checked before sale. Giving up farming! Terms cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Dairy Equipment at 2:30 p.m., follow- ed immediately by cattle. Cari Hickson, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 1.705. 324-9959. \ \- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Consignment auction of used Ski Doo's, snowmobiles, trailers, new suits, equipment, cars, etc. at McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, LINDSAY. We- expect a large no. of machines. Please register early so we can advertise your unit. Contact Midtown Sports Ltd. 324.2791 or Orval McLean; Auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. Auction Sales |< SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 ~ SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Estate of late CORA KING, 153 St. John St, Cannington. Real Estate - good brick 2 bedroom house, full. basement, new oll furnace, front room dining room and kitchen, all [n good condit. (reserve bid). Some anti. ques; furniture; appliances; dishes; tools; etc. Good color * television; spin washer; dining room suite; automatic range; quilts; dressers; hall mirror; oil lamp; rocking chairs; blanket box; drop front desk; dishes; efc. No reserve. Sale 1 p.m. Real Estate 3 p.m. House open for inspection, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 4 to 8 p.m, or by appointment with the auctioneer, Orval Mc- Lean, 324-2783, Lindsay. N17 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Livestock and Implements, the property of DAVID PATTER. SON, Lot 7, Con. 3, Dummer Twp., 4 miles east of Peter: borough on Hwy. 7, 4 miles north and 8 miles east on County Road 8 to Cottesloe & V2 mile north or b 7 miles west of Norwood (7 miles east of Douro). machinery: Nuffield 342 diesel tractor, new tires and motor; Allis Chalmers WD gas tractor with loader; 1970 New Holland 717, 1 row forage harvester; 2 New Holland 8-ton forage wagons - 3 beater. with. roofs; Gehl throw blower (long -hopper) with 40' of pipes - New Holland hood; New Holland 270 baler; 1974 McKee 7 snow blower; 1976 New Holland 175 bus. manure spreader new Feb. 1976; many other articles too numerous to mention. Pro- duce: Approx. 6000 bales 1976 first cut hay; approx. 140 ton of corn silage in silo; Milking Equipment: Delaval 60 can milk cooler - new April 1976; Universal pipe line milker with automatic washer, 3 units, double stainless steel wash tanks; 2 Surge Milk Meters with clamps; Universal milker pump 2 h.p. motor; other items. Cattle: Lot 1. Koerland Rock- master Susan 2742636; Lot 2 - Bateman Pontiac Pabst 2076221; Lot 3 - Rusawhill Dude Maggie 2642174; Lot 4 - Rosendale Bingo Henny 2471709;Lot 5 - Koerland Texal Monica 2823164; Lot 6 - Geoirma Lodestar Laurie (Twin) 1971036; Lot 7 - Kenvale Paula 002-36-02; Lot 8 - Still. brook Collen 005-22-04; Lot 9 - Stillbrook Peggy ,005.22-07; 83544W4 Holstein cow, 4 yr. old - pasture bred; 60803Y4 Holstein cow, 3 yr. old; pasture bred; 8 Holstein cow; 5 yr. old; fresh Aug. 20; 68120Y4 Holstein cow, 3 yr. old - pasture bred; W245142 Holstein cow, 8 yr. old - bred, due Jan. 23/77; 83571W4 Holstein cow, 3 yr. old - due Nov. 12; 68122Y4 Holstein cow, 4 yr. old - pasture bred; 83535Y4 Holstein cow, 5 yr. old . open fresh Aug. 18; 83569W4 Holstein cow, 3 yr. old - bred; 83539W4 Holstein cow, 5 yr. old - open, fresh Aug. 21; 59535T3 Holstein cow, 7_yr. old; bred Aug. 3; 83558W4 Hol. stein cow, 5 yr. old - bred Apr. 16; 85555W4 - Holstein cow, 7 yr. old - open fresh Sept. 3; Jersey cow with calf by side; Hereford heifer 1 yr. old. All cows will be pregnancy checked before sale. Terms cash, No reserve. Machine sale at 12:30 p.m. Dairy Equipment at 2:30 p.m. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl & Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 1.705.324.9959. N24 TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD |, "until 1957. Ontario. the listener. Although a relative newcomer of six years residence, my family and | have found "The Hills of Uxbridge" in Reach, a fine place to - live...and we'd like to keep it that way. I'm an RCAF veteran of World War |1, with three years overseas service. | was raised on a dairy farm in Eastern Ontario and after the war operated a dairy farm Since then I've had an interesting career in radio and television at CKLC, Kingston; CHE X, Peterboro; CKNX, Wingham; and the CBC in Toronto, interpreting farm life and agriculture for both farmers and non-farm residents in For the past four years I've been producer for the CBC radio program, "Fresh Air", an early morning Saturday and Sunday show with Bill McNeill and his friends who bring the many small but very important aspects of rural life to | respectfully ask for your support as Council- lor in Ward |, Scugog on December éth. CLIFF ROBB J 3 2 <¢ » AY ¥ » FJ AN L 4 I Q @ A ". qe [5 r 4 I) & 1 a » 4 |