Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 27 Oct 1976, p. 22

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Ne A A 4 adie a RE Ca, A Slebtun NTR AR a0 a Classified Ads 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1976 Card of Thanks Births The family of the late David Dowson wish to thank all our relatives and friends for their kindness during their recent loss. The family of the late Clarence Cook would like to thank friends, relatives, neighbours, the nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital and Nursing Home, Dr. Martin and Mr. Matthew Dymond, Rev. Rose, McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home for their kind acts of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Walter Lynde and family wish to thank Ors. Allin and Cohoon, Port Perry Community Hospital nurses and staff, Rev. Stuart Mcintyre, Burns Presby- terian Church, Ashburn and Mrs. Robert Carson of Carson Funeral Home and Chapel, Brooklin, for the many acts of kindness and efficient service. Thanks, also to friends and rela- tives for cards, flowers, and support during the illness and death of Mr. Walter Lynde. A special thanks to relatives and friends for the lovely flowers, prayers, enquiries, cards and visits while in Port Perry Hospi- tal. Thanks to Dr. Martin and the kind nurses. Mrs. (H.) Myrtle Thomas A special thanks to our neigh- bours and friends of Cartwright for their gift and time spent in preparation for the lovely shower which they gave us on Oct. 8th, we appreciated it very much. Debra and Lloyd Jamieson My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and all local organiza- tions for visits, cards and flow- ers,. Also to Rev. Brawn for his kindness and consideration while | was a patient at Oshawa Hospital. Elwood Tripp We wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Murray Empringham of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Empringham of Agincourt for being co-hostesses of a surprise party held for us at Murray and Trudy's home. The occasion was our 40th Wedding Anniversary. We wish to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for their many beautiful gifts and congratulatory wishes presented to us Sincerely Archie and Ida Empringham, R.R.3, Uxbridge Announcement Mr. and Mrs. James Cawker would like to announce the marriage of their daughter Lois to lan Heacock, son of Mr. and Mrs George Heacock of Edmonton. The wedding took place October 8th at the McDougall United Church in Edmonton, Alberta Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cochrane are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Lorie to Mr. Kenneth Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Wood of Oshawa. Wedding to take place Friday, December 10th at 6 p.m. in Port Perry United Church. The family of Ralph and Leona Sadler invite you to an Open House at their home, R.R.1, Nestleton on Sunday, November 7th from 2.4 p.m. to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. Best wishes only Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahm are pleased to announce the forth coming marriage of their daughter, Cheryl, to Dennis Rorneril, son of Rev. and Mrs. Philip Romeril of Guernsey, Channel Islands. Wedding to take place Saiurday, Nov. 27th, 4 p.m. at Port Perry United Church Birth DOWSON - Chris and Elizabeth (nee Thompson), Port Elgin, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Andrew Christopher, 6 Ibs. 34 02., on Sunday, October 3, 1976 at Kincardine General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allin Dowson of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs, ivan Thompson of Nestleton, A great grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow of Blackstock. "grandchildren, "Carson Funeral ACERRA - Michael and Cathy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Nicole Elizabeth, born October 20, 1967. Special thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff at Port Perry Hospital. SAUNDERS Wayne and Leanne are happy to announce the birth of a son Dereck Wayne, 8 Ibs 14 0zs on Oct. 17th, 1976, at Port Perry Community Hospital A brother for Carrie. Special thanks to Dr. Price and matern- ity staff. At Rest LYNDE, Walter Cleveland : At Pgrt Perry Community Hospital on Thursday, October 14, 1976, in his 90th year, beloved