Rigen oo cialis 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1976 Kinettes Donate $500 A cheque for $500. raised by the Kinette Club of Port Perry in their '76 House Tour was turned over to the Community Memorial Hospital on Monday, and will be used for the purchase of equipment. The club has made the hospital donation an annual event for the past four years. From left are: Kinette president; Margaret Lawrence, chairman of the House Tour; "hospital board chairman Howard Hall, and hospital administrator Dave Brown. a Se: CNA Ne { VY x A i re. ~ = Ontario by 1980. energy at home and at work. ® |nsulating and caulking your home nighttime temperatures to 63°F (17°C) once a month practical - x - i in use : i e Installing storm windows and doors Gerri Langille, . Energy. It will cost us $7.5 billion province-wide this year. To help cut that cost, your Ontario Government established the Energy Management Program. The goal is to save $1 billion a year on energy bills throughout . Ninety-five energy management research and demonstration projects are underway to help you use less You too can conserve energy and save money by: e Lowering daytime temperatures to 68°F (20°C) and e Closing drapes on all windows on winter nights e Replacing air filters on warm air heating systems 3 B43 AAR EPL AES DRA A ERR a a BR ih VALI Ere Je ina Ne LEON . Le SAH x hb ¢ A is RA » ATL) URTR0 Yad, ST IFICTAFRREP RIERA VISA VIOE HHO ARR TEAHVEEE PP OR SI FLAME TIVE ZAIRE EERE SAE RLV SH AR FARLEY Wy News of interest from Epsom | | by Jean Jeffrey The Bethesda-Reach W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Cliff Robb for their regular meet- ing Oct. 27. Our topic was Citizenship. Mrs. Carter replied to the motto, We decided to pack a bale for the Unitarian Service to be sent to Vietnam as well as light clothing and soap. There is a great need for towels, sheets, blankets and baby clothes for. their hospitals. Even orderlies and nurses uniforms are in short supply. You could take your donation to a quilting class. We are starting the course this week under the: direction of Mrs. J. Biggle- stone and going to Mrs. H. Boadways for class. Jean Pogue and Dorothy Doble are packing the bale. All donations appreciated. We were sorry to learn that Mrs. Ted Croxall had lost her mother and we ex- tend our sympathy to her. We had guests from other units so had a wonderful evening of fellowship. Four ladies present had attended the Treennial F.W.I.C. con- vention in Charlottetown and a tour of the Maritime prov- inces and Lake Placid area. Mrs. Beatrice Wideman of Altona showed us her beauti- ful slides and shared her happy memories of the tour. The social hour was hosted by Mrs. Boadway and Mrs. Bigglestone. You are invited to attend the 4-H achievement day "Taking a Look at Yourself" Nov. 20 at Uxbridge Secon- dary School. Mrs. T. Croxall and Mrs. L. Doble are direc- tors for Bethesda-Reach 4-H oup. There will be projects on display - a representative from each club will comment on the exhibit. ; There will be club demon- . strations and skits and many presentations of awards. Come and bring a friend. Church Service at Epsom on Sunday was a memorable affair when we welcomed former Pastor the Rev. Ralph King of Goderich as our speaker. Thanks to Mrs. Joan-Lee of Greenbank the guest organist. We also enjoyed the ser- vice of song rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey of Port Perry United Church. All met in the Sunday School rooms after the ser- vice for lunch and an hour of fellowship. There will be a special Church service Nov. 14 at 2:30 when former minister Rev. E. Henderson will be our guest and we will be favoured with music by our owil Centennial choir. Then mark Nov. 20 on your calendar when there will be a variety programme and loads of pie for lunch. Epsom Couples club held their annual Hallowe'en party Friday evening at the beautifully. decorated church. Couples in Costume had a marvelous scavenger hunt and games and lunch was enjoyed by all. This evening was planned by co- hosts Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clow and Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Saturday evening the Ep- som-Utica Young Peoples club had their Hallowe'en party at the church. Their next meeting will be Sat. 13 at Utica Church at 7:30 p.m. If anyone js interested in seeing "The Hiding Place" contact Mike Ward who has tickets. Rides might also be arranged. There is a group going from this area on Friday evening. The Girl Guides were ori a' hike on Sat. They went from Epsom to Ross Munro's. Scout leader Ross Munro and two Scouts, Brad Wilcox and Paul Kerry were out earlier orienteering a route for a further hike through the woods. They all enjoyed a meal cooked in the open. Mrs. Gladys Evans ac- companied - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans home after church. After supper Ross and Barbara took her home and visited Barbara's " parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus Acton. On Wed. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans attended the 25-year recognition banquet in honour of East Central Ontario Holstein- Friesian Fieldman, Mr. Gerald Nelson, Port Perry. About 500 honoured him for his long term ofp Office at Rock Haven Inn near Peter- borough. Mr. Kenneth Jeffery of Parry Sound visited his brother Gordon and Mrs. Jeffery for a couple of days last week. Here is Write to: Ontario Energy Management Program Ministry of Energy 56 Wellesley Street West 12th floor Toronto, Ontario e Using 40 watt instead of 60 or 100 watt bulbs where eo Keeping the damper closed when the fireplace is not Turning off lights and TV when not being used ETE M7A 2B7 Ministry of Energy Dennis R. Timbrell, Minister what you cando to help Ontario conserve energy. eo Warming up your car's engine gradually * Avoiding idling the engine while waiting For more ways to save energy and money, send for the i free booklet "Energy Conservation...The Choices Yours". = William G. Davis, Premier Province of Ontario MESS eh Oh Dannie Watson of Scar- borough was with his grand- parents for a few days last week, Mrs. Ben DeBoers parents have returned to Holland after visiting Mr. and Mrs. DeBoer and family for the past month, On Sat. Mrs. Ross Evans and Mrs. David Simmonds accompanied over : twenty members of the Pioneer girls club from the Baptist Church Uxbridge on a tour of a Dairy farm and a tour of E.P. Taylor's Winfields Farm near Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin visited Mr.-and Mrs. Allen Card Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Les Card of Uxbridge visited Allen and Norine for supper on Thurs- day evening. Mr. Jim Osler of Fenelon Falls spent the week-end with Mr. Ronald Card. - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Catherwood of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. At the last meeting of Manchester 4-H girls at Mrs. Kerry's home the mothers also attended when Mrs. Meek demonstrated "make- up". If you have a donation for the Scout Mothers Bake and Rummage sale next Satur- day at Manchester Hall con- tact Sharon Goslin 985-3393 or Dini Page 985-2939. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powell entertained afiumber of relatives on the occasion of his mother's birthday. Happy Birthday. "You used to lift your visor when you kissed me." John Deere Winter-Beater 650% - 726-7h.p. 3695 - 832-8h.p. A John Deere Snow Blower makes light work of heavy snow. The 7-hp model cuts a 26-inch path, the 8-hp a 32. inch path. Both models have five forward speeds, plus reverse. And a pressure-acti- vated safety clutch. Two- stage design with 16-inch auger. Large 16-inch tires for added traction. ' 3a Save now on a John Deere UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 2 miles west of Manchester 985-3042 & Q A) 2 +