[AS < & £2) Scugog Island news and views by Mrs. Earl Reader The "Head" U.C.W. will' meet tonight at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Stickmann. There is a desire to start ) promptly by 8 p.m. Last Mon. evening several members of the "Head" U.C.W. and Scugog Shores Museum met at the museum on the Island to view pictures and learn from Mrs. Duncan of Toronto about various restoration projects in On- tario and how this could relate to the 'Head Memor- ial" church, built in 1860. A week ago, for a few days, Mr. Harld Forder accom- panied several other cattle interested men on a trip to Lloydminster on the Sask. Alberta border. Friday night Janet Reader came home from the Scar- borough College to take part in the Commencement and graduation exercises at the High School. Other Island students who received honours were: Tim Ash- bridge, Lori Cochrane, Kevin Bruce, Robert Csercsa, Lori Raffin, Helen Krajcik, Rick Van Weston, Tilly Bloeman, Greg Fedyk, Monita Appleton, Joanne Foote, Tammy Freeman, Michael Freeman, Michael Adam, Martha Crowell, Ernie Cawker, Janet Bruce, Patricia Haynes. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Beryl Pearce's Sunday School Class entertained the rest of the Sunday School for a Hallowe'en Party at the home of Mrs. Madeline Caw- ker. Of course Beryl and Madeline gave a lot of help and guidance too. All report- ed a good time*"Thank you ladies and scholars. Par- . ents, if you are interested in getting your children into Sunday School, contact one of these ladies and they will be glad to help you. On Sat. night there will be a social evening of cards and lunch at the Scugog Island Hall. Friends and neigh- bours are gathering to hon- our Barry Prentice and his bride of a few months. Mrs! Robt. Cawker's bro- ther and his wife of Saskat- chewan have been on a trip overseas and are now visit- ing with the Cawker family INVEST NOW! Victoria & Grey Trust Guaranteed Investments 0* FOR 5 YEARS -- INTEREST -- is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 193 Queeh St. Port Perry Phone 985-7306 before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells and childrer? drove to their Gull Lake cottage on Sun. There was an extra good attendance at "Grace" church on Sun. when we 'were in for a musical treat, thanks to the efforts of Rev. Clarke, who had invited Prince Albert Choir to assist. First we enjoyed music of four violins played by Bruce Snelgrove, Edna Beckett, Mrs. Weston and Bob Caw- ker with Mrs. Hunter at the piano. The choir sang for us three times and an extra spedialty was the men's quartette. As the Sunday School children stood before Rev. Clarke, he told them a story led them in a song of praise and then prayer. Rev. Clarke's sermon was based on the life of Martin Luther, his deep thinking, his 95° thesis and the Reforma- tion. Next Sun. Rev. Wylie has arranged to have the Kiwan- is Cub of Toronto assist at Scugog * and Manchester Churches. The 3rd Sunday of Nov. will be a special Sun. at Manchester for the Boy's clubs and we later hope to have one on Scugog. Rev." Clarke is 'a very happy" and enthusiastic worker and it appears that he and Rev. Wylie are going to make a great team. We forgot to mention earlier that we appreciated the Sun. that PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1976 -- 27 Ho. Clarke brought Bob Heayn along to sing for us. Bob's singing is very sincere and touching. Some of you may have heard his records. Now, do come out next Sun. and enjoy the inspira- tion in store for us. I'was sorry to have to miss last weeks column. If you have any interesting items, please phone me. Oh, yes. I forgot that the 20 or more quilters under the guidance of Alva Thompson and Reta Wilson got off to a good start last week. Even if they don't become profes- sionals they are having a great time meeting new residents and working to- gether. "'Grace" church basement kitchen is smelling clean with new .paint and the church will soon be made - more comfortable with storn windows. eo BALLARD LUMBER (Actually our 3rd Birthday at our new location but we join with Port Perry Plaza in offering you these special values.) NOVEMBER 3rd to 6th [/)) Citation WALLPAPER & PAINT Paneling 20 Different Panels on Display % OFF LIST ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREES «*14.99 316.95 COMPLETE WITH STAND BIG BURNER 6 Ib. Fireplace Logs ¢ EACH 83 IN CASE LOTS OF 6 87 EACH Less than case lots. 2' 8' x 6' 8' 1%" SELF STORING "ENDURA" DOORS by Indal Mill Finish 2°10" x $30Q% While Stock Lasts 40 IN STOCK 6' 10" (End of Many Units suitable for Sectional Component Walls. Pre-Finished Cabinets| Line Clearances) % OFF Man. List Price (While Stock Lasts) ADVERTISED PRICES ARE CASH & CARRY. HOME BUILDING CENTRE HWY. 7A AT THE LAKE PORT PERRY ONT. 985-7335 BAR oa SIRE Ll A ry £ og - Sr I i a oI bw, ~~ > EY SRY TNL ro Th a MTA - ",