husband of Eleanor Winnifred Taylor of R.R.1, Ashburn, dear father of Stanley Walter Lynde of Ash. burn, Alma (Mrs. F. A. Procun- ier) of Waterford, Gertrude (Mrs A. C. Reid) of Scarborough, Ralph Irvin Lynde of Ashburn, Mary (Mrs. D. A. Pindar) of Sunderland, Joyce (Mrs. R. Gil- lispie) of LaSalette, predeceased by sons Clifford Andrew Lynde 1971, Charles Alfred 1931, Dryden William St. Claire 1936, and daughter Dorothy Isobel 1918. Mr. Lynde is also survived by 15 three great grandchildren and one brother Francis P. Lynde of Ashburn. Predeceased by four sisters and wo brothers. Rested at the Home and Chapel, 79 Baldwin St., Brooklin from 7 p.m. Saturday. Funeral service in the Chapel, 2 p.m. Monday afternoon. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. FELSTEAD, Robert Charles - Suddenly at his residence Black- stock, Ont., on Saturday, Oct. 23, 1976. Robert C. Felstead, dearly loved husband of Mary E. Cornish, dear father of Dianne (Mrs. E. Shaw), Sharon (Mrs. R. Young), Bonnie (Mrs. T. Alexander), Judy (Mrs. R. Beitle), Brian, Larry, David, Norman, Jimmy, Danny, Kathy, Bobby and Lori; also survived by eight 'grandchildren, dear brother of Mrs. Eileen Richards, Mrs. Helen Godfrey, William, George and Norman Felstead. In his 57th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott-Pana- baker, Port Perry for service on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Inter- ment St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. WALL, Richard Owen - At Lake- view Manor, Beaverton, Ont. on Monday, Oct. 18th, 1976, Richard Owen Wall, beloved husband of Esther Annie Smallman, dear father of Ivy (Mrs. John Rahm), of Blackstock, loving grandfath. er of Doris Hamilton of Toronto and Ruth Williamson of Sooke, B.C. and two great grand daughters. In his 91st year. Funeral service at the Chapel of McDermott Panabaker, Port Perry, on Wed., Oct. 20th at 2:00 p.m. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. Notice CERAMIC SUPPLIES Duncan Glazes, stains Sno Kilns Custom Firing classes, Custom airbrushing, Greenware Decals, Gold Country Chic Ceramics, Little Britain 786-2086 Notice - Coming Events CAESAREA Community Hall Ladies Auxiliary 50-500 Draw October 11th winner was Jack McDonald - $236.50. Seller - Eva McDonald. OCTOBER Lions 101 Winners: Don Forder $50.00; Bruce Hull - $50.00; Art Desjardine - $25.00; Mrs. Bob Carnegie $25.00; Don Crosier - $25.00. SANTA CLAUS Parade will be held this year in Port Perry on Saturday, December 4th, 1976. Anyone interested in partici: pating with floats, etc., contact Miriam Price at 985-2281. Tenor Lead, Baritone and Bass, we have just the right spot for you. The Oshawa Chapter of Sweet Adeline invite all ladies who love to sing to attend a special meeting November 1st. For more information call Terry Gerrow 985-2781 or Joan Aldred 985-7893. Lions Blitz for the Blind to be continued until Thursday, Oct. 28th. DON'T Burn 'Leaves. Bag them and call 985-2747 for collection. 027 Women's Conscientious Raising Group for the woman that is feeling alone and isolated and is interested in developing self expression. Small groups are now being formed for women to talk to women. The discussions within the groups will be direct- ed towards sex, marriage, home making, divorce and all aspects of the sexual political roll that all women play. 985-8559 N3 CLUB ANNRENE Dance and Banquet Hall, available for your groups fund raising activities. Book your next years' dates now, while choice dates are still available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. IF YOU WANT to drink alcohol and can, that's your business, If you want to quit and can't, that's For help call, T.F. our business. 