IV 400,000acres isa fairslice of Canada's corn cake There will be close to 2.6 million acres of corn grown in Canada this coming year. More than 400,000 acres will be planted with Pride varieties. And that's a fair slice of the cake. No-one gives you that sort of market share, It's not magic and it's certainly no accident. It has to be earned the hard way - like 25 years experience in the corn business, a continual research and development program and an aggressive expansion program into the new corn areas of the Maritimes, Quebec and Western Canada. You can buy seed corn from more than 18 different sources, each with a network of dealers, but you cannot escape the facts. There's no substitute for experience. Let us prove it to you. King Grain Limited P.O. Box 1088 Chatham, Ontario, Canada N7M 5L6 LOCAL DEALERS ARE: LORNE PARROTT 655-3024 R.R. 1, Oshawa, Ontario. ROY PUCKRIN 985-7480 R.R. 5, Sunderland, Ontario. DON FREW 986-5568 R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ontario GRANT PARROTT 357-3555 R.R. 5, Sunderland, Ontario. Prentice - St.Paul's Presbyterian Church in Simcoe was the setting for the marriage of Mary Elizabeth Baldock, daughter of Mrs. Helen E. Baldock of Simcoe and the late George W. Baldock, and Barry Everett Prentice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everétt Prentice of Port Perry. Rev. Ferguson Barr officiatéd: Wedding music was played by John Jull. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, David Baldock. Dale Bar- rett of Toronto was matron Blakely - On September 25, 1976, the Immaculate Conception Church, Port Perry, was the setting for the wedding of Sue Ann Catharina DeHaas to Trevor Lorne Blakely with Father Botman, S.C.J. offici- ating. ' | The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin "Do you mean beyond a reasonable doubt?" Wedding Invitations available at the Port Perry Star 985-7383 Baldock of honor. Jodi Beth Green- field, niece of the bride, of Hudson, Que., acted as flower girl. Murray Barrett of Toronto was bestman. A reception and buffet dinner for the immediate families was held following the ceremony. After a four week honey- moon in England, the couple will reside in Guelph, where the bride is one the staff of the University of Guelph Library and the groom will continue studies at the Uni- versity. DeHaas DeHaas, R.. 4, Port Perry, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Blakely, Greenbank. The bride given in marri- age by her mother and father wore a floor length white Jersey gown, which she made herself. Mrs. Laura Woodrow, sis- ter of the bride, was matron of honour. Bridesmaids were Miss Gayle Blakely, sister of the groom, Miss Shawne Aitken and Miss Diane Abbey, friends of the bride. Mr. Ian Creese, friend of the groom acted as best man. Ushers were Mr. Clark and Mr. Don Blakely, broth- ers of the groom, and Mr. Peter DeHaas, brother of the groom. The reception was held at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall in Port Perry. Following a honeymoon in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the newlyweds will live in Ottawa, Ontario. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1976 -- 33 , it (al ? a 3 3 ix § - A [ REY | a k we Fall Special Complete Paint Job on any Car or 2 Ten Pick-up Truck for '175.00 with presentation of this ad. B&W AUTO BODY GREENBANK - ONTARIO 985-7135 Wayne Mahaffy Rick Ellicott SE SS SN AS SE SONNY TAR 191 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8123 Stationery & Office Surprly N\ A Division of Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. J Our 1977 Office Accessories are now in!! Drop in and see the new 1977 Office Supplies & Accessories. o CALENDER PADS & STANDS o DESK CALENDER "DOODLE" PADS o APPOINTMENT & DATE BOOKS o OFFICE & POCKET. DIARIES o DAILY JOURNALS e AGENDA BOOKS REPAIR SERVICE WE ARE NOW OFFERING REPAIR SERVICE TO ALL MAKES & MODELS OF OFFICE MACHINERY. bY OFFICE SUPPLIES * SCHOOL SUPPLIES * ADDING MACHINES * TYPE WRITERS * CALCULATORS * CONTINUOUS FORMS * FILING CABINETS * DESKS & CHAIRS ri At KTR an, ATA Ss To Me SN ey La ARR = x TREN ais" | 1 8% a TEN Te > - 3 We AT ANI T IN AD, « . sey _ no nd 'ly - Seat ed NI A I pe J TREAT GET ATE = M . i bn a HATE le FIN IEA RT