1 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1976 Seagrave and area news of interest - by Diane Puckrin Unit 2 gals and hubbies get those arms limbered up as we are heading for the Port Perry Bowling Lanes on Saturday evening, Nov. 27th. More details on this 'event will be discussed at our next. meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crosier on Monday evening Nov. 22nd. Also, a Christ- mas Cookie exchange will take place at this time. U.C.W. Fellowship Dinner is planned for Monday even- ing, Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Port Tavern. Please give Glenda Hutcheon a call if you are planning to attend. Once again, Mrs. B. Wana- maker has invited us back . to her home after our dinner for a gift exchange. - U.C.W. General meeting was held in the church Wed. last, and 'a Christmas party was voted on taking the place of our usual meeting on Dec. 8th in the church. Donations to the birthday box at church Sunday morn- ing came. from Luella Short, Joan Lee and Kevin Jones. Happy Birthday to you folks and anyone else celebrating another year. A very enjoyable evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter Satur- day evening when Unit 1 ladies held another success- ful euchre party. High ladies prize went to Maureen Coxworth and low to Enid Delair, Nei) Wana- maker took the prize for the high men and Fred Nobbs the low. Other prizes for the evening went to Reta Boe and Donna Wana- maker. A family gathering of about thirty attended a combined luncheon and shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckrin Sun- day in honour of Marilyn's cousin, Miss Jacquelin Beaton's forthcoming marriage. Saturday evening found the Fred Puckrin's Roy Puckrin's and Keith Puckrin's reminiscing with old school chums and teachers at their former high school, Pickering High which was celebrating its 25th anniversary of serving the district. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tobin and family of Blackstock enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller of Coldwater were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin and attended the Pickering High School reunion with them, On Saturday evening, Nov. 6, the Audley Com- munity Club were guests of Fred and Mildred Puckrin. Sixty-five members and friends were present when a representative from Con- sumers Gas spoke and showed pictures on activi- ties of the gas company. Sounds like Don and Marilyn Beacock had a very enjoyable weekend, Satur- day evening they, along with sister Shirley and John Foster and brother Keith and Donna Rodd took mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rodd out to dinner at The Town and Country then took in the Ice Capades now playing. in Toronto. Sunday found them back-in Toronto giving that jolly ole fellow, Sant§, a grand welcome at Eaton' Ss Santa Claus parade. Lee and Blair took in this event with Mom and Dad and sister Shirley and Annette and Scott Foster. Greenbank Ladies Auxil- iary including Seagrave Beavers are planning a. Christmas bazaar, tea table . and bake table to be held in Greenbank: Church on Saturday, December 11 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A Parent-Teacher meet- ing took place at Greenbank hool last Monday night where an election of officers took place. Mr. Terry Lavereau is President, Greg Smith - Vice President, Pat Green - Secretary and Roger Boyle - Treasurer. At 'this meeting parents were shown how reading (continued on page 25) DIRECTORY ANALDA LANDSCAPING & NURSERIES Hwy. TA and West 4 Line [S$ miles east of Port Perry) 986-477 ANDREWS ELECTRIC Renovations, Alterations, Rec Rooms, Electric, Heating Commercial & Residential ¢/0 P.O. Bpx 4, Port Perry Phone Res. 985-3356 DON CORNEIL Auctioneering Services Sales At Your Residence or In Our Auction Barn R.R.#1, LITTLE BRITAIN [705] 786-2183 191 Queen St., EMNVIER AGENCY LIMITED Port Perry [416] 985-7306 SUBMARINE Subleys LAKEVIEW PLAZA Corner 7A & Water St. Call 985-713 (CUE CALE NR 985-8149 H. F. GRANDER Ontario Land Surveyor 30B Water Street South PORT PERRY. Onts Phone. R. R. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Seagrave 985-3481 TIMMS GARAGE COLLISION REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES | Saintfield 985-7515 Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tol. -- Mac 3 Elsctronics SALES & SERVICE T.V.'s & Sterens CB RADIOS A ANTENNAS TOWERS ETC MANCHESTER, ONT. J) AT HWY. 7A & 12 PHONE 985-8043 A-1 ELECTRIC Electrical Contractor ' Commercial Industrial - Service - Free Estimates " John Heyes [705] 786-2850 -R.R.-3, Little Britain Residential Clarence's Mobile WELDING All phases of Welding & Repairs Phone 985-2589 Chee: those people at Maylap just never seem to quit when it comes to building dependavility Available at: HOMESTEAD FURNITURE by Ballard & Carnegie Ltd. 2 Scugog St, Port Perry 985-245 [J Ron Rankin AND SONS General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985-7679 SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel Dem MIKE'S PAINTING INTE RIOR X Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM "ALCAN" Fascia - Trough 20 Year Written Guarantee Siding - Soffit - 985-3747 ' / MPTON CABLE T.V. AMOS & QUINN TV viewing ol SHE INES || | tie os Insured & Licensed 985-8171 Phone 640-4059 Box 73 Port Perry A.J. SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 985-7031 985-2751 i Port Perry, Ontario. 250 Queen St., BERNARD T. CHANDLER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone 985-3722 Res. 985-3972 Scugog Plumbing NEW INSTALLATIONS REASONABLE RATES Special rates for Senior Citizens, BOX 966 - PORT PERRY Phone 985-3837 Rick Larocque ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL & FARMWIRING® _ R.R. 2, Port Perry, Ont. 985-326) RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR paperhanging DECORATING painting . spraying All Your Aluminum Needs. SENNOY ating S ile R. S. THOMSON ~ HEATING --- 985-3365 Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks BRIAN S. JORDON PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE ~ . BLACKSTOCK . "e440 Foundations Jone Buckley Masonry, Brick, Block and Stone Work Cottage Raising - Alterations BUCKLEY MASONRY Oshawa $79-1179 or $79.2541 Painting - Roofing WwW ) | | YHygrade Fuels R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ont. AGENT: Port Perry - 985-7951 95.2975 Wood & Metal GARY YOUNG L. GILBANR Services "ANTIQUE POEs n renchin { H 1 1 Pumps & Walter Softener Lots t welled ae Ne Stripping & Dipping lb in eners Aqareaates Snow Removal Con. 11 East Jim * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 986-4962 Scugog Island Gritfin 655-4936 Superior WES LANE RELIABLE Aluminum Plumbin PLUMBING & : g HEATING WINDOWS & DOORS ating Bert Faber -- 3 Week Delivery -- Port Perry 985-2473 Ornamental Shutters ' - Custom Made - ARVICE FISHER 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE -- Complete Parts Plan - $16.95 per yr. ! " HEATING CO. FREE FURNACE CLEANING & 24 HOUR SERVICE TOOUROIL CUSTOMERS fo) Call 985-3998 RON'S ROOFING & EAVESTROUGHING ALT & STEEL dors ALUMINUM AA OALVANITED EAVES ROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES = Phone 985-3959 | Custom Built Homes by ) STICHMANN HOMES LTD. 985-2454