985-3609, 985-3111. : LEGION BINGO HALLOWE'EN Please be advised that Council recommends that Hallowe'en be held on Sunday, October 31st, 1976. Coming Events BASEMENT SALE Nov. 4, 5, and 6, lot 29 Robinglade Estates, R.R.2, Seagrave. Good used adult clothing, household art. icles, bedding games and books. N3 ANNIVERSARY DANCE Cath. olic Church Hall, Saturday, Nov. 13. Music by George Beare and the Merrymakers. Bar privi- leges, lunch. Admission $4.00 per person. N3 Coming Events Coming Events Thursday, Oct. 28th, 1976. Jackpot $260. in 58 numbers 7:45 p.m. KINSMEN CLUB BINGO will be "held every Monday at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game 7:45 p.m. Major jackpot $190.00 in 53 numbers, minor jackpot $110 in 62 numbers $5.00 top and bottom line. > PORT PERRY Lions Club Bingo every Tuesday at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game 7:45 sharp. Doors open 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $250.00 in 54 numbers. Admission $1.00 NOTE TIME CHANGE-Business Girls Curling Card Party, Thurs. October 28th at 8:00 p.m. at Curling Club. For tickets call Trudy Empringham 985-3339 or available from Jane Parish at Tickets $6.00 the Royal Bank: per table or $1.50 each. SEAGRAVE United Church Annual Hot Turkey Dinner and Plum Pudding, Wednesday, November 3rd. Starting at 4 p.m., until all served. First come, first served. 027 HARVEST BAZAAR Tea and Bake Sale, Sonya Presbyterian Church, Saturday, October 30, 2-4 p.m. Admission 50c. 027 " Pre-Xmas Holiday to JAMAICA Nov. 26-Dec. 5, 1976 Fully escorted tour of JAMAICA; with a special itinerary to see this beautiful Island-its beauty spotfs-beaches, sugar cane and spice plantations along with their cattle ranches, etc. Our visits will take us from Montego Bay to Ochos Rios and finally for an overnight in Kingston. Low Tour Price: $549.00, in. cludes return economy class-air fare, luxury accomodations in first class hotels for 8 days, sharing twin bedded rooms with bath, all on land transportation and side trips with all gratuities pertaining to the itinerary. Plus the services of a local tour guide and escort, flight bag and the planning and execution of the tour program. Space is limited so contact - CLARE BURT TRAVEL, 16 Queen Street, West, Bramp- ton, Ont., or Mary June Smith in Oshawa (416) 655-3372. TEEN DANCE featuring "CRYSIS" FRIDAY, OCT. 29 LATCHAM CENTRE Doors open 8:45 2.00 Dance PRINCE ALBERT COMMUNITY CENTRE SAT., OCTOBER 30th 9 pm - 12:30 am Modern & Old Time Music by Orvil Selleck $5.00 per couple Light refreshments COME -- HAVE FUN -- Volunteer with the Activity Program for Handicapped Children at Sunnydale. EVERY WEDNESDAY 1:30 to 3:00 P.M. PHONE 985-3658 or 985-7701. _ TOWN HALL COMING EVENTS 1873 PORT PERRY The Next Concert Attraction FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1976 48th Highlanders' Concert Band More about tickets, etc. in later ads. FOR TOWN HALL RENTAL Call 985-2293. ATTENTION All Single, Separated Divorced, Unattached. Adults A super new club forming, offering a dance every Saturday night Weekend bus and Air trips once every moiith Formed solely for the enjoyment of single persons We own our own dance hall and travel agency Membership $5.00 yearly For Information Call 725-4344 Central Ontario Regional Snowmobile Association DANCE PARTY - CLUB ANNRENE "Par 4" -- CONTINUOUS MUSIC -- '| SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1976 FOR TICKETS & RESERVATIONS CALL: Warren Rohrer 986-5318 Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 DANCE at Nestleton Commun. ity Centre, Saturday, Oct. 30th, music by Fay Adams, buffet lunch, $10.00 per couple, bar privileges. For tickets call 986-5580. C.W.L. BAZAAR and Tea, Sat., October 30 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Catholic Church Hall, Scugog Road. _ 027 HOT BEEF DINNER, Sat., Nov. 6th at 5 p.m. at Nestleton Rec. reation Centre, Auspices of the Presbyterian Church. Adults $3.75, children 12 and under $1.50. N3 JANETVILLE United Church Turkey Supper, 'Wednesday, Oct. 27th, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adults $3.50, public school $1.50, pre- school free. TRENTWAY TOURS SPECIAL TO WWVA JAMBOREE Wheeling West Virginia NOVEMBER 26-28, 76. Show Stars DONNA FARGO For details contact: NONQUON TRAVEL 985-2336 ELVIS PRESLEY LAS VEGAS $399 per person 5days - 4 nights includes Elvis Presley concert \ ckets, air fare and hotel. ARMSTRONG TOURS 81 Richmond St. W. Oshawa 725-4344 Teen Dance Oddfellows Hall FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 8 pm. to 12 Admission *2.00 CLUB ANNRENE Fall Dance Band Schedule Oct. 30 - Par 4 Nov. 6 - Sun Nov. 13 - Positive Outlook Nov. 20 - Par 4 Nov. 27 - Little Caesar & The Consuls Dec. 4 - Positive Outlook Dec. 11 - Lockerbie Dec. 18 - Par 4 New Year's Eve - Something Blue For information call: Don Armstrong 725-4344 or 576-6599 < > (4) ES) &